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Parkway Nursing


Submitted By yoni19g
Words 2671
Pages 11
Gerd finger founder and CEO of NEwskool Grooves , Gerd was facing some management challenges in so many different direction and asked for our advice on how to keep his organization successful.
The main areas addressed would include organizational structure and boundary less organizations, organizational culture, human resources and organizational socialization. Boundary less organization is organizations that seek to eliminate the chain of command, have limitless span of control, and replace departments with empowered teams. Since this organization is a boundary less organization it is characterized by communicating mainly through email, phone and other virtual methods rather than more traditional face- to- face communication, the freedom to telecommunicate with international employees removes geographical barriers to productivity and allows for schedule flexibility. their might also some disadvantages, that is the message often gets complicated while reaching the low level stuffs, frequently the message gets overloaded and, as a result , loses to accuracy sometimes, lack of openness and trust between managers and employees causes the message to get altered . Newskoll Grooves has taken on a modern from of organizational structure and thus managing it in a traditional sense might not be in Gerd interest but changing old practices and creating new practice based on organizational theories and proven research would serve his best interest . our report informed, indentified ,and deal with issue Gerd believes was essential and we also include a couple of recommendation based on our organizational behavior knowledge .

Organizational structure and boundary less organization Organization are networking together and collaborating more than ever before. The concept of a boundaryless organization was invented at general electric and explained in the book the boundaryless organization ;breaking the tans of chains of organizational structure . they are perfect for rapid innovation, and therefore ideal for companies in the growing technology industry . Boundaryless organizations transcend the rigid lines of bureaucracy and divisional boundaries within a corporation and ignore the borders where the corporation itself is separated from its markets, customers and stakeholders’ defines finance focusing adaptive behavior, this organic structures welcome and thrive on change the informal managerial style is well suited for intricate and non- standard work . Some main example of these boundaryless organizations include strategic alliance, modular, virtual and network organization . Based on what we have observed, the structure Newskool groves seems to have applied is a network organization .(Cadden,Leuder and Knowledge) stated a networkorganiztion is one in which companies outsource their major business functions in order to focus more on what they are in business to do . Some benefits of this structure include
• Overhead is reduced and operating efficiency is increased thus helping Newskool in being cost- competitive .
• By being a network structure and by extension boundary less Newskool Grooves can boast of being lean and streamlined
• New non- traditional roles relating to coordinating business processes are created from this structure
• The ability to employ outsourcing strategies and contract out specialized business functions.
Some of the drawbacks of this structure include;-
• No strong sense of loyality towards the company would be maintained due to outsourcing for example, if the programmers in Kiev are offered better job elsewhere Newskoolstands to lose vaued personnel
• Ased on the complexity o f Newskool’s structure coordinating and managing said structure can become quite problematic.
• Falk recognized that organizations that break down the four boundaries will be faster, more flexible, better able to assemble their resources into products and services (this is the integrative dimension), and therefore better able to generate, harness, and capitalize on new business ideas.

Organizational culture
According to Robbins organizational culture refers to a system of shared meaning held by members that distinguishes the organization from other organizations.
Culture affects and influences how people behave, think, and communicate.
Newskools’ organization
Culture is decentralized and it is expected that cultural issue will arise due to its dynamic work force . some of them are discuss below Limited perspective
Since a decentralized management structure places strategic decision making ability in the hands of lower- level managers, those decisions may be based on a limited local perspective managers in the company who hold higher positions at the executive level tend to have broader perspective and understanding at times, executive and understanding at times, executive level managers are in a better position to make sound strategic decisions since they understand how the company works as a whole.

Lack of coordination
Lower- level managers tend to become separated from other departments and functions in a decentralized organization, sometimes there is a lack of strategic coordination between departments that have to rely on each other, since each manager is following his own set of example
Idea sharing in a decentralized organization may prove to be difficult , some departments may develop new process or procedures that could benefit all employees .since a decentralized management structure doesn’t typically have a central command or communication hub, other departments may not become aware of best practices that could lead to improved productivity . Decision making Some cultures have different decision making styles which are dependent on their values and beliefs this can lead to misunderstanding, slow decision making, failure to make a decision or failure to implement a decision made. Some cultures for example characterized by two main cultures eastern and western; western cultures which is associated with quick impulsive, decisions and actions while the eastern is slower, more comprehensive and contemplative. Ethical choices and conflict resolution
Considerations are to made to cultural difference when dealing with ethics and conflict resolution because it contributes to the way a person thinks or acts. Conflict is sometimes as a result of a lack of communication and this can however be reversed by establishing effective communication based on mutual cultural understanding. Ethical behaviors’ are sometimes influenced public culture, by work environment and organizational factors, where employee’s ethics are not compatible with the organizations; again the implementation of programs to improve employees’ awareness of the different cultures they interact with will play an integral role in curbing this issue.

Human resources
The job characteristics model is based on the idea that the task itself is key to employee motivation. Specifically, a boring and monotonous job satisfies motivation to perform well, whereas a challenging job enhances motivation. Variety, autonomy and decision authority are three ways of adding challenge to a job. Job enrichment and job rotation are the two ways of adding variety and challenge. It states that there are five core job characteristics (skill variety, task identity, task significance, autonomy and feedback) Which impact three critical psychological states (experienced meaningfulness, experienced responsibility for outcomes, and knowledge of the actual results), in turn influencing work outcomes ( job satisfaction, absenteeism, work motivation, etc.) . The five core job characteristics can be combined to form a motivating potential score ( MPS) for a job, which can be used as an index of how likely a job is to affect an employee’s attitudes and behaviors.
Hackman and oldham’s job characteristics theory proposes that high motivation is related to experiencing three psychological states whilst working
1 meaning fullness of work That labor has meaning to you, something that you can relate to does not occur just as a set of movements to be repeated. This fundamental to intrinsic motivation, that is that work is motivating in and of itself( as opposed to motivating only as means to an end)
2 responsibilities
That you have been given the opportunity to be a success or failure at your job because sufficient freedom of action has given you. This would include the ability to make changes and incorporate the learning you gain whilst doing the job.

Knowledge of outcomes
This is important for two reasons .firstly to provide the person knowledge on how successful their work has been, which in turn enables them to learn from mistakes. The second is to connect them emotionally to the customer of their outputs, thus giving further purpose to the work( e.g I may only work on a production line, but I know that the food rations I produce are used to help people in disaster areas, saving many lives).
Gerd wishes to achieve a high level of creativity and independence within Newskools’ work environment, thus determining workforce satisfaction, an important variable would be to make selections based on an individual motivational level and personality types in accordance to each area of the company.
Human resource- selection and hiring
Human resource deals with people and their relationship with their work .human resource is responsible from recruiting, selecting to that of hiring and even training of employees. . Newskool G roves hires employees who are creative, and who will try to make the next thing happen, at the end Gerd makes the final decision or selection of employees placing great emphasis on independent work styles. Once you properly designed your selection system, you would develop competent employees who will match their proposed job specification in the organization.
Let’s start with the initial selection
This is basic information applicants submit and it decides whether they meet the basic qualifications for the job.
Then move on to the substantial selection:
This would involve performance stimulation tests which would determine whether employees can do the job successfully.
To determine job successfulness; do work sample tests which will accurately assess an applicant’s
Based on the Big five traits, the most suitable personalities would be that of persons;
Open to experience
Hiring employees who are more creative, more flexible and autonomous, increased learning which affect training performance enhance leadership, and adaptability to change that are ever occurring in the organization especially when you want to remain ahead of your competitors.
This characterizes employees who are better liked, more compliant and conforming and a higher performer. You want people with agreeableness personality because this people can make decision or agreement without having to wait for board members, and you can come to some agreement without them, having to start any project all over again. When it can be agreed.
Explain employee who have greater effort and persistence, more drive and discipline, better organized and planned, responsible. You want this people because you need people who is driven to performance without them having to bother you.
Human resource- performance evaluation Each of Newskool Grooves offices has its own unique identity and unearthing the perfect way to evaluate performances of individuals in each office or department may be seen as a challenging task.
Firstly we would have to clarify about performance measures and its relevancy before we understand why each office needs its own personalizes performance measure. Performance measures are quantitative or qualitative ways to characterize and define performance. They provide a tool for organizations to manage progress toward achieving predetermined goals, defining key indicators of organizational performance and customer satisfaction.( technology).as we have seen by the organizational structure and culture of Newskool Grooves, determining a fitting performance maeasure would definiteldy have to be based on each functional silo of the organization. Berlin, Kiev and Los Angeles offices all perform differing duties/functions and evaluating their performances would logically be based on their specific contribution towards the company’s end product. And to measure performance there are two systems, performance appraisal system and performance management system. now a day’s many organization are shifting their performance measurement system from appraisal to management system due to total quality, appraisal issuers, strategic planning reasons , and since we believe what we use should be based on new practice the organization should use performance management system .
360 degree evaluation(feedback)
Many firms expand the idea of upward and peer feedback into 360 –degree feedback many firms expand the idea of upward and peer feedback into 360-degree feedback, “here ratings are collected “all around” an employee, from supervisors, subordinates, peers, and internal or external customers. For example if we want to measure the performance of marketing team we can use this method ,that is we can gather feedback from external customers , it is a well known fact that marketing as a functional silo of any organization interacts with a majority of stakeholders associated with said organization, in this case it’s a fact that Newskool Grooves’ marketing team/ department interacts with top-level management, members of other departments ( Kiev and Berlin offices) as well as external customers that is people who purchase Newskool Grooves’ products can evaluate the marketing department which result in most reliable evaluation. Using the following step for better performance management system
1. Setting objectives
These should be set at the beginning of the financial year.
The objective should be agreed between the employees and the managers.
When setting the objective the goals/objective/plans should be done using SMART techniques (specific, measurable, attainable, relevant and time bounded)

2. Performance discussion After setting the objective having regular evaluation through performance discussion is important for effective performance management system
This will help the organization to reviewed each objective and key areas of achievement alongside opportunities for improvement.
3. Development discussion
Once the objectives have been reviewed through the performance discussion the organization will be able to identify areas that require addressing through development
4. Performance summary
The final part of the discussion is to agree an overall rating recommendation, and to record overall comment. The ratings should not come as a surprise, so it is important that individuals understand how they are performing though the year.
The reward as well as the pay progression should be based on overall rating and the overall rating should be specific and in a written document so that there will be less ambiguity. Implementing the above steps help Gerd to promote creatively and out of the box thinking and also initiate the programmers thinking introspectively thus fostering qualities Gerd cherishes.
Organizational socialization
Socialization program that will assist in maximizing employees creativity and independence .socialization can be defined as a process in which individual get familiarize with the organization’s culture. Based on Newskools Boundaryless organization and its ability to continuously re- invent itself to increase productivity and maintain its competitiveness, the establishing of socialization programs will assist the employees in maintaining these standards. In order to develop an effective socialization program the company must first assess the following.
Does employees have an understanding of the organizations culture?
By determining this factor, the company can implement a socialization program that will accurately reflect the organization culture
Analyzing the diverse work environment This assist in implementing a program that improves communication.
Perform a work sample test
By obtaining a better understanding of the employees’ efficiency and deficiencies with respect to their job specifications a program can be implemented to provide and improve training and job compatibility.
 Based on the function of each department, the expectations or output of each is different, for instance the kiev office in Ukraine writes code that produces programs based on what the Berlin office decides on implementing .the creativity level necessary for executing such tasks will mostly rely on how they execute their requests rather than developing new products, which is the responsibility of the Berlin office to begin with. Thus , it isn’t necessary for creativity levels to be equal across all departments of the organization. Creativity is necessary for the marketing team as well as the headquarters, because this is where new products are developed and where the direction of the company is directed.

For the improvement of the organization we recommend the following Cultural issues
• Improve cultural awareness, by filling any gaps in knowledge that the company itself may have, and educate employees on the organizational culture in which the company operates and individual cultures that they may associate with.
• Encourage cultural expressions by observing holidays and practice.

• Promote and encourage independent thinking and implementing reward systems.
• Develop attainable goals and create incentives.
• Analyze job satisfaction and improve them, by brainstorming with employee in making their work environment comfortable.
Most of the problems seen with this report will take time to fix, but by tackling issues with an open mind , performing research and implementing practices that will be beneficial to the employees by extension the organization, these problems can be resolved.

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