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Pay It Forward Research Paper

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I think it can be agreed that in a world filled with violence and selfishness good deeds are much needed. There are many ways that a good deed can be demonstrated. One way is topay it forward. Although personally I was sick on the day of the event I still feel compelled to write about it. This is because for a few years I have been a huge fan of paying it forward. There are many ways that you can pay it forward, it has a huge impact on society if done correctly, and it has personally effected me.

Paying it forward can be done at any time anywhere. For example you can be at a mcdonalds drive through and decide to pay for the persons meal behind you. As a result of this someones day can be made. Another way you can pay it forward is as a business owner you can set up a program. A couple years back there was a perfect example of this on the news. A small business owner almost straight out of college decided to open up a pizza shop. what he did was sold dollar slices of pizza. The significant thing that he did was gave everyone the oppurtunity to pay an extra dollar to go to the pay it forward account. Also for every dollar someone put in the pay it forward account the owner of the shop would match this dollar. The cool part about this is anybody that may not have cash on them or whatever the situation may be could take a dollar out of the account an buy a piece of pizza. As a result of this thousands of people where buying each …show more content…
This was encouraging to me that a business owner sacrificed some of his profit so he could benefit society. The other way to pay it forward is the same situation that was demonstrated at CCAC. What the benefit of this can be is great. The pay it forward day at CCAC promoted unity between students. Also there is a chance that because people got free stuff that day they may pass on the good deed to someone who really needs it to turn around their

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