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Penn State Scandal Analysis

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During the year 2011, Pennsylvania “Penn” State University underwent a child sex abuse scandal resulting in its reputation forever changed (Lane, 2014). This iconic university and its football program were further victimized after uncovering years of involvement from the administrative cover-ups of the sexual assaults of children by assistant football coach, Gerald “Jerry” Sandusky, hereinafter referred to as Sandusky (Lane, 2014). Despite the backlash resulting from the surfacing of the child sex scandal, Penn State has since made major strides in its image improvement (Lane, 2014).

In November 2011, former assistant football coach, Gerald Sandusky was arrested in the result of the Penn State child sexual abuse scandal (Lane, 2014). Maintaining his innocence from charges stemming from a grand jury indictment, Sandusky provided statements that he merely “horsed around” with the boys, all of which he met through …show more content…
On at least one occasion, McQueary told Paterno, Schultz, and Curley about a sexual encounter that took place on campus resulting in no activation of law enforcement (Inside the Penn State Scandal, n.d.). During the course of a following grand jury hearing, Curley and Schulz were charged with failure to report and perjury for their untruthfulness about the sexual abuse allegations (Inside the Penn State Scandal, n.d.). Eventually, Paterno acknowledged McQueary’s disclosure and was fired by Penn State University (Inside the Penn State Scandal, n.d.). As a result of their investigation, an independent panel commission by Penn State and headed by former FBI Director Louis Freeh issued a report determining that Penn State leaders, including Paterno, covered up Sandusky’s sexual abuse in order to protect the football program (Inside the Penn State Scandal,

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