Premium Essay

People and Organisations


Submitted By jonsaeed
Words 1241
Pages 5

(Word Count 1124)
Student Number: Version 1.1 May 2011

Table of Contents
1 Introduction

2 The Current Problems Facing AWF

3 Analysis of Motivational Differences within the Organisation

4 Discussing Different Motivational Theories & How they affect the groups within AWF

5 Future Motivational Strategies

6 Conclusion

7 Bibliography/esources

8 Appendices

2. Introduction:

What Is Motivation?
Motivation comes in many different forms and can affect people very differently. I found this to be the clearest definition of motivation:

“Motivation is a psychological process and it can be explained as the willingness of individuals to do something for satisfying a need.”
(Robbins and Coulter, 2002) * This is simply saying that someone who is motivated works better than one without motivation.

* It is also commonly known that people are ready to work harder if they see their work rewarded.

* These gains are not always financial and sometimes social needs and wants are more important.

Huczynski, A.A. and Buchanan, D.A. (2007) Organisational Behaviour
“Huczynski and Buchanan bring their well-known and successful brand of critical thinking, social science underpinning, and visual appraisal to bear in this comprehensive introduction to organizational behaviour. A wide range of features enable the reader to understand the dynamics of human behaviour at work, and encourage regular reflection on the theory and context of contemporary organizational life.”

The Current Problems Facing ‘Amazing World of Fun’
Employee & Job Conflict * Within Amazing World of Fun it is clear to see an element of job conflict. This is most obviously shown through Krista Katz

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