...casual than what you see or hear through the mainstream media, and the reasons behind those can be peculiarly blamed to an extent on the religious diversity in the United States. Religion is one of the strongest acts that affect people, it can develop bonds as well as conflicts, and because different religions are practiced throughout the world such as Islam, Christianity, Judaism and many more its not surprising that their followers will have disagreements. And even though it might seem like those feelings are diminishing people still feel a sense of insecurity when it comes to this issue even if they tend to hide it or refuse to admit it. Religious segregation is pretty much still alive in many parts of the world, even in countries that claim the right of freedom of religion. It has led many people to be treated unfairly and wrongfully judged just because they are the minority who practice a religion which is different from the public orthodoxy. In modern day, Arabs and Muslims in exact suffer from being labeled as extremists or terrorists especially in Western cultures. five out of ten Americans believe Islam is more likely than other religions to encourage violence, despite the fact that seven out ten admit they know very little about Islam. And yet Americans rank Muslims second only to atheists as group that does not share their vision of American society (Ghazal, 2008). Intolerance and discrimination against Muslims, or if you like Islamophobia, is not a new phenomenon. There...
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...Introduction Media technology is a turbulent, rough and ever-changing ocean of transmissions of information. It is a tsunami that swallows a nation’s political coast and restructures its landscape. Speculations were rife that the new media might surpass the traditional media in terms of the latest political campaigns and strategies. The surge of urgency to garner voters in the GE13 was greater than ever because the digital wave might most possibly cause the greatest change in Malaysian political history. This article does not discuss the political results of the GE 13 but it is confined to the topic of the impact of media technology. Our research will be assessed on several regards such as media effects on political representation, political campaigns, voters’ behaviors and democracy. It is our hope that this article helps you understand the most current form of the political landscape most especially as affected in the virtual world based on past findings, news speculations and research. Evaluation Regarding political campaigns As technology evolves, political campaigns are constantly evolving, as well. A practice that once relied on print advertisement and word of mouth was severely impacted by the radio, a new technology that allowed politicians to reach more potential voters than ever before. Then came the television, which once again redefined the political world. Now, image and appearance would play a major role in political campaigns. Then, just a decade or...
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...nationalism, and the role of media in shaping public attitudes toward immigration in the United States. The research addresses the question: How has Trump?s immigration discourse, framed through racial and nationalist lenses, been amplified by media representations, and what are the implications for political polarization and public opinion? Drawing on a comprehensive review of existing literature, the study investigates how Trump?s rhetoric on immigration has contributed to a racialized, exclusionary political discourse that impacts both public attitudes and partisan alignments. Through analyzing media framing, including selective exposure...
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...being an action-adventure fan resonates with articulations of national identity, attitudes toward other nations, and fear of global terrorism in the United States, Denmark, and Egypt. Action-adventure film relies on global Hollywood production, yet the reception of this genre works quite differently in the cultural contexts of communities and affinities of fans. Being an action-adventure fan appears to bear a close relationship with a tendency to exhibit fear of global terrorism and to conceptualize Americans as heroes, particularly among U.S. audiences. Danish and U.S. fans seem more likely to want to cast Egyptian characters as villains than their non-fan counterparts, whereas Egyptian fans prefer Danish characters to be villains. Limited characterizations in this genre inspire and reinforce the imagined scenarios of fans in which American heroes are justified in crucifying foreign villains. Keywords: action-adventure, political attitudes, United States, Denmark, Egypt This work explores how action-adventure fans based in Egypt, the United States, and Denmark map their own and others’ nations and fear of terrorism through their engagement with action-adventure film. Research on the potential consequences of consuming problematic narratives and stereotypes is beginning to offer empirical evidence of our need to be concerned with the Orientalist ideologies dominating Northern, Western media. Previous work on Arab American and other U.S.-based communities demonstrates clear differences...
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...there are nearly five million Muslims living in America. These Muslims face persecution by Americans as a result of the country’s present state of affairs. In their own communities Muslims are forced to defend themselves against their enemies. To be a Muslim is not just an individual activity it is a community identity and responsibility. Islam is considered a total way of life for the religious community. For many in America who are raised with the idea of the separation of church and state and the sense that religion is a private affair, Islam can seem confusing, especially since Islam does not have a “church” to preserve and promote its beliefs. There is a great diversity among Muslims as there is among other religious communities in America. Because America is predominantly Judeo-Christian it is sometimes easier for Christians and Jews to practice their faith. American schools do not recognize Muslim holidays. Even such a simple task as attending Friday congregational prayer and taking a break to perform the salat during working hours are often difficult. Muslim culture has become prominent in coutries other than Islam. Countries that have a large Muslim following include Australia, Canada, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, South Africa, Thailand, United Kingdom and United States. Accepting Cultural Differences in Muslims Since the tragedy of 9-11 a portion of American citizens are under the beliefs that all Muslims are terrorists. There are...
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...TITLE PAGE RELIGIOUS UNREST IN NIGERIA: CAUSES, EFFECTS AND SOLUTION. DEDICATION I want to dedicate this work to those prospective authors that dedicated their time to evaluate files and write about the religious situation in the country and give their general opinions on the matter. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT. I want to acknowledge the lord Almighty, for the wonderful work he has done in my life and the aid he rendered me during the research of this work. PREFACE This discusses the solutions causes and effects of the ongoing religious conflict in the country. The religious conflict have taken so many loved ones and destroyed a lot of properties. The text elaborates al these and review the timeline of those events act the number of lives lost the number church and mosques destroyed all for the name of religious conflict. CHAPTER ONE 1. INTRODUCTION Nigeria is known be highly religions each of these groups has its own religious behalf and procures. Religion is the strongest element in traditional background and the greatest influence upon the thinking and living of the people concerned. According to John S. Mbiti “religion are not primarily for the individual but for his community of which he is part. Chapters of Nigerian religion are written everywhere in life of the community and in traditional society there are no irreligious people. To be human is to belong to the whole...
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...TITLE PAGE RELIGIOUS UNREST IN NIGERIA: CAUSES, EFFECTS AND SOLUTION. DEDICATION I want to dedicate this work to those prospective authors that dedicated their time to evaluate files and write about the religious situation in the country and give their general opinions on the matter. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT. I want to acknowledge the lord Almighty, for the wonderful work he has done in my life and the aid he rendered me during the research of this work. PREFACE This discusses the solutions causes and effects of the ongoing religious conflict in the country. The religious conflict have taken so many loved ones and destroyed a lot of properties. The text elaborates al these and review the timeline of those events act the number of lives lost the number church and mosques destroyed all for the name of religious conflict. CHAPTER ONE 1. INTRODUCTION Nigeria is known be highly religions each of these groups has its own religious behalf and procures. Religion is the strongest element in traditional background and the greatest influence upon the thinking and living of the people concerned. According to John S. Mbiti “religion are not primarily for the individual but for his community of which he is part. Chapters of Nigerian religion are written everywhere in life of the community and in traditional society there are no irreligious people. To be human is to belong to the whole community...
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...The use of text within to the visual arts can be traced back as far as the inscribed carvings found on cave walls created by the Indigenous population of Australia approximately 46000 years ago. However, over the past few years, the use of text in art, also known as the art of typography, has become a frequent means of communication for artists in the creation of their works. Text within art can be projected, scrawled, painted, computerised and carved to the point that a work may be created of nothing but language. The art of typography is the technique of arranging type in such a way that makes language visible. It treats fonts as individual entities to be enjoyed by the audience. Some artists deal with language as a character on its own as opposed to a surface to draw upon. These artists place texts in ways that are intended to stimulate the way an audience perceives a work, to evoke emotion or to create a statement. However, others, particularly graphic designers, tend to focus on the decorative powers of text. Regardless of the artist’s intentions, the appearance of text within art can shift our appreciation of their sound and meaning. Artists that explore text in art include: Barbara Kruger, Yukinori Yanagi, Katarzyna Kozyra, Jenny Holzer, Wenda Gu, Shirin Neshat, Miriam Stannage, Colin McCahon and Jenny Watson. Artists such as Jenny Holzer, Wenda Gu and Shirin Neshat explore the cultural implications of language in art and the importance of language to identity through...
Words: 1913 - Pages: 8
... Gabon, and the Republic of the Congo to the south (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ Cameroon). The word “Cameroon” originated from the Portuguese explorers who reached the coast in the 15th century and named the area Rio dos Camaroes (or River of Prawns), which eventually evolved into the English name Cameroon (Pondi, 1997). The Cameroon flag has three equal vertical bands of green (for vegetation), red (for independence), and yellow (for sunshine), with a yellow 5-pointed star in the centered in the red band (http://www.10-facts-about.com/Cameroon/id/84). The Lonely Planet travel guide describes Cameroon as “Africa’s throbbing heart, a crazed, sultry mosaic of active volcanoes, white sand beaches, thick rainforest and magnificent parched landscapes broken up by the bizarre rock formations of the Sahel” (http://www.lonelyplanet.com/cameroon). Cameroon enjoys relatively high political and social stability. Cameroon doesn’t have the notoriety of the history of ethnic violence between the Hutu and the Tutsi such as in Rwanda, nor the fame of the beauty of the wildlife in South Africa, politically news wise it hasn’t been on the map the way Sudan (Darfur) has, or Somalia, or the use of children in armies, and in a sense that’s what makes it so interesting. It has all the beauty and diversity of Africa just like all the sub-Saharan African countries do, yet it has been relatively...
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...inland states. Based on California Political Parties there are six political parties, the American Independent, Democratic, Green, Libertarian, Peace and Freedom, and Republican. California experiences frequent and devastating wildfires. During the last decade in 2003 and 2009, California experienced devastating wildfires that affected countless lives. Thousands of families were left homeless and hundreds of lives were lost. California officials have made strict laws against unsafe practices that may cause accidental fires. The department of forestry and fire protects California residents and their property. California residents are also taking measures to decrease the likelihood of wildfires around their community. The advent of social media sites like facebook and myspace it has become a common for Californians to socialize through the Internet. Websites like match.com and Christianmingle.com have...
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...reputation across a wide range of sectors. Bangladeshis have a persistent grievance that Bangladesh is not justly portrayed in international forums. It has become commonplace for the country to be associated with natural calamities, wavering political situation, corruption and other negative attributes. So, it is necessary to remove the negative perception about Bangladesh & to spread out the positive news to enhance the image of Bangladesh in the world. 1.2 Broad Objective: The main objective of the study is to understand the perceptions of foreigners & native people about Bangladesh & to find the possible ways that will enhance the image of Bangladesh globally. 1.3 Specific Objectives: Under a broad objective the study focused on some several activities for comprehending an overall review. * To identify the problems that Bangladesh faces in tourism industry. * To find the tourist spots those are renowned globally & domestically. * To identify the solution that will lessen the problems in tourism industry. * To find the awareness of people about the culture of Bangladesh. * To understand the perception of native people and foreigners about the people of Bangladesh. * To find which country of origin is more precious to people. * To identify the factors that limits the investment decision. * To understand the image of the government of Bangladesh around the world. 1.4 Research Design: I. Type of research design: Both the...
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...Business Ethics MGM250 Andrea Matcham New England College of Business and Finance August 24th, 2012 Topics Covered: * Introduction about the course * United Nations Global Compact’s CSR Principles * Pluralism * Strategic Management * Crisis Management * Climate of Trust * Creativity, A Climate of Innovation * Bribery and Corruption * Unethical Practices * MNC: Ecological Sustainability * Renewable Energy Sources – The advantages * Sarbanes-Oxley * Whistleblowers’ Act * Discrimination Based on Gender * Religious Discrimination * Conclusion * References This course encouraged us to explored and developed a higher thinking and reasoning behind business morals and ethical issues. Our primary focus was to examine the issues facing the financial world pertaining to public issues in mergers, management versus stockholders’ interest, and the changing nature of the stockholders. In addition, we covered ethical dilemmas that investors, managers, analysts, brokers and employees confront in business. We went into depth analyzing case studies, researching and discussions on these current events that affected the core of business ethics at work, in society and on a global level. Our first week, we discussed Corporate Responsibility in society and business today. I wrote about the importance of having good ethical guidelines at a global level. The United Nations initiated a Global Compact containing ten principle...
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...authority has established its roots in the Middle East. In June 2014, the Islamic State which sometimes calls itself the Islamic State of Iraq and Levant (ISIL) or the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Shram (ISIS) announced its establishment on the world politics (Lister, 2014). The organization is led by Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi who declared himself the Caliph. On his announcement, al-Baghdadi assumed the title of the Commander of the faithful Caliph Ibrahim II. Islamic State aspires to unite all Muslims in one state. According to the jihadists, this is only possible through a caliphate in which ISIS is closest to achieving. The difficulty of the formation of the caliphate is the harsh opposition the group obtains from the Shias who are a fifth of all the Muslims. Such oppositions had already been observed in the history of Islamic schism (Lister, 2014). ISIS ideological appeal has worked in its favor to recruit its fighters all over the world. The strategy has also resulted to some supports from Muslim countries such as Pakistan. Nonetheless, the group has unspeakable violence majorly directed to Christians and the Shias. This paper conducts an in-depth analysis of the Islamic State regarding its evolution, modus operandi in terms of its operations and recruitment. The paper then assesses the impacts and threats of the group not only in the Middle East, but also world-wide. Literature Review The Islamic State has made great advances in both Iraq and Syria. It has captured significant...
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...publication is the personal views of the authors, and do not necessary reflect the opinion of the publisher. Layout and cover design: Font: Font size: Printer: Hafizuldin bin Satar Goudy Old Style 11 pt Gemilang Press Sdn Bhd iv ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS T his book grew out of a three-day workshop jointly held by the Regional Studies Program, Walailak University, and the Department of Cross-Cultural and Regional Studies, Copenhagen University, in Nakhon Si Thammarat, southern Thailand, in 2006. The theme of the workshop was, “Voices of Islam in Europe and Southeast Asia”. Its aim was to gather leading scholars in the fields of Islamic Studies from diverse disciplinary backgrounds to discuss contemporary developments in the study of Islam and Muslim societies in...
Words: 104903 - Pages: 420
...Introduction From 1894 to 1899, Captain Albert Dreyfus, an Alsatian Jewish artillery officer, languished in prison on Devil's Island after the French Army General Staff wrongfully convicted him of treason and espionage. The campaign for his release, organized by his family and supporters, along with revelations of an army cover-up, saw the so-called “Dreyfus Affair” become the major focal point of French public discourse at the turn of the century. Partisan camps of “Dreyfusards” and “anti-Dreyfusards” waged a war of words against each other as they debated Dreyfus' innocence and, implicitly, what it meant to be French in the Third Republic. Marked by an effusion of antisemitic vitriol, this debate has been characterized by Frederick Brown as a polarizing battle between two rival visions of France.[1] This battle at times extended to the streets, as it did in response to the publication of Émile Zola's 1898 “J'accuse.” Zola's open letter indicted the Army General Staff for antisemitism and cover-up, and prompted reactionary riots across France, the most violent of which occurred in French colonial Algiers. There, the burning of Zola in effigy sparked a riot in which 158 shops were destroyed, six Jews were assaulted (two fatally), and 9 rioters, 47 police, and a large but unknown number of Jews were seriously injured.[2] As the site of some of the only murderous violence during the Affair, colonial Algeria deserves particular attention. Examining the Dreyfus Affair from the...
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