Free Essay

Perception of Muslims Towards Media Landscape


Submitted By falalafitanny
Words 25535
Pages 103

The research is aimed at solving a problem in Media and how it reports. The Problem which this study wishes to study is how is the handling of the Media Landscape in the fields of Terrorism Crime and the Violence in Mindanao and how did it affect Muslim Communities attitudes and Behavior towards the institution of Media. The hypotheses is the there is a significant effect on the behavior of the community and their views on the institution of Media. To gather data and to analyze this problem the researchers used a descriptive status analysis which seeks to answer questions to real facts relating to existing conditions in group of cases that is chosen for study. The sample is determined using a simple random sampling which aimed at a minimum target of 300 respondents which is the 10% of the population of the area which is 3,000. The respondents where chosen out of the 19 Muslim Communities found in Metro Manila, the number of ethnic groups in the area is more diverse than most other Muslim Communities in the Metro Manila area. The subjects aged 15- 40 years regardless of educational background and social status. The study did not put too much stress on the quality of the respondents because it is important that a more honest response and to measure their knowledge of issues, this is done to observe their experiences outside of the Muslim Community. The researchers opted to use a survey method to gather the data needed for this research. The study employed a Likert Scale which uses a 5 point choice scale and an idea. The survey form is validated by the Thesis adviser as well as it is a standardized system of questioning which is based on the Likert Scale. The data gathering is after the done in January 8, 2008 with the approval of the major tribal leaders and the purok leader of the area. The outcome provided us with a 60% turn out of the 500 respondents which the study originally intended to reach. The data is gathered and tallied manually and is assigned into their classification which is also stated in the questionnaire. The statistical treatment which will be used in this study is a mean median mode analysis, since the data is nominal in nature the statistical treatment will be only on the mean median and mode. The results revealed there is a significant resentment towards media and that resolution will only come if there is a change in the manner of reporting.

Table of Contents

Abstract 1

Table of Contents 2

List of Figures 4

Key Terms and Definitions 6

Key Terms and Definitions 6

Introduction 8

Chapter I 11

Background of the Study 11

Statement of the Problem: 15

Objectives of the study: 16

Significance of the Study: 17

Scope and Delimitations 18

Chapter II 20

Review of Related Literature: 20

Chapter III 30

Theoretical Framework 30

Conceptual Framework 33

Chapter IV 35

Methodology 35

Research Design 35

Determination of Sample Size 39

Sampling Design and Technique 40

Subjects 41

Research Instruments 42

Data Gathering Procedure 43

Data Processing Method 44

Statistical Treatment 45

Chapter V 46

Data Gathering Results Analysis and Interpretation 46

Analysis and Interpretation of Results 73

Summary Conclusion and Recommendation 80

Summary of Findings 80

Chapter VI 83

Conclusion 83

Recommendation 85

Bibliography 86

Acknowledgements 88

List of Figures

Figure 1: Conceptual Framework 32
Figure 2: Likert Scale 36
Figure 3: Fair and Unbiased representation of Muslims in Media 44
Figure 4: Muslim treatment on the influence of Media on Non-Muslim 45
Figure 5: Media representation 45
Figure 6: Media Blame 46
Figure 7: Media Information of Muslim identity 47
Figure 8: The use of media on the term Terrorism 48
Figure 9: Media influence on the non-Muslim 49
Figure 10: The part of Media on discrimination to Muslims 49
Figure 11: Other Influences on the perception of Muslims 50
Figure 12: Level of Discrimination in media 50
Figure 13: Treatment of Muslims 51
Figure 14: Change in attitude of Non-Muslims 52
Figure 15: Exchange between Muslims and Non-Muslims 52
Figure 16: Tightness of Security around Muslims 53
Figure 17: Job Acceptance 53
Figure 18: Avoidance of Non Muslims in Muslim Communities 54
Figure 19: Equal Job progression 54
Figure 20: Change in Establishments 55
Figure 21: Security tightness around Muslims 56
Figure 22: Muslim abode and community 56
Figure 23: Level of Discrimination 57
Figure 24: Violence as a Solution 58
Figure 25: Non Muslims have a wrong impression towards Muslim people 58
Figure 26: People have little knowledge about the term terrorism 59
Figure 27: Terrorism should be associated with Muslims 60
Figure 28: No solution can be seen to end the crisis in Mindanao 60
Figure 29: Radical Muslims have a different perception 61
Figure 30: Muslims have to be blamed in the violence in Mindanao 62
Figure 31: Government plays a major role in the crisis in Mindanao 62
Figure 32: Terrorism is used only for Muslims 63
Figure 33: Few stand for the rights of Muslims 64
Figure 34: Job opportunities for Muslims 64
Figure 35: Level of Discrimination 65
Figure 36: Amount of Information of Non-Muslims about Muslims 66
Figure 37: Violence as a rightful act against Media 66
Figure 38: Equality on the opportunity on law making 67
Figure 39: Changes in the Laws to protect the rights of Muslims 68
Figure 40: The creation of laws for the protection of the economic rights of Muslims 68
Figure 41:Indifference towards the Government 69
Figure 42: Rallying and protesting as an acceptable means to solve Muslim problems 69

Key Terms and Definitions

o 9/11- is the abbreviated term for the date of attack by terrorist on the United States which was September 11, 2001. These were calculated attacks on America which was done by making two passenger filled Aircrafts namely the United Airlines Flight 175 and American Airlines Flight 11 767-53 which simultaneously hit the World Trade Center and the attacks on the pentagon and a fourth plane which failed to reach its target which was rumored to be the White House.

o Jihad- sometimes spelled Jahad, Jehad, Jihaad, Jiaad, Djihad, or Cihad, (Arabic: جهاد‎ ǧihād) as an Islamic term, literally means struggle in the way of God or "striving hard in God's cause" and is sometimes referred to as the sixth pillar of Islam. Jihad can be attributed to an exertion of a Muslim for the glory of Allah. There are four different ways to achieve it; these are achieving it by his heart, by his tongue, by his hand and by the sword (Majid, 1964). The fourth aspect was seen as the violent and war side of Jihad. It is also not only a religious term but also a political term where Muslim fights for their social economic and political rights (Misuari, 1984).

o Muslim Communities- These are small to large number of people that live in small community organizations. They are usually found as a Diaspora living in Metro Manila and are considered to be a community because of the existence of a Mosque within their area. These areas contain many mosques that may appear within a community considering the number of ethnic groups that may live within a compound or village (Africa, 2005).

o Ideology based armed conflicts – these are armed-conflicts categorized as not only as a simple acts of violence and warfare but is rooted to a number of insecurities that a majority of the people may share. These insecurities if not satisfied would provoke people to take up arms and meet these insecurities. Insurgencies as they are more commonly known do not particularly target a single individual or organization but rather target the existing thought-systems and policies that are being executed. This insecurities can stem from a number of problems and continue to evolve as old and past insecurities may give rise to other problems and insecurities.(PHDR,2005)

o Media Landscape – As in this study, Media Landscape would represent all major Media, currently in service to a nation or group of people. In this study, Media landscape will be narrowed down to only television. This is due to a number of reasons: 1) Television gains the most audience share here in the National Capital Region. 2) Majority of those surveyed in the 2005 edition of the UNPHDR that 78% of those surveyed by the researchers at UNPHDR answered television as their main source of information on Muslims. The researchers stresses that this study does not involve cable television. Channels like ABS-CBN 2, GMA 7, ABC 5, RPN 9, IBC 13, and Studio 23 are the channels which are to be considered by this study.

o Muslims- Muslim is a term used to describe a person who has surrendered his will to Allah which is Arabic for God. Muslims adhere to the religion Islam and follows its Prophet Mohammed’s guide to salvation. Muslims can also be divided into two forms 1) People who perform the tradition and cultural activities that Islam has taught them, 2) Those who practice the religion of Islam and all its teachings and facets. In this study however the researchers opted to use both definitions to describe a Muslim.

o Ethnic Muslims – This is a deviation from the normal pattern of the original Muslims as they are also affected by the ethnic background of the ethnic group practicing Islam as a religion. They are initially ethnic groups who have been converted into Islam and carried their ethnic traditions and culture within their religion.


Terrorism in the most recent period has made even mainstream Philippine Society aware that it, too, is vulnerable to violence and must share the insecurity that the rest of the country already experience(PDHR, 2005). Most of the terrorism that has been done in the country was made by those who are oppressed and those, whose voices, who were not heard. Because of this, discrimination on the weak is seen in the Philippines. Recent terrorism is the only the most toxic excrescence of a people rooted plant drawing its strength from a rich soil of legitimate grievance (PDHR, 2005).

In this sense, those who think of the weak as mere subject of oppression are harassing human security. As its most basic level, human security consists of the freedom of fear, freedom of want and freedom from humiliation.(PDHR,2005) since then, discrimination still exist in the Philippines whether we see it or not. Most of those non-Muslim has this kind of perception that majority of the Muslims are bad in personality yet they neglect that the Muslims are also humans who has equal rights and privileges and one of these is the equal treatment in the society. This kind of perception on the Moros had rooted since the coming of the Spaniards in the Philippines in the 1500’s where they instilled in the minds that the Muslims are barbaric and uncivilized treated with mistrust and betrayal to the converted Filipinos. In the report of Busran-Lao in the recent established PDHR, the Maranaos are being discriminated against in terms of having a choice space in the marketplace, of being denied access to credits, and of being refused e3mployment in offices and firms because they are Muslims.(p.13) this kind of news is quite unheard in the society yet this really happens. Another example of this is an interview with a young female in Puerto Princesa who said that despite her very good academic standing, she was refused employment because she was Muslim.( PDHR, 2005) Just because of the identity and religion, The non-Muslim disregard the Muslims as not equal to the society. Even though they possess competent skills and knowledge to various fields, their religion is being questioned and based for admittance in a workplace. Large number of the respondents from the survey that the PHDR systematically prefer Hypothetical alternatives with Christian names over those with Muslim sounding names (PDHR, 2005) The Muslims, in order to be admitted in the workplace, changes their names to Christian names rather than submit their application with their Muslim original name.

According to a survey that the PDHR held in NCR, majority of national respondents think that Muslims are more prone to run amok, large pluralities think Muslims are terrorists or extremist, that they harbor hatred toward non-Muslim and some do not considered themselves non-Muslim. (PDHR,2005) With the gathered result, the perceptions on the Muslim are quite low and uncivilized by the non-Muslims. The identity of the Muslim is rather discriminated by the fact that wars between non-Muslim Filipinos and Muslim Filipinos had existed in the past. The Moro wars that resulted t6he lost of lives. The Visayan tends to have more negative views on Muslims than those from other geographic regions. A majority of them agree that Muslims probably follow 4 of the negative stereotypes, while plurality believes that Muslims are probably oppressive to women (PDHR, 2005).

In education, Muslims were deprived of the right to access in education. Since the relocation of the non-Muslims in Mindanao, their population increased and the numbers of the Muslims were lessen. Their lands were robbed from them since the Muslim has no document that the land was theirs and the law did not help their problems. In the report, Profound questions that are asked regarding whether mainstream society has systematically denied the country’s Moro areas of education, health and income opportunities and how much of this is due to discrimination and pressure from the non-Muslim settlers.(PDHR, 2005)

The context of relative deprivation, where ethnic groups are pronounced, the unequal treatment of and discrimination against ethnic groups provide additional source of rese4ntment that cannot completely be offset by implementing in average income (PDHR, 2005). It thus appear that a considerable percentage of Filipinos are biased against Muslims not with standing the fact that only 14% of the have had direct dealings with Muslims. (PDHR, 2005) Therefore barriers from both sides exist in the present era. Muslims had sad experience against the non-Muslims because of the way they are treated. Some of them had this experience where they lost trust to non-Muslims just because of what the past has created. It is more difficult to valorize the injuries and indignities suffered by victims of discrimination, of the lost of cultural traditions among ethnic groups, or the rise of prejudice in social and ethnic tensions in mainstream society (PHDR, 2005).

Muslims are an integral part of society and they are also part of this country. Muslim communities exist in all forms shapes and sizes, although to be considered a community must have a working Mosque as a place of worship (Africa, 2005). We cannot avoid them for they are already here in Metro Manila, traveling the same roads, doing the same things you would, but they are slightly different due their culture, religion and way of life. Difference should not be a reason to discriminate nor are the transgressions of others whom do not truly uphold the Muslim belief of peace. Learning to accept one not according to how different you are from one another but how unique you are as an individual, as a person.

Chapter I

Background of the Study

The study will focus on two important and very influential aspects of society in the Philippines and more importantly in Metro Manila. One of these important aspects is the cultural Diasporas mostly seen in the metro manila area, mainly focusing on these Muslim communities. These migrations of Muslims from Mindanao to Metro Manila have both created a social and economic strain within the area. This is not mainly because of the former but because of the cultural differences experienced by the Muslims and Non-Muslims which therefore creates a social tension. The reports of Muslim Diasporas in the Philippines are very apparent as according to the study made by the office of Muslim Affairs, the umbrella government agency that handles problems of Muslims here in the Philippines. The estimated 10.35% of the Muslim Population according to the survey done by the O.M.A. lives in the NCR region and the region 4 which are the two largest settled areas of Muslims outside of Mindanao (PHDR 2005). Although Muslims in the Philippines are not different from the other inhabitants such as the Aetas or the Ifugaos, Muslims however receive a somewhat different treatment than other ethnic groups in the Philippines. Muslims are considered as a cultural minority of Metro Manila because of their cultural difference from the majority of Filipinos living in Metro Manila.

A cultural minority in Metro Manila, Muslims would make most people tend to overlook them nor give them any high level of attention however; this is not the case with Muslims, but the actions of only a few groups of Muslims have caused their somewhat infamous reputations of which is not their own. However, this does not excuse the latter from the prejudice that people would have them experience because of the actions of few. Therefore in studying the plight of these Muslim Communities in a smaller and a more controlled environment as they are closer to the source of information will help in the creation of a more culturally sensitive Media which will in turn hope to reduce the level of prejudice and discrimination.

By studying their situation, the media as well as the majority would have a better understanding as well as the better development on the fields of media coverage, terminology, cultural profiling and issue tackling. In addition to this, growing news coverage that somehow is not excused from sensationalism and from hype creation that people continue to consume which will lead us to the next aspect in society, this study aims to address.

People’s opinions are not only based on the knowledge of how the world works based on their own educational background, but these are highly motivated by media. Media as an institution of information dissemination should be considered as an important political and social machine that can change history. Media has a powerful influence on the opinions and the views of audiences about the real world. Therefore, an opinion stated in use with media may have the potential of becoming an opinion of the majority of the people, especially to those people who have neither the ability to discern fact from opinion nor the ability to formulate an opinion of their own in the given subject matter. This is a very serious matter to be considered, for media can both destroy and create; it can influence a greater number of people and move them into action. This is therefore an important tool in dealing with any cultural differences in society and social relations with people. The issues of sensationalism and hype play a huge factor in the power of media as it continue to inform and unwittingly influence the people to share in their view and their beliefs.

The sensationalism on news is not something uncommon however if it is sensationalized and inaccurate there is a probability that it would potentially become unfavorable to those whom they are reporting about. As is the case of those Muslims in the Philippines they are a victim of inadequate background information, pre-formed assumptions and desire for higher ratings. The Muslim Community experience several backlashes every time a news about violence that happens in Mindanao as well as attacks made by terrorists in and out of the country. According to the Philippine Human Development Report 2005, a majority of the people who were surveyed gained their insight and information about Muslims and the issues that surrounds them from the Television which is an integral part of the Media Landscape (PHDR, 2005). The same case can be seen to Muslims in other countries by which they are also negatively presented in Media (Cainkar, 2004).

The Researchers now focus on an important event in human history, the September 11 attack. The world watched as two planes crashed, the United Airlines Flight 175 and American Airlines Flight 11 767-53 jumbo jet planes filled with fuel and passengers into the north side of the north tower of the twin towers of the world trade center and then the second plane into the south side of the building eventually toppling it down.. Ten minutes later another plane had hit the Pentagon killing hundreds more. This event not only changed foreign relations but ultimately draw the battle lines in the world. This can be clearly seen in the last Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation Meeting 2006 which had its number two objectives alongside economic development and building a more harmonious market relation with other countries had included terrorism in its list of objectives in resort to Human Security needs(APEC, 2006). Another was done by ASEAN after the 9/11 attacks the ASEAN met on November 5, 2001 just months after the 9/11 attack to deliberate on counter-terrorism campaign (ASEAN, 2005). To enlighten this study more let us first look at the root cause of these attacks. Terrorism has been an issue that has been surrounding the entire world and is not new to the ears of foreign policies or to ordinary citizens. It is a constant threat to the peace of nations and to the lives of innocent people everywhere. However it has yet to be defined by any organization since it appears in so many forms and done in so many ways. These attacks however were perpetuated by Muslims extremists and followers of the terrorist organization of Osama Bin Laden. This is an act of aggression not only reflecting a growing tension in world affairs and the growing rift between Muslims and other religions in the world. This is not only being experienced in the U.S. but also felt around the world as more and more violence against Muslims and Non-Muslims grows. This event will be used as a jump off point of this study as it was the event that had triggered in the rise of further violence discrimination and division between Muslims and non-Muslims.

9/11 triggered massive action towards anti-terrorism and major world organizations have moved from not only economic and political stability but towards national security and terrorism prevention and capture. In the Philippines there is also major movement towards the security issues and national security. In March of 2007 the Philippines enacted into a law the anti-terror bill or the so-called Human Security Act after the 9/11 attacks and other terror attacks in the country (Romero & Pareño, 2007). This was the response made by the Philippines after 9/11 while also seeking the help from the United States to combat our own problems of armed personnel in the Philippines which most journalists would only classify as bandits (Kristof, 2002)

The Philippines is not immune to the changes that the attacks on U.S. have brought the world. Foreign relations have changed before it was purely economical now it has changed moods and has moved to a more military and terrorism prevention and capture of terrorist. The Abu Sayyaf have recently been added to being terrorist which in before the 9/11 events have only been labeled as an armed resistance or of bandits (Kristof, 2002). They have now become almost the same as those who are hiding in Afghanistan and those who hijacked the planes used to destroy lives and crippled the twin towers in New York City. The events that happened have changed even social relations within the confines of our own country and have changed the political landscape as of these couple of years after the 9/11. This brings the people to wonder how media has handled the Muslims living in the Philippines and how media has dealt with issues around and within these Muslim communities as of late.

Statement of the Problem:

The following would be the main inquiries by which this study aims to address.

1. How does Media Landscape’s treatment of issues after 9/11 such as terrorism, crime, peace and order in Mindanao affect these small Muslim Diasporas living in Metro Manila? • Media • Violence & Terrorism • Discrimination • Representation and Reaction

1.1What is the Muslim Diaspora’s perception of the Media’s portrayal of their culture, traditions, and the general personality of a Muslim? 1. Culture 2. Traditions 3. General Personality

2. What is the course of action which Muslims would most likely to execute towards the Government and the Media institutions in response to the issues?

2.1 The type of action which they are most likely to perform in response towards the government and Media

Objectives of the study:

The objective of the study is to find out and determine the perception of Muslim Community towards the Media Landscape, particularly in the area of News Media. Media was one the major source of how people around the world witness the attack on the World Trade Center in New York City and The Pentagon that had killed thousands of innocent people. The study aims to find out how Media has portrayed the Muslim communities who have received much of the blame heaped upon because of these attacks and the current issues surrounding terrorism in the country. The study also aims to see how media responds to these communities and how they handle issues that surround them such as violence between them and Non-Muslims or their involvement or non-involvement with terrorist groups. The researchers want to clarify the stand of Filipino Muslims on the 9/11 bombing and what they felt when their brothers were included in that incident. The researchers also want find out how the Muslim Communities were affected emotionally and psychologically after 9/11.

Significance of the Study:

The significance of the study is to collect data and provide information to make it possible for a more culturally sensitive media. Through investigating the current views and opinions of these Muslim Communities the researchers can gather data to support the enactment of laws to protect Muslims from oppressive and indiscriminate terminologies from Media. The significance of the study is also on the gathering of information on the views of these Muslims to provide data for the changes to be done on how Media should handle certain issues such as terrorism or the violence that occurs in the country. The study on the opinion of the Muslim community will provide a better platform that will allow media to avoid offending our Muslim brothers.

In the field of academics, theoretical and literary development, the significance of the study is the analysis of Media as an ideological apparatus in the Metro Manila setting and how it can create a firm ideology in the majority of the masses and heavily affect these small Communities and the growth of a social barrier. This data will then reflect the dynamics in the small group and their relationship with the dominant class that perpetuates the beliefs and creates a social barrier that separates the Muslims from the majority of society due to caution or indifference. The researchers wish to provide data on the effective on Philippine Free Television Media as the source of major ideologies of the masses and where there is a play on the dominant cultures perception of another which in this case would be the Muslims.

Scope and Delimitations

The study would focus on Muslim communities located in the Metro Manila area. There are 19 Muslim communities in Metro Manila. The study however would require and designate that the study could be done within the confines of a single well diverse Muslim Community such as the case in Brgy. Culiat Tandang Sora, Quezon City. The reason for choosing the Muslim Community in Baranggay Culiat, Quezon City is because of the well-diverse number of ethnic groups living within one community. The choice of the place is due to its population number and diversity of ethnic groups which live within the compound which would represent a vast majority of Muslims. This is to also differentiate their point of view towards a given situation and question according to their tribal background. There is better spread of cultural diversity that the number of respondents will allow the researchers a good number of opinions from the majority in the community on the said matter but also this diversity allows us to give representation of their own tribe’s opinion on the matter. The study will center on a selected members of the community and the Imam of the Muslim Community which will be interviewed. Thus also giving an authoritative opinion on the said matter of which the researcher wishes to address. They will be given survey questions concerning media how it has affected them after 9/11 and how it affects their behavior and attitudes towards Media as an institution. The number of possible respondents may also become a sort of limitation as many of the people of Muslim Communities according to certain studies done are not too eager to cooperate and participate in certain survey programs. The Second problem of the Muslim people is that they do not register their children to the national statistics office to create a record of the number children and therefore individuals within their area. The limitations are not only limited to the respondents but the researchers as well. However it can be noted that the researchers have average to above average knowledge of Muslim Customs and Religious Traditions. The researchers although have not yet to come across or have full contact with a Muslim Community let alone engage in a survey within the area. The researchers are also unfortunately under-funded to perform a full-scale survey in a more populated area of Muslims as well as go to their main area of residence which is in Mindanao. The researchers are all Roman Catholic in religion and are therefore lacking in knowledge of Muslim customs, traditions and culture. Although there are several information that have provided a background on Muslim traditions there are still very little the researchers know about the personal culture and traditions of the Muslims. The researchers are also lacking in personal knowledge of any Muslim within the community which puts the researcher at a disadvantage as the Muslim people that live in the area may become alienated at worse become annoyed by the researcher’s presence there. The researchers also note that every member has had little contact or no real contact with any Muslim and are mostly basing on assumption and research on the character and nature of Muslim people.

On a research standpoint the study disregard certain information and issues which are not the main concern of the study. The study has disregarded although lightly discussed the events between the MNLF and MILF as to no longer move the reader away from the real target of the research. The study also no longer elaborated on the foreign events after 9/11 such as the war in Iraq or the invasion of Afghanistan as these are world events and sees these events as no longer appealing to the grassroots level of the research. The study no longer specified a certain media network such as ABS-CBN channel 2 or GMA channel 7 but has treated Media as an institution which its role is to disseminate information. The study also did not include any current events that may change the outcome of the study such that in the Batasan Blast and the explosion in Glorietta 4, they were not included to put a certain time limit which the study has established before these two events had happened.

Chapter II

Review of Related Literature:

Muslim History:

The knowledge of one culture maybe limited by how much he learns about it and if he only learns anything about if it’s useful. People must learn to view a person thoroughly. There are about 1.2 to 1.5 billion Muslims in the world living in different parts of the world. The populations of Muslims are highly concentrated in Asia mainly southeast and also in the United States of America there is also about 60 million Muslims mainly African Americans which converted in the 1970’s (Athar, 2002). This is the reality of how many Muslims are in the real world and they are all being treated differently in different parts of the world

The Philippines is one of the Southeast Asian countries where Islam flourished and at one time became the staple religion of the islands till the Spaniards came bringing Christianity to all Filipinos. The arrival of Islam in the Philippines was during the late 1300 by way of the Arab and Malay traders who later converted the early settlers of Mindanao and was later passed on to manila and other major areas (Vloeberghs,2002). As of 2005 there 5 percent of the Philippine’s population or around 4.5 million people are currently practicing the religion of Islam and are found situated in the MINSUPALA region mainly Mindanao, Sulu and Palawan. Moro is the Filipino term for anyone practicing the religion of Islam this apparent term came from the Spaniards which was related to the Muslims that were living in Morocco, a term used to describe the Muslims in Mindanao (Gomez Jr., 2000). However there are around 19 Muslim Communities that are present here in Metro Manila although no clear count is made as they are mainly spread out. A qualification that was made for a community to be a genuine Muslim Community is the presence of a Mosque within the area where Muslims perform their religious practices (Africa, 2005).

Media its Power and Influence:

“Information is a type of knowledge about specific events or situations that has been gathered or received by communication; intelligence or news”. This information has a way of affecting both the opinion of people and their outlook about society. This in turn also affects how they deal with people, situations, and experiences. They have different reactions and different behavioral patterns about a certain subject or idea. These come from both experiences and knowledge that one has acquired from the decisive years and may have both come from society or from our own experiences. These sources may differ from our own classrooms, to the streets we play and may well be in to the very home we go. But aside from these examples, there is one very powerful agent is present to provide us information and also entertainment and this is what we call mass media. Media has both the power to entertain and to educate young minds as well as add new information to those already in their adult life. According to a newsletter that had appeared in the Wall Street journal online the number of television sets that are currently, servicing the world is around 1 to 2 billion units while radio is in the 2 billion numbers of sets (Bialik, 2005). This is a huge number and their influence cannot be overlooked as well because they are welcome to our home and like our on teachers, they can inform us or damage us. Media can both influence the mind and shape the reality of man as he wishes it. A great communication professor by the name of George Gerbner has studied the effects of television on its viewers. He had concluded that although television creates a long-term effect on its viewers the outcome is slow on its process of amending the beliefs of the person and that the person must be a heavy viewer of a certain media. As a result, one cannot be apathetic to the veracity of the power of media over its audiences. This is also true when dealing with a very important issue in society and this is ethnic and racial differences.

Marshall Mcluhan once stated that the dominant media of an age shapes the lifestyle and course of action of its audiences. The theory also states that communication devices not only acts as the medium but also transforms it into a message. How the message is delivered to its audiences further helps in forming an outlook on a certain subject for example. A family which lost its home in a fire which was broadcasted in radio would not have the same effect as it was broadcast in TV. According to Marshall Mcluhan, the television is considered cold media by practitioners because it involves more senses but little information as suppose to books or radio that are considered hot media because it offers more information and less audience sense participation.

Although there is a rise in the number of internet users ranging about 1.093 billion internets users in the world this number is still below the power and reach of television. Television remains as the main source of information for most people. It is however unfortunate that only few people have the wealth to make information dissemination their business. For he who controls Information can control the people’s opinions and minds he controls over what enters the mind and what.

The issue of racial difference is present almost in every country and is not limited to only 1 or 2 ethnic groups in society. These ethnic groups can be a group immigrant who wishes to stay and live in a new land or just some regular working class people who have to other countries to find better work and a brighter future. They are not excused to the facts that media also affects them; however they are also a victim of society and its media. In a predominantly American media, the issue of cultural ethnic groups seems to either have been played down or may have had become absent in its totality.

These growing concerns would lead us to question whether media truly does belongs to the masses or is it that only the few are truly given ability to control media and the information that it contains. “…Media must make special efforts to deal with the concerns about race gender culture and ethnicity in both their news and entertainment functions…” this according to A. David Gordon while addressing the issue of media primarily concerning with issues about the ethnic groups (Gordon & Kitross, 1999). This statement directly explains how media should handle issue with concerns to other cultures or ethnicities. The growing inability of media to present a realistic picture creates a problem of misinformation that would lead to misunderstandings in both social and political. These problems can give to more severe social fractures and the birth of three problems which mainly are 1st) stereotyping 2nd) unwitting insensitivity to the views of others and 3rd) the over all ignorance of one to another’s culture (Gordon & Kitross, 1999). The first issue can be explained by the cultivation theory also by George Gerbner.

George Gerbner has addressed that heavy viewers have this tendency to perceive people of different cultures with a wrong impression; an impression that was presented upon them by media. the stereotyping extends to both not only African Americans in the United States but almost all major ethnic group in the United states of America the absence or sometimes over exaggeration of an even it sometimes Is almost to the point of being ridiculous. An example was a 1960’ report of the New York Times which stated ”Well dressed Negroes go to White House Meeting” the point is that why is it such a big deal that a few African American went to the Whitehouse and got dressed up (Gordon & Kitross, 1999). These reports on ethnicity can be misconstrued and may lead to a growing wrong impression and stereotyping of people especially those belonging to an ethnicity.

However the need for a culturally diverse media would lead to a less generalized approach and may compromise being able to serve a majority. There is an old saying that goes that a man cannot serve to masters he must choose between them or fail them both. According to John Michael Kittros that special efforts to correctly deal with race gender religion and cultural diversity are no longer required (Gordon & Kitross, 1999). We are indeed a community and the implication of the term Mass Media should secure that everyone is within the sphere of influence and not above it. The general concern of most people such as politics economics and global news are things that are appreciated by a general audience. Therefore it is also noteworthy that by providing special attention to a single social Diaspora puts a social imbalance as more and more begin to want this ability to control their own media output.

According to some studies recently conducted on how media has changed over the past couple of years that had passed after the infamous crashing of the two planes and the eventual destruction of the world trade center on September 11, 2001. The study conducted by PEW research showed that around 47% of the American population still believed that Media post 9/11 has become more politically biased in its assertion. 52% of the respondents believe that media is covering up its tracks and misgivings. An over-all look of the effects of media on society, according to the survey 51% of the respondents believe that it hinders the development of society which is quite a significant difference to the 35% who believe that media solves some of societies problems (PEW et. al, 2001).

Muslim Conflict and Terrorism:

Muslim Conflict in the international scene is not something that is unknown to many of us and we have had many wars that had been fought over religion. The inquisition, the crusades are just examples of how religion can drive men to fight and wage war for the glory of their God. Muslims are no exception to this belief. Muslim history would tell us that Mohammed attacked the city of Mecca to reinstall and destroy those who would not share his belief in the one and only God Allah and that it was their duty as Muslims to protect and promote their religion. The Islamic faith tells us about jihad, which in Arabic would mean exertion. A man in his lifetime is expect to overcome different obstacles and these are not limited to only religious but also social. The Theo-judicial meaning of Jihad is making Allah’s word known to all and exerting his power over the world. Jihad can be performed in four ways and one of them is by the sword which may give rise to reason to why armed and bloody resistances to foreign rule and religion are something acceptable among Muslims (Majid, 1964). Many Muslims believe that by killing the enemies of Islam they are doing service to their God.

September 11, 2001 the world was stunned as terrorism was breathed anew as attacks on the World Trade Center in New York and the Pentagon were attacked by terrorist hijackers. The four planes were taken by Muslim radicals determined to destroy the peace that America had been experiencing. 1 plane was flown straight right into the North tower while a 2nd plane hit the South Tower of the World Trade Center. A plane also had hit the pentagon and had completely decimated and entire side of the Pentagon. The last plane was supposedly found just outside Shanks Ville in Pennsylvania. The events were marked with fear as 2,819 people died in the whole event including 23 policemen, 343 firemen and medics, and 2,016 workers in the two buildings (New York Magazine, 2002). These events not only shocked the world but struck terror in many individuals around the world. A stream of anti-terrorism and denouncement of acts of it where eminent in many nations that where aligned with the United States of America .These events after only a month had sparked a change in political policy as well as shaped future events that would trigger more bloodshed including the invasion of Afghanistan and the hunt for Osama bin Laden.

Terrorism is a word in modern sense that is almost as hard to define as the number of ways it can be done and how far reaching its effect on the people it has harmed and scarred. However we can distinguish it from most other acts of violence may help us come closer to a more precise definition. This a fused definition of Title 22 of the United States Code, Section 2656f, The Federal Bureau of Investigation the US Department of Defense would define Terrorism as an act to achieve a religious, ideological, social or political objective thru the use of force or violence against civilians or property as a means to intimidate a Government, Civilian population or an organization to further these objectives, often targeting non-combatants. They often appear as a part of a non-state entity or sub-national groups; they wear no insignia or identifying marks on their clothes as a sign of being a combatant (Hoffman, 1998). This definition provides us certain qualities that terrorism has: first, is that it is accomplished by using force or violence against both combatants and non-combatants, second is that it targets Governments, Civilian Population or an Organization which it means it has no single targeted individual or small group of people which separates it from robbery or other petty crimes. Third is that its more for religious or ideological social or political objective which means monetary objectives may only be a partial objective to a larger long lasting objective which they wish to achieve. Fourth is that they are either already pre-existing within a country as a minority or small group organization or a foreign group trying to ensue political pressure or religious obligation. This definition can distinguish it from insurgency as though insurgency or ideological conflict is aimed at the government and is for a political objective, Insurgents however use only force and violence to combatants and non-combatants are only collateral damage unlike terrorism which directly aimed at non-combatants and civilian property.

This is evident upon the events that have heaved major distress in our nation; for example the ensuing Moro Rebellion in the South and its ties with known Muslim extremists and terrorists. In 1991 a small Islamic group wanted to establish a separatist government from the Philippines this group was known as the Abu Sayaf Group (De Guzman, 2003). The organization’s pursuit of separatism was made clear by their acts of terrorism. These acts could be credited to their rampant kidnappings, bombings; the most famous was the Rizal Day Bombing which had killed around 18 people and apparent beheadings done to both civilians and soldiers of the government. Another group that is spreading fear among people is the group which was started by Hashim Salamat, the MILF or the Moro Islamic Liberation Front. This separatist movement was formed as a way of promoting an independence of the Moro’s from the control of the government and to establish their own government. The group was divided into two the MNLF or Moro Nationalistic Liberation Front and the Moro Islamic Liberation Front. Although the MNLF has accepted the semi-autonomy offered by the government the MILF would refuse this offer and become the largest separatist movement in the Philippines. They have been alleged to have ties with the Al Queda and the Jemmaah Islamiya however no real claim has been made. This trend of terrorism has been made more catastrophic as the events of 9/11. As quoted from Julkipli M. Wadi “The attacks in New York and Washington on September 11, 2001 caused unprecedented shock waves in many parts of the world 9/11 both heightened and diminished old fault lines of world tension but created new ones”.(Wadi, 2004)

Media and Discrimination The growing stereotype against Muslims are being generated by acts of single individuals or groups however it is important to note that this idealism is not shared by all Muslims and that they are only victims the same as those who were attacked in 9/11. A survey done by “The 1990 TRUST” a Britain based organization which focuses on issues of racial discrimination against Blacks Asian or African descent. The stereotype that emanates from the attacks of Muslim terrorists on the world trade center has put a bad name for many Muslims. However not all of them share the same views a survey done on the attacks in London showed that only 1% of the Muslim community believe that it was a righteous act and a staggering 87% of the respondent have denounced the act as terrorist in nature and unjustifiable(1990 Trust, 2006). This survey reveals how much these people disapprove of violence as a mean of resolving anything.

The events of 9/11 have not only created mass panic within the hearts of many Americans and other nations to the evil that is brought by terrorism but also it singularly identified an enemy which was within the United States of America itself. The repercussions of the event are being felt by the Muslim people in the United States of America. Numerous hate crimes such as attacks on mosques and verbal assault on people who are Muslims and those who remotely look like them like the Sikhs who are stereotyped because of their use of turban as a part of their clothing(Athar, 2002). Many people felt that Muslims are to blame for the death of those people in the World Trade Center and the attack in the United States. Muslims and other Middle-Eastern People have been met with prejudice hate and violence for crimes they themselves did not commit. On September 15, 2001 Balbir Singh Sodhi, a Sikh was mistaken for a Muslim and was met with violence and was shot to his death. Another Incident was the ramming of a vehicle in to Evansville Islamic Center (Athar, 2002). The growing discrimination is not limited to those in the United States but also to most western countries and Australia.

The survey reveals the position of Muslim against acts of terrorism and its effects. Muslims who took a non-violent stand are still suffering from societal prejudice by those in power. Political injustice is apparent in UK according to Muslims People who are living there. A massive 91.4% feel that the foreign policy of UK is still inadequate in representing them and a miniscule 1.6 % showed that they are properly represented (1990 Trust, 2006). The survey shows that many countries still fail to recognize the rights of the Muslim people to be properly represented. Another sector that has a major effect on the social life of Muslims is Media and its control over information. Muslims feel that Media has been affected by government policy 40% among the respondents answered to this while believe that While 35% of the respondents however believe that Media plays biases and is inaccurate in reporting events in the Middle East. This string of disbelief has made many members of the Muslim community have resorted to alternative Media sources such Al Jazeera Network and Islam Channels as well as replacing mainstream newspaper for those that feature a Muslim corner or is devoted solely to cater to Muslim audiences and readers (1990 Trust, 2006).

In the Philippines however there is also a growing trend of Muslim Discrimination and Labeling that has happened although this maybe attributed to the attacks made by the Muslim Insurgents. This growing trend has begun long before in the Philippines as far back from the time of the Spanish when they were ridiculed through the use of plays called Moro moro where they were depicted as the enemy of the Catholic Church (PHDR, 2005). We cannot simply ignore the fact that the attacks of 9/11 did have an effect in the world. The growth and development of this issue is something that cannot be dismissed so easily. However it can also be noted that the Philippines moved to make groups such as the Abu Sayaf Group, the MNLF and the MILF a part of the list of international terrorists was more of a political move that was further aggravated by media. According to a columnist from the New York Times President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo only used labeling the Abu Sayaf Group as terrorist a ploy for being awarded a 100 million dollar in military aid. This also allowed the Americans to continue their war on terrorism even if it isn’t exactly what it is (Nicholas, 2002). This approves that terrorism even if it’s not true in its sense here in the Philippines is still considered and has grown.

A survey conducted by the PHDR or the Philippine Human Development Report in 2005 among three Baranggays in Lanao Del Sur and Lanao Del Norte. The survey was able to gather the opinion of 1,185 respondent 21 of which were Muslims. The survey wanted to gather the opinion of people on some traits and characteristics of Muslims as well gather proximity test and level of knowledge about Muslims. The survey revealed several very interesting things about us Filipinos and those we have some level of discrimination against our Muslim Brothers. The first question which asked was where a majority of them get their information about Muslim people. The source which was cited by most respondents was the Television which was chosen by 78% of the respondents. The television is followed by the radio (44%), the newspapers (29%) and 20% cited their friends source of their information on Muslims and 8% cited relatives in Mindanao and in the Middle East. However it is important to note that only 14% of the 1,185 have had real contact with Muslim People.

In the basis of attitudes of people to their proximity to Muslims, the PHDR or the Philippine Human Development Report surveyed respondents on their behavior towards Muslims. The respondents were given three choices. The first name was that catholic name while the second was a Muslim name while the last choice was that anyone of the two names will do. A set of jobs and activities (male boarder, female domestic helper, male worker) were also given for them to choose which of the three choices given to them they would pick. Discouragingly below 10% of the respondents chose the Muslim sounding name over the Christian name. About half of the respondents would choose both while it was almost the same percentage as those who chose the Christian Sounding name. Another survey was done which studied how people reacted to living near a Muslim Community. They were asked to choose between living in an a apartment with a lower rent but near a Muslim Community or an apartment with the same amenities as the first mentioned but has a higher rent but father from a Muslim Community.

The results showed that there was an equal number of people will choose the apartment nearer the Muslim Community (37%) and those who chose the apartment father from the Muslim Community (40%) and only 22% indicated that both locations are agreeable with them. However those in living in the NCR there is a significant difference with 57% of the people choosing the farther from the Muslim community while 59% from the ABC class had opted for the father residence. However the E and C class had no problem living near the Muslim Community. The difference may lie in both the proximity from a Muslim Community and the price of the apartment that may dictate their choice of domicile. The reason to people may be attributed to that they feel that there is more harm to them although it can also be because there is a cheaper alternative however because the two presented options were of equal stature there is other issues that may be attributed to this as they could be fearful of the community or so they think they are.

In terms of the personal traits of Muslims, According to the Philippine Human Development Report of 2005, majority of people have a level of indecision towards the Muslims. 56% to 64% of the chosen respondents have a level of indecision towards Muslim traits. Higher still was found in the Luzon area with 67% to 76% of the respondents wavering on the personal traits of Muslims. In Mindanao however indecision is also high averaging 37% to 40% among those respondents. Concerning this high level indecision many are left to make up their own ideas of a Muslim,

Another question in the 2005 PHDR was based on four Muslim stereotypes where presented and the respondent was asked to choose between 5 choices. These stereotypes where that Muslims were prone to run amok and turn violent, Are terrorists or extremists, That they consider themselves as Filipinos, that they are not oppressive to women and the last one was that Muslims secretly hate all non-Muslim and those who do not. The result of the test revealed that a majority of the respondents believe that Muslims are more prone to run amok (55%) followed by the trait that they are not oppressive to women (59%) Muslims are known to be terrorists or extremists follow at (47%) while 49% believe that they are Filipino and that 44% believes Muslims secretly hate all non-Muslims and those who do not. These results are very intresting considering that only 14% have real encounters with Muslims.

Finally the respondents were asked to name one group they knew that can be associated with terrorism. The results showed that 30% of those respondents had said the Abu Sayaf while 27% answered that it was Muslims who were most oft cited by people associated with the word terrorism. NCR (42%) and other urban areas (36%) mostly cited the group of Abu Sayaf compared to other areas (24% to 29%) and rural places (22%) that had cited the Abu Sayaf. Only 19% cannot name any group they can associate to the word terrorism.

In conclusion of the study done by the PHDR it is seen that a considerable number of people are biased against Muslims all the while only 14% have had any real experience with any Muslim in their entire lifetime until the study. The most widely held stereotype of people is that Muslims are more prone to run amok or resort to violence and that Muslims are terrorists and extremists.

Chapter III

Theoretical Framework

The theory which is the main theory which will be used in this study is the Cultural Perception on Social Barriers Theory. This theory is based upon the premise that wrong cultural perceptions on any small social organization would create a barrier within itself and the more dominant forces outside. This in turn causes a social struggle to keep the current peaceful status quo and the social prejudice produced by misinformation. This theory carries the premise on Cultural Studies on Ideological Apparatuses by Louis Althusser which states that dominant forces such as media, schools and the family lends a hand to the creation of an outstanding ideology (Durham & Kellner, 2006). The Theory tells us that that there are two types of State Apparatuses, Repressive and Ideological. Ideological State Apparatuses tells us that Ideological State Apparatuses works by creating an instilled ideological and repressive nature upon the individual. ISA’s act as a source of the ideology of the masses and are a mostly controlled by private institutions that act as the producer and regulator of the type of ideology and its effects upon the lower and middle classes. It presupposes that Ideology is an illusion which is produced by the individual to create his look upon the world. ISA’s create certain ideologies which people creates an imaginary relations as this imaginary relations continue to develop it will become no longer imaginary but as real relations which the class accepts as a form of reality (Althusser, 1971). Individuals however not only accept these ideologies produced by the ISA’s they are also contributors and also segregate what they accept and do not. ISA’s are not only a source of ideology but also is the place of class struggle as more and more private institutions aims to posses its power while middle class and lower class wish to be better represented in these ISA’s. ISA’s define certain objects with its own consciousness as such if you believe in God you go to church, pray, attend mass as such or Justice as an idea which he will follow rules, and fight for his own rights that may have been violated.

This theory of Louis Althusser applies to this study as it analyzes the ongoing state of Media as a propagator of information to society. The ideology created by media tends to become the over-all ideology of the masses. As Louis Althusser states ISA’s are privately owned as does Media in the Philippines is. Their representations of the events in both here and Mindanao have been reported by Media as a result controlling the amount of information that goes to the viewers. The inaccurate and insufficient amount of information provided by media creates the ideology which perpetuates the ideas about Muslims. These ideas as the PHDR 2005 survey revealed that Muslims are regarded as being violent or as terrorist and this was formed by the respondents from their exposure to Media most specifically television(PHDR, 2005). The relations produced by media between the ties of Muslims and these acts of violence as well as the terrorist movements. These events were reported by Media as well as the ongoing battle between the Muslims and the Government. The violence there was presented by the media compartmentalized and has been added hype as it is more moving to the viewers and is the best way to keep audiences enamored and captured. The kidnappings done by Abu Sayaf Group as well as the military activities of the MILF and MNLF have created an image of the Muslims that they do not wish to have. This relations between violent acts and terrorism as per created by creating an imaginary relations which then further develop into a more material and realistic relations of these two things. Such as God is an ideology or belief or even faith it correlates us to do tasks such as prayer or confession because these thing are in our belief relates to God.

The theory also takes itself from Marxist Media Theory that the dominant ideology becomes the belief of the dominant culture and therefore is also reflected by the majority. These two theories would describe how media has been a source of information of the majority on Muslim people and their culture. However unfortunately many of the masses have a wrong impression or incomplete understanding of the culture of Muslims as they are represented in media quite incorrectly or incongruently. The constructions of these social barriers are a result of the wide-spread wrong impression on Muslims and their culture. Although there is still exist some members of the Islamic religion who exist with the majority in a harmonious relationship there is still exist a great divide between the Non-Muslims and Muslims which exist both on a political and social level. Therefore these barriers make it difficult to neither regain nor retain a socially conducive nature within an area. Discrimination and Prejudice produced by media as well as the perception of them not really belonging are factors that also contribute to the development of this theory. The theory tries to explain how the Muslim Community developed an isolationist behavior and perception when faced with the prejudice surrounding them caused by the terrorist attacks and the separatist movements in Mindanao and in other parts of the country.

The researchers will employ this theory to gauge the level of effect of media on the Muslim Community members. The theory sees Media as an institution that promulgates a certain ideology which may or may not be offensive or discriminatory to Muslims. Therefore to gauge Media as an institution will help also explain how far is the level of social barrier between Media and the Muslim Community exists and also the rest of the Non-Muslim People. Noting that a majority of people according to a survey done by the Philippine Human Development Report 2005 had indicated that a majority of people would rather pay a huge amount to live far from Muslims communities or that Muslims are associated as being terrorist(PHDR, 2005). These kinds of impressions root from misinformation which most of the respondents gathered from Media mainly the television. The development of the social barrier although gradual can be increased exponentially by events that a trigger a large negative response towards a singular group or individuals as is the case for Muslims. The events of 9/11 though may have happened in the United States cannot excuse the Philippines being somewhat involved and affected, also since the Philippines has long since had a dispute with Muslim insurgencies and violence in the Mindanao area the discrimination against them which has existed prior to 9/11 has only become worse as insurgents become terrorist and so does the rest of the Muslim population in the entire Philippines. The two mentioned theorem above which is the Marxist Media Theory and the Ideological State Apparatuses will be used to augment and develop the theory of Cultural Perceptions on Social Barrier Theory. These two theories will be used to explain how wrong cultural perception can become the dominant ideology which promotes the growth of a social behavior. The two theories explain how a wrong cultural perception may become the real ideology of the masses which will then cause tension and the further development of a social barrier. The cultural perception of social barrier theory is built upon that wrong cultural perception develops an isolationist behavior where a minority develops a trust-mistrust paradox. Where one continually involves himself in the majority however there is a growth of resentment that becomes a barrier that prevents the inability of the status quo to change and no development may occur as long as both sides cannot agree and meet halfway. The theory is based upon the study of how when faced with ridicule and mockery, reaction which is seen other than rebellion is resentment for the dominant majority which is then translates to a distancing away of the individuals that mock them to avoid being hurt or further ridiculed. Although still existing in the same plane as both cannot leave and are forced to live together they continue to exist with a barrier that separates one from the other and continuing to perpetuate the wrong perception of society on these small individuals or in the case of this study a small Muslim community.

Conceptual Framework

Figure 1: Conceptual Framework

The Islamic Insurgency and the attacks of Terrorism in and out of the Philippines have created a trend in the Philippine news media in delivering the news regarding the matter. The Philippine news media reports that majority of terror attacks in the Philippines and abroad that were done by Muslims. The oblique figure of Terrorism and Islamic Insurgency represents a cause which upon the Philippine News Media reports upon and disseminates information about. These two causes are directly pointed at Philippine News Media as they influence the reporting of Philippine News Media and which in turn becomes news that people acquire.

The Philippine News Media or Media Landscape is seen by this study as an ideological apparatus that provides information to that masses and affects their level of understanding, opinions and beliefs. This explains the connection that the two have; there are other kinds of Ideological State Apparatuses such as school, Church and the Family influence people’s opinions and their way of thinking. The Television is of the most effective and most highly used source of information of the majority of Filipinos both able and unable to access alternative Media. Also one major source of news and information for the people is the news programs that these networks used to promulgate the News and Current Events such “Bandila” “Saksi” “24 oras” and “TV patrol” to name a few.

The actions performed by these terrorist groups and bandits in the south has affected the not only the type of news but the effect of news on its viewers. The connection that lies between the Philippine News Media is that News is the message of Media and their angle in the news. News that is conflict laden is often drenched in human drama which is something people seem to be drawn to. However in this type of reporting the representation of the people in the report become very tainted as they begin to have a negative connotation among those who the media portrays as the enemy which is in this case are the Muslims. However there is a spill over of these ideals because it goes beyond the south and infects people outside of the battlefield and they become victim to the same prejudice and discrimination that is being fed to by the Media.

The News Media’s inaccurate reporting has lead to the stereotyping of most of the Muslims as both being a terrorist or Muslims are prone to run amok and cause violence in their community. These images of Muslims that News Media has unwittingly created has negatively impacted the Muslims and that they must are being discriminated from the rest of the Non-Muslim community, and they must watched by the authorities at all times.

Stereotyping can be defined as the general negative notion towards a group of people. Discrimination however is the act upon which these stereotypes have developed or created such as hate crimes or prejudice towards in public areas or facilities. Therefore it is only logical that stereotyping will further lead to the social discrimination that is suffered by the Muslim communities in the Metro Manila from the people who belong from the different societies and religions around them. There is a level of discrimination within society that exists between Non-Muslim and Muslim alike and this is well documented by the Philippine Human Development Report of 2005.

The social discrimination can be seen as both being a cause and effect. Social discrimination is seen as the result of the stereotyping that Media has created against Muslims and has therefore caused social discrimination against Muslims. However Social Discrimination is also seen as a cause which has lead to the creation of a social barrier between Muslims and Non Muslims. Social barrier as seen in the figure above, Discrimination can be seen as both being a cause and effect because in this study it appears as both a cause and effect. Social Discrimination is seen as a cause of social barrier that exist between media and the Muslim Community.

The social barrier is now currently affecting the Muslim communities who are the direct receivers of the message transmitted by the news media. Their connection lies in how social discrimination can augment the growth of a social barrier which exists between the majority of Muslim Community and that of the majority and of Media. The social barrier can be described as an imaginary wall which exists between two forces in society that the barrier shields the minority through a behavioral and social modifications that involve a growth of different attitudes that help in ease the situation.

The researchers will now focus on the perceptions affecting their behavior which in this study would reflect the feedback of the Muslim Community in Metro Manila toward the news delivered by the Philippine Media regarding the Islamic Insurgencies and Terror attacks in the Philippines and abroad.

Chapter IV


Research Design

The methodology of this study aims to employ a descriptive design which is concerned with present and existing conditions. Descriptive research designs provide essential knowledge about the nature of objects and of persons. Often employing quantitative research methods in gathering data and also is using sampling methods (Calmorin & Calmorin, 2005). There are 9 types of Descriptive Research: 1) Descriptive-Survey 2) Descriptive-Normative 3) Descriptive-Status 4) Descriptive-Analysis 5) Descriptive-Classification 6) Descriptive-Evaluative 7) Descriptive-Comparative 8) Correlation Survey 9) Longitudinal Survey (Calmorin & Calmorin, 2005). The researcher will use in this study the descriptive status research design. Descriptive-Status seeks to answer question relating to real facts which also relate to the current conditions (Calmorin & Calmorin, 2005). This research design seeks to answer problems that are appearing in our current society. The research design is aimed at looking at a situation in a hopes that it will change or that it will alter itself from within or from an outside influence (Calmorin & Calmorin, 2005). The researchers opted to use this because the research aims to find out the current conditions of Muslim Communities and their views on the current Media Landscape.

The research design also calls for the use of a scientific sampling method to provide the most amount of response and creates a higher level of validity for the study. An unrestricted random sampling method will be used as it provides the highest amount of respondents and provides the chance to a majority of the population to have an equal chance of becoming a respondent in the survey being done. The purpose of doing so is that the high level of variation and number of people in this study helps provide a more valid and more visible result in the end process. The random sampling will also provide the researchers a wider reach within the said community and larger gathering area for opinions.

Lastly the test will use the questionnaire format in collecting data from the respondents. This provides quicker time to process the data as they are presented in concrete and is easily manageable in terms of recording and analysis. The questionnaire will contain two parts the first part will be used to gather basic information from the respondents such as age, level of education, social status as pertains to being either married or single. Information about their level of migration which would pertain to their length of stay in the area, either having moved or born there in the area or in metro manila. Tribe which they belong to is also a critical question that will be asked as to provide further help in the analysis as to study if people who came from the same tribe may have the same opinion on the subject the researchers are trying to figure out. The former will also ask their viewing habits of the television and their source of news and current affairs. The first part was created so that it will give an initial profile on the respondent and allow him/her to be identified while also keeping the level of discretion about who the respondent is. The first part will allow us gauge different point of views as one how married people pertain to Media as an institution as compared to those who are single, or those who were born here and those who have recently migrated to the area. The second part will use a technique called the Likert’s Scale.

The Likert Scale was developed by Rensis Likert, a sociologist from the University of Michigan who wanted to study the attitudes of people thru a scientific method which is also measurable thru the use of a proper metric scale which can then be easily interpreted(Uebersax, 2006). The Likert Scale is used to measure people’s attitudes by presenting an idea and then presenting 5 choices where the respondents are asked if they strongly agree, somewhat agree, neither agree nor disagree, somewhat disagree or strongly disagree. These choices will continue up to the end where an idea will be presented and the respondents will choose among these five responses that best represents their attitudes towards an object, event or in the case of this research an institution.
|Please indicate how much you agree or disagree with each of these statements: |
| |
|Neither agree |
|Strongly Somewhat nor Somewhat Strongly |
|disagree disagree disagree agree agree |
|-------------------------------------------------------------------- |
|The president is 1 2 3 4 5 |
| |
|doing a good job. |
| |
|The Congress is 1 2 3 4 5 |
|doing a good job. |
| |
|The Secretary of 1 2 3 4 5 |
|Defense is doing a good job. |

Figure 2: Likert Scale

The Likert Scale was chosen for the very purpose that it measures the attitudes and behaviors which is the main focus of what this study wishes to address and find out. The Likert Scale will provide an easily measurable result into the attitudes and behaviors of these communities. The use of this technique will provide the researchers a very reliable source of opinions and allows the researchers to use a method which is specifically designed to measure attitudes of people.

Uebersax J.S. notes several characteristics or features that define a Likert scale: 1. The scale contains several items. 2. Response levels are arranged horizontally. 3. Response levels are anchored with consecutive integers. 4. Response levels are also anchored with verbal labels which connote more-or-less evenly-spaced gradations. 5. Verbal labels are bivalent and symmetrical about a neutral middle and 6. In Likert's usage, the scale always measures attitude in terms of level of agreement/disagreement to a target statement (but see below)
Criterion 5 usually means there is an odd number of a response level. Typically the number is 5, though sometimes 7, 9, or 11 levels are used (Uebersax JS, 2006).

Determination of Sample Size

These following figures were gathered from the Office of Muslim Affairs as to provide the most recent amount of the population of the target site which is the Muslim Community that is located in Baranggay Culiat Tandang Sora Quezon City. The latest figures as they were gathered in the year 2000 provided that there are over 3,000 Muslims currently living in Brgy. Culiat Tandang Sora, Quezon City. Considering this we also chose to go for the minimum 10% of the population which in this case 300 respondents. The reason to why this number of respondents where only chosen was the unclear number of respondent who would be a) available for the survey as there is very little information that was provided to the true number of respondents that where registered there. b) interested to answer such as survey as they have before and have seen no result to the study whatsoever.

|3,000 x 0.10 = 300 |

Sampling Design and Technique

The study would use an unscientific sampling method as to get most number of responses from the members of the community. The research would employ the use of Random Sampling by way of a random number board where a dice is thrown and how many appears is the number of people will be skipped until the next subject is to be chosen. This method was chosen as to give the majority of the members of the population a chance to have their opinion heard and taken. The unrestricted Random sampling method was therefore appropriate for this study as to provide the study more sources of information rather than segregating them and losing a majority of them because of their differences.

The study would use as reference the number of households within the community and then use that as a guide in dividing the number of people to be surveyed within the area. The technique used to choose the houses was through using a skipping method which means that houses were chosen by starting at a single household and then jumping the number which was decided upon by using a die. In the survey conducted this method was used to randomly pick the respondents within the area. This technique was chosen because it was more convenient since the houses within the area are closely knit and is easier to put into account rather than people living within the area since it is easier to gather information by household rather than random bystanders within the community.


The researchers have identified their subjects as members of the Muslim Community of Baranggay Culiat, Tandang Sora Quezon City. They were specifically chosen because of the number of ethnic groups which live within the area. This factor is very important to note since the diversity of the ethnic groups may also give more variance in the answers of the members of the Muslim Community. These differences are also important as the researchers would also like to figure out how different ethnic groups answer a certain issue as compared to other ethnic groups. Respondents will also be chosen between the ages of 18 and above male and female. No age limit was placed other than being above the age of 18 due to the fact that this age is when members of the community has already reached an age of responsibility and are already mature enough according to the Constitution of the Philippines to work and experience the outside world. No age limit was put because it will allow us to gather a more wide scale approach on the respondent’s opinions. The experience that comes with age is one factor that we have considered so that no age limit was used in this study. Putting no age limit will also allow us to use age as a factor in the study. How old one is may also affect the level of discrimination or exposure that one has received from the dominant outside forces as for this study would be media. Having none or little background education will not be required in this study but it would be essential that they are aware of the current issues in the Philippines and have watched or are regularly watching news on any of the free Television networks that are currently servicing the Filipino People.

Research Instruments

The research was carried out using a descriptive analysis which is used to collect data about current times and current events. The study required the use of a survey to gather the data needed. The survey was administered in Baranggay Culiat Tandang Sora, Quezon City in the Muslim Community in the area. The survey was used to gather data on the behavior and attitudes of the Muslim community towards media and its effects, on issues of terrorism and violence, discrimination. The questions that were used in the survey where collected by the researchers own reading material such as books online journal. Some questions were also formulated by the researchers themselves while other where their observations.

The questionnaire is to be divided into two parts. The first part of the questionnaires was to gather simple background information on the respondent of the study. This was to include age, sex, level of educational attainment, and what tribe did they belong to. It was also asked if they where married or single and if they have any children, the respondents were also asked to give the kind of job that they have, the number of years that they have been in Metro Manila. Finally part one also asked about their viewing habits such as at what station do they watch the news and at how many hours they spend at it. Part 2 was used to gather the opinion of the respondents by giving them an idea or notion and that whether or not they strongly agree, agree, are neutral, dis-agree or strongly disagree at what that idea or notion states. These question where sub-divided into different categories such as a) Terrorism and Violence b) Media c) Discrimination and d) Representation and Reaction. These questions appeared both on previous researches as well as personally observed by the researchers as the problems of these small communities.

Data Gathering Procedure

After being approved to go on survey, the researchers set out to gather the approval of every tribal Leader within the area. The researchers sought the approval of the Imam or spiritual Leaders of every tribe within the Village namely Engr. Siradj. A. Abantas, SMMAC Chairman Hadji Nur A. Hassan, Mohammed Norsie Mindog the president of the Maguindanaon, Purok Leader Sir Maulana Dawadi , Ustadz Moctar Haron which is the representative of the Office of Muslim Affairs and finally the Brgy. Chairman Jaime P. Garcia. These people where given a letter informing them and later where asked to a sign a letter certifying their approval and support of the endeavor which we wish to accomplish within their community. After getting most of the signatures the researchers began with the survey which was done on January 7, 2008 which yielded a 60% turn out or 300 out of 500 respondents which was the target of the researchers and of the study. The yield was due to the day when the survey was done. The survey was done during a Monday which would merit that a number of professionals and students where either in their schools or at works. The researchers also were having difficulty moving and engaging more respondents as they had to sit down with the respondents as many of them either do not speak or have a hard time understanding Tagalog or need orientation on the question which appeared in the questionnaire.

Data Processing Method

The data gathered from the survey is analyzed and tallied according to the question and their respective answer a tally sheet is used to mark the number of respondents per answer and then cross check with the number arrived at in the survey done. It is to cross check whether some question lacked answers or that all question had answers. The study no longer used a categorization og the data as the respondents where treated as a one group and no one was considered above the other individuals this was due to the nature of the study which all the individuals there are Muslims A manual tabulation was used to determine the results this was due to a small number of respondents of 300 respondents. Results will then be individually tallied and made it more readable graphs by using an averaging method. A Uni-variate system was employed to solve the problem.

Statistical Treatment

The study would use a very simple method of statistical treatment this is due to the nature of the questionnaire. The Likert Scale is a test used to measure a person’s behavior and attitudes towards an object, event, and person or in the case of this study an institution. The Likert scale is performed by providing a number of responses and the result may be considered as being ordinal rather than being nominal. Therefore the study requires only the use of the Mean, Median and Mode. These statistical tools will help determine the following; the Mean will be used to determine the most number of the type of attitude of the respondents to a certain idea. Mode will be used to determine what two attitudes are most common among the respondents and the Median to determine the middle ground of the respondents. The study only requires it because the results are more of verbal statements instead of nominal data which can be deduced further by a number of other statistical treatment and analysis.

Chapter V

Data Gathering Results Analysis and Interpretation

The data collected in the survey conducted will be used to answer the following questions. These data where gathered from the Muslim Community in Brgy. Culiat Tandang Sora Quezon City last January 7, 2008.

The study was conducted in the Muslim Community of Brgy. Culiat Tandang Sora Quezon City which has a population of around 3,000 individuals according to the report filed by the Office of Muslim Affairs. The initial findings revealed that around 8 ethnic groups of Muslims were to be found in the area. The study used a survey method in gathering the results for the study and was therefore done by giving respondents a survey form which they would answer and would therefore provide the researchers certain information that would be valuable to the development of the study. The respondents of the study where chosen through random sampling and produced these results.

1. Nairerepresenta ng Media ang mga Muslim ng pantay at walang bahid [pic]
Figure 3: Fair and Unbiased representation of Muslims in Media The question asked among the respondents was “Nairerepresenta ng Media ang mga Muslim ng pantay at walang bahid” or “Media represents Muslim and Non-Muslims fairly, equally and without bias “. The question revealed that 40% or 120 respondents disagree with the idea that media represents them fairly and without bias. 27% or 80 respondents said that they strongly disagree with the idea of Media being fair when it comes to Muslims. 10% or 30 respondents stating that the statement could be neutral in that it can sometimes happen and other times not at all. However 13% or 40 respondents believe that Media is somewhat fair and unbiased while 10% or 30 people answered that Media is a fair and balanced institution of information

2. Hindi Maganda ang trato ng mga tao sa mga Muslim lalo na sa mga pampublikong lugar o pasyalan dahil sa impluwensya ng Media.
Figure 4: Muslim treatment on the influence of Media on Non-Muslim

The respondents were asked in this statement if they agree or disagree in the notion that Maltreatment are being suffered by the Muslims from the Non-Muslim in public places like malls. 27% disagreed on this statement, while 23% stated that they were neutral towards this statement.20% of the respondents stated that they agreed to this statement while another 20% totally disagrees. The remaining 10% of the respondents stated that they totally agreed to the statement.

3. Hindi nabibigayan ng karampatang pagkakataon ang mga Muslim na maiboses ang kanilang hinaing sa Media at sa mga isyu na ibinabalita nito [pic]
Figure 5: Media representation

The number 2 question that was asked was to respondents was if they believed that “Hindi nabibigayan ng karampatang pagkakataon ang mga Muslim na maiboses ang kanilang hinaing sa Media at sa mga isyu na ibinabalita nito” or “Muslims are not given enough chances to voice out their grievances about the issues that concerns them.” 16% or 47 of the respondents revealed that they strongly disagree that Muslims are not given a chance. 25% or 74 of the respondents revealed that they disagree and believe that Muslims are provided with some venue to voice out their grievances. 40 respondents or 13% of the population revealed that they are neutral in the idea in that proper venue may be given but not all the time. However 37% percent of the population or 114 of those surveyed said that Media does not give a proper venue nor time to gather their own opinion or grievances on an issue. 10 % strongly agree that Media give Muslim’s little if no chance at all of voicing out their opinion. The mean is 114 respondents which is about 37% of the entire population while the Mode is number 1 and number 4 choices.

4. Kadalasang isinisisi ng Media at Pulisya sa mga Muslim ang karamihan sa mga karahasan at pambomba na nagaganap sa Maynila at karatig siyudad.
Figure 6: Media Blame

The question was “Kadalasang isinisisi ng Media at Pulisya sa mga Muslim ang karamihan sa mga karahasan at pambomba na nagaganap sa Maynila at karatig siyudad” or that the Media and the Police often blame the Muslims for acts of violence and bombings in and around the Metro Manila area. 13% strongly believe that the Police and Media do not mainly blame them for the bombing that had occurred in Metro Manila. 16% or 49 respondents disagrees that Media and the Police have always blamed the Muslims for the violence and bombing done here in Metro Manila. 4% or 11 respondents chose neutral in the question Kadalasang isinisisi ng Media at Pulisya sa mga Muslim ang karamihan sa mga karahasan at pambomba na nagaganap sa Maynila at karatig siyudad. 31% of the respondents however agreed that they are the one most particularly targeted by these accusations. 36% or 109 of the respondents answered that they strongly agree in that Muslim are mostly blamed for the violence in Metro Manila.

5. Karamihan sa media ay kulang sa kaalaman tungkol sa paggamit ng terminong Terrorista. [pic]
Figure 7: Media Information of Muslim identity

The next question relates to the knowledge and ability of Media as a source of information about issues concerning Muslim communities. The statement “Karamihan sa media ay kulang sa kaalaman tungkol sa paggamit ng terminong Terrorista” or “Media’s lack of knowledge of the term and its uses”. Among those who were surveyed 17 % or 52 respondents strongly disagree that Media has any lack of knowledge when it come to terrorism and to its uses. 13% or 38 respondents believe agree that Media may lack but only to a small degree on terrorism and its uses. However 49 or 16% respondents answered that they neither confirm nor deny that there is a lack of knowledge in Media about terrorism. 34% or 101 respondents answered that Media has a lack of knowledge when it comes to dealing with issues such as terrorism and 20% or 60 respondents said that there was a huge lack of knowledge in Media’s reporting and investigation.

6. Karamihan ng mga miyembro ng Media ay tahasan ang paggamit ng terminong Terrorista ng walang lubusang kaalaman sa terminong ito. [pic]
Figure 8: The use of media on the term Terrorism

The use of terrorism was asked in this question, the question being “Karamihan ng mga miyembro ng Media ay tahasan ang paggamit ng terminong Terrorista ng walang lubusang kaalaman sa terminong ito” or the Media uses the term terrorism without prior knowledge or investigation and without restrictions to it being used on-air. 13% or 38 respondents answered that they strongly disagree that Media is using the term terrorist with out any restrictions, 11% or 32 respondents said that they disagree that Media is careless in its use of the term Terrorist. 19% of respondent which is 58 persons where unsure whether or not the media was careless in its use of the term and if it lacked vital information to support it claim to use the term. There were 31% of the population or 92 respondents who agreed that Media was careless in its use while 26% or 80 respondents believe not only did media lacked information on reporting about issue on terrorism but also Media has become insensitive and careless to the use of the term.

7. Malakas ang impluwensya ng Media sa pag-uugali ng mga tao patungkol sa mga Muslim [pic]
Figure 9: Media influence on the non-Muslim

In this question, the respondents were asked if Media have a great influence in shaping the attitudes and behaviors of Non Muslim people towards Muslim people, This chart shows that 30% of the total respondents disagree to the notion that media have big influence. 27% agreed to the statement that Media have a big influence. While 19% of the respondents answered neutral, and 17% answered that they strongly agreed on the statement. Lastly, 6% answered that they strongly disagree on the statement.

8. Ang Media ay may malaking kinalaman sa paglago ng diskriminasyon laban sa mga Muslim.

Figure 10: The responsibility of Media on discrimination to Muslims Question number 8 states if Media have great knowledge on the discrimination hype against Muslims. This graph shows that 30% of the respondents strongly agreed on the notion that Media have great knowledge on the discrimination against Muslims. 27% agreed, 20% answered neutral, while 13% disagreed on the notion, and 10% totally disagreed on the notion.
9. Hindi lamang Media ang nakaka apekto sa paguugali ng karamihang hindi Muslim patungo sa mga Muslim.
Figure 11: Other Influences on the perception of Muslims

Question number 9 states that not only Media plays a big role on the rearing of attitudes and perception of Non- Muslim people towards Muslim people. 47% agreed on to this situation while 17% of them strongly agreed on the notion that Not only media is the cause of the perception of the former towards the latter. The neutral and disagree answers each garnered 13% of the responds while 10% totally disagreed on the statement.

10. Ang Media ay unti-unting binabawasan ang paggamit ng mga mapanirang pananalita at terminolohiyang tulad ng terroristang Muslim at ang pagsama ng terminong Muslim sa pagpapakilala sa mga kriminal at hindi na lamang tawagin sa ngalan nito. [pic]
Figure 12: Level of Discrimination in media

In question number 10, states that the Media are now lessening the usage of the terms like terrorists accompanying the term Muslims. The media are also lessening the usage of the term Muslim in naming criminals who belongs to the Islam religion. 33% totally disagreed on the statement, and noted that the name calling of media against Muslims are still the same like before. 27% agreed on the notion, while 17 % answered neutral and 13 and 10 % for those who disagreed and those who totally agreed respectively.


11. Hindi Maganda ang trato ng mga tao sa mga Muslim lalo na sa mga pampublikong lugar o pasyalan. [pic]
Figure 13: Treatment of Muslims

The respondents were asked in this statement if they agree or disagree in the notion that Maltreatment are being suffered by the Muslim from the Non-Muslim in public places like malls. 27% disagreed on this statement, while 23% stated that they were neutral towards this statement.20% of the respondents stated that they agreed to this statement while another 20% totally disagrees. The remaining 10% of the respondents stated that they totally agreed to the statement.

12. Marami sa mga tao ay nagbabago ng pag-uugali sa mga Muslim lalo na sa mga pampublikong lugar tulad ng mga malls at palengke.
Figure 14: Change in attitude of Non-Muslims

This question asks the respondents whether they agree or disagree that Non-Muslim have a change of attitude and perception towards Muslim people when the former see the latter in malls and wet markets. 27% answered that they totally disagree to this notion while 23% of the respondents answered that they agree to the notion that Non-Muslim people have a change of attitude towards them. Another 23% stated that they disagree to this statement while 13 % answered neutral.

13. Karamihan ng mga hindi Muslim ay nahihirapan makitungo sa mga Muslim lalo na at may namamagitang kaba sa hindi Muslim.
Figure 15: Exchange between Muslims and Non-Muslims Question number 13 asks the respondents if they agree that non-Muslim have a difficult time having friends or acquaintance with Muslim people. 27% answered that they totally disagreed to this statement. Another 27% answered that they agreed to this statement. 20 % disagreed to this notion while another 20% of the respondents answered neutral. The remaining 6% answered that they totally agreed to the question.

14. Mas nagiging mahigpit ang mga kinauukulan sa mga Muslim kumpara sa mga hindi Muslim.
Figure 16: Tightness of Security around Muslims

Question number 14 asks the respondents if they agree that the police security is more tighter towards Muslim people comparing to the Non- Muslims, and 33% of the total respondents agreed to this statement. 23% totally disagreed. While 18 % strongly agreed. 13% answered neutral and the remaining 13% stated that they disagree to this statement.

15. Mayroong mga kumpanya na hindi tinatanggap ang mga aplikanteng mayroong pangalan na tunog Muslim.
Figure 17: Job Acceptance

Question number 15 states the respondents if they agree that there are some companies that does not accept applicants with names that sounds Muslim. 33% agreed to this statement while 23% agreed. Another 23% totally disagreed to this notion. 13% answered neutral and the remaining 8% disagreed.

16. Ang mga hindi Muslim ay kadalasang umiiwas sa mga komunidad ng mga Muslim dahil sa mga masamang nababalitaan nila tungkol dito.
Figure 18: Avoidance of Non Muslims in Muslim Communities

This raises the statement to the respondents if they agree that Non Muslim people have a difficult time going to Muslim communities because of the bad news and rumors the former hears about the place. 33% agreed to this notion while 20% disagreed. 17% answered neutral. Another 17% stated that they totally disagreed to this notion while the remaining 13% answered that they totally agreed.

17. Hindi nabibigyan ng parehong pagkakataon at pribilehiyo na umasenso sa trabahao ang mga Muslim laban sa mga hindi Muslim.
Figure 19: Equal Job progression This question asks the respondents if they agree that Muslim don’t have an equal opportunity to be promoted in work compare to the Non- Muslim. 28% stated that they agree to this notion while 23% disagreed. Another 23% of the respondent answered neutral while 13% totally disagreed. The remaining 13% totally agreed to this statement.

18. marami sa mga pampubliko at pribadong lugar ngayon ay unti-unti nang gumagawa ng paraan upang mapunan ang mga pangangailangan ng mga Muslim.
Figure 20: Change in Establishments

This question raises the statement to the respondents if they agree that a majority of establishments are taking initiative to better their services and adjust them to the needs of the Muslims such as in restaurants and fast food joints by informing what dishes do and do not contain pork. 17% of the respondents strongly disagree with the idea that major establishments are making any special moves to improve their services for their Muslim consumers. 20% answered neutral to the statement while another 20% of the respondents disagreed to the notion. 40% of the respondents agreed to the statement while the remaining 3% of the respondents totally agreed to the question.

19. Hindi na gaano o normal na lamang ang pinatutupad na seguridad sa paligid ng gma Muslim.
Figure 21: Security tightness around Muslims

This notion raises the question to the respondents if the security measures being implemented around the Muslim are less tight than before. 33% agreed that the security measures are less tight compared before, while 20% totally disagreed to this notion. 23% agreed disagreed to the statement while 17% said that they were neutral or they do not felt any changes. The remaining 7% answered that they totally agreed.

20. Hindi na gaanong naiilang ang mga hindi Muslim sa mga lugar na pinanunuluyan ng mga Muslim
Figure 22: Muslim abode and community

Question number 20 asks the respondents if the non-Muslim, don’t have a hard time coming to Muslim Communities, and 47% stated that they agree to this notion because non-Muslim people come in and out of their community with ease and do not show any weariness at all. 33% of the respondents said that they were neutral, while 13% totally disagreed. The remaining 7% of the respondents said that they disagreed, while nobody totally agreed to the statement.

21. Nagbabago ang pananaw ng mga hindi Muslim at dahil dito ay unti-unting bumababa na ang lebel ng diskrimnasyon na kanilang nararanasan.
Figure 23: Level of Discrimination

In question number 21, the respondents were asked whether views of Non-Muslims are changing, hence, the level of discrimination has been lower since. This resulted in a 10% response that they strongly disagree sourcing their reason from their idea that the views has never changed a bit. 23% answered that they disagree saying that the views of non-Muslims has not changed dramatically to the level that Muslims no longer face the same intensity of discrimination as that of the past. 20% of the respondents were neutral toward the statement and the other 27% agreed with the question presented. The last 20% said that they vehemently agreed with the statement.

Violence and Terrorism
22. Hindi Karahasan ang solusyon sa nagaganap na paglalaban-laban sa pagitan ng mga Muslim at sundalo dahil nadadamay pati mga inosente sa kaguluhan.
Figure 24: Violence as a Solution
In question number 22, 14% strongly disagreed saying violence is inevitable even if we are fighting for a better community especially in Mindanao. 10% disagreed saying that violence can also be considered as an only option. A measly 3% were neutral. 31% showed agreement to the posed question saying violence is a key towards the success of peace in the south. A large portion consisting of 42% of respondents strongly agreed that violence is not the solution for it will only yield into another set of mischief.

23. Karamihan sa mga hindi Muslim ay mayroong maling pananaw sa mga Muslim kaya hindi niya ito lubusang kilala.
Figure 25: Non Muslims have a wrong impression towards Muslim people

In question number 23, 14% of the respondents vehemently disagreed that non-Muslims has wrong perceptions toward Muslim people hence, they does not know the real character of a Muslim. 3% of which were neutral on their grounds. A portion consisting of 42% agreed that non-Muslims share with each other a distorted insight of what a true Muslim is and from this assessments of their own, they ultimately does not know the character of each Muslim. 41% strongly agrees with the question.

24. Karamihan ng mga tao ay mayroong kakaunting kaalaman sa terorismo at paano ito ginagawa at bakit.
Figure 26: People have little knowledge about the term terrorism
In number 24, the meaning and means of terrorism as understood by the public is assessed by the respondents. 20% strongly disagreed saying that there has not been many who really does not know terrorism by definition and means of it. 10% disagreed to that of the statement, 20% were neutral, 40 percent agreed that many has insufficient knowledge of the subject. The last 10% strongly agreed and backed up the statement.

25. Marami ang may paniniwala na ang paggamit ng terminolohiyang terorismo ay nararapat lamang sa mga Muslim dahil sa karamihian sa kanila ay ganito.
Figure 27: Terrorism should be associated with Muslims
The number 25 question garnered a 43% share of strongly disagree responses. It is expected it will be this huge because a lot of the Muslims does not want to be associated with the term terrorism. The next 17% disagreed like that of the 43% although it is much lighter for them. A meager 3% were neutral on their grounds. 27% of the respondents had agreed that many of which remains to believe that the term terrorism is only rightful for Muslims. The last 10% strongly agreed on this statement.

26. Walang nakikitang solusyon sa giyera sa Mindanao dahil sa patuloy na karahasang dinudulot ng parehong rebeldeng Muslim at gobyerno.
Figure 28: No solution can be seen to end the crisis in Mindanao

In this question, 17% totally disagreed because they believe that there is always an option and a way other than warring hence, solutions are impossible to run out. 30% of the respondents disagreed saying the same sentiments of that of the “strongly disagree group, although they take it more lightly. The next 13% are neutral for they have no stand to the posed statement. 20% of those surveyed agreed that there is no solution to be expected. A measurement of 20% also strongly agreed that solutions is nowhere in sight because of the war crisis in Mindanao.

27. Marami ang naniniwala na naiiba ang mga pananaw ng mga radikal na Muslim na aktibo sa paggawa ng terorismo at sa mga iba pang mga Muslim. Hindi na gaano o normal lamang ang pinatutupad na seguridad sa paligid ng Muslim.
Figure 29: Radical Muslims have a different perception

The survey question ask if the Muslim believe that a majority of non-muslims believe that Muslims living in the Philippines do not share the same ideologies or beliefs as those who perform acts of violence and terrorism 23% strong disagree that people are already disassociating them with terrorist ideals. 13% believe although not totally they do share some certain ideals. 20% were neutral about the issue. 34% believe that many people already believe that they do not share the same ideals and 10% believe that there is a clear cut difference between the terrorist and the Muslims living in metro manila.

28. Ang karamihan sa karahasang nangyayari sa Mindanao ay isinisisi sa mga Muslim.
Figure 30: Muslims have to be blamed in the violence in Mindanao
In this question, 16% voiced out that they have strongly disagreed a lot of people are blaming the Muslims as the cause of the Mindanao crisis. 17% disagreed saying it is not many of a people that blames Muslims as the cause of such events. 10% chose to be neutral on their stand. The other 30% agreed that Muslims are blamed by a huge fraction of the public and the remaining 27% strongly agreed on the idea of the question.

29. Malaki ang kinalaman ng gobyerno sa karahasan sa Mindanao at hindi lamang ito dapat isisi sa mga Muslim.
Figure 31: Government plays a major role in the crisis in Mindanao

In this question, 10% of the respondents strongly disagreed to the idea that the government is a major proponent when it comes to the ongoing violence in Mindanao. Another 10% disagreed also with the idea. The 17% answered neutral and chose to not have any form of reaction or voice. The 30% agreed saying the government indeed plays a vital cog in the issue of crisis in the south. The last 33% of the fragment totally agreed to the idea that the government is a major cause in the violence.

Representation and Reaction

30. Marami ang may paniniwala na ang paggamit na terminolohiyang terrorista ay nararapat lamang sa Muslim dahil sa karamihan sa kanila ay ganito.
Figure 32: Terrorism is used only for Muslims
In question number 30, 33 % of the respondents disagreed that the term should be used and inserted whenever the Muslims are the topic. 37 % of the respondents answered that they are neutral for they believe that this kind of action is just a waste of time and should not be minded for the people knows that truth of who are the real terrorist. 1% of the respondents agreed while 23% strongly agreed that it is good for them that terrorism should be included to the Muslims.

31. Kakaunti lamang ang tumatayo at naniniwala sa mga karapatan ng mga muslim sa loob ng gobyerno.
Figure 33: Few stand for the rights of Muslims

In question 31, 17% of the respondents strongly disagreed in this question because they believe that there are people within the government are still doing what they can for the benefit of the Muslims. They do not disregard that, still, there are good people working in the government and hope is not yet gone. 13 % of the respondents agreed that there are good people who stand for them whether they are Muslims or non-Muslims. 13% of the respondents stated neutral because they think that the people inside which were supposed to be helping them has not yet provided them results. 27% of the respondents agreed to the statement because people working in the government hear their complaints yet do nothing to solve the problem. An majority of the respondents about 30% strongly agreed that the people in the government do nothing of their complaints.

32. Mas marami na ngayong opurtunidad ang mga Muslim sa iba’t ibang klase ng trabaho.
Figure 34: Job opportunities for Muslims

In question 32, the researchers would like to find out about their experience and encounters in finding a job. 27% sated that they strongly disagree that jobs are easily acquire because some firms and establishments disregards them if ever they knew they were Muslims. Non-Muslims were first to be admitted to open job while the Muslims are disregarded. 37% answered disagreed because they quite know the fact that some firms tend to choose who would be proper enough for the job. 13% however didn’t comment on this statement. 13% agreed that jobs are open to them whether their religion and their name is Muslim. And 10% strongly agreed that Jobs anywhere are open to every Filipino whether what is their name and religion.

33. Nagbabago ang pananaw ng mga Muslim at bumababa na ang lebel ng diskriminasyon na kanilang nararanasan.
Figure 35: Level of Discrimination

In this question, 30% of the respondents strongly disagreed of the issue of discrimination. They believed until now that they are discriminated like jobs, education and opportunities. 20% of the respondents disagreed to this statement; they believe that discrimination still existing from the non-Muslim to Muslims. They think that in some way they are discriminated like in some opportunities. 20% of the respondents stated neutral for they don’t know whether the level of the discrimination still exists or not. On the other hand, 23% agreed that the level of discrimination is leveling down while 7% strongly agreed that discrimination exist no more.

34. Karamihan sa mga hindi Muslim dahil sa kakaunting impormasyon na ibinibigay patungkol sa kanila ay mayroong maling pananaw sa mga Muslim kaya di niya ito lubusang makilala
Figure 36: Amount of Information of Non-Muslims about Muslims

In this question, the researchers want to find out about their idea of what the non-Muslims knows about them. 9% strongly disagreed that the non-Muslims has few knowledge about them for they think that the schools in which these non-Muslims study has enough information on the Muslims. 18% of the respondents disagree that the non-Muslims has few information about them while 37% stated neutral since they believe that the non-Muslims has the proper information yet they still disregard it and continues what they been doing and perceiving. Majority of the respondents, 37%, agrees that the non-Muslim has little information while 18% strongly agree that the non-Muslims has few information about them and do the wrong actions towards them.

35.Karahasan ang karampatang aksyon sa mga pagkakamali ng media at pagbibigay-ngalan ng huli sa mga Muslim.
Figure 37: Violence as a rightful act against Media

In question 35, 27% of the respondents strongly disagree on this kind of action. Muslims are peace lover and they disapproved this kind of violence. 29% stated that they disagree because even though their religion is being categorized as evil, they intend to cleanse their name from this malicious information through nonviolent actions. 7% however answered that they are neutral to this statement. While 30% agree that in order to right what has been the wrong doing, violent action should be implemented and 7% strongly agrees that violence should be used on the Muslim for peaceful action has no more affect on the media.

36. Kailangan magkaron ng parehas na opurtunidad ang mga Muslim sa pag gawa ng batas.
Figure 38: Equality on the opportunity on law making

In question 36, the researchers asked about what would be their idea on having equal opportunities on law making. 13% strongly disagreed because they had no more trust on the government. 10% stated neutral. On the other hand, 30% agrees that they should have equal opportunity while 47% of the respondents strongly agreed that they should have the right opportunity of law making for they are also Filipinos.

37. Kailangan baguhin ang batas sa pagbabalita para sa pagkapantay-pantay ng Muslim at hindi Muslim.
Figure 39: Changes in the Laws to protect the rights of Muslims

In this question, 13% of the respondents strongly disagreed. Because they believe that most of the laws are for the benefit of the Filipino they just want to have equal opportunity as a regular Filipino citizen without the problem of what is the difference in terms of religion and culture. 7% agreed on this statement while 7% of the respondents stated neutral for they don’t care about it just as long as the law that created are for the common good. 17%, on the other hand, agreed on this statement while majority of the respondents about 56% strongly agreed on the statement for they are Filipino and has rights and privileges that the law implements.

38. Kailangan ng batas upang maprotektahan ang karapatan sa mga opportunidad sa trabaho at sa pagkakapantay pantay
Figure 40: The creation of laws for the protection of the economic rights of Muslims

In this question, the researchers asked whether they want to implement a law that will protect their rights and privilege. 13% strongly disagreed because all laws have its equal punishment that if not followed certain consequence would follow. 7% choose neutral while both 40% on agree and strongly agree for they want to have a certain that will protect their interest for they think that some laws are quite biased for the non-Muslim.

39. Ang mga Muslim ay ilang na kumuha ng political na aksyon laban sa Media dahil alam nilang wala lang itong patutunguhan
Figure 41:Indifference towards the Government

In this question, the researchers asked about what they would think about doing some action to the media. 3% of the respondents disagree on this statement for they would still prefer to do some political actions regarding the wrongs of the media. 23% of the respondents disagreed because they too has right for expression and they would used it against the media however, 20% stated neutral for they don’t think it would has an effect whether they stand or not against the media. On the other hand, 37% agreed that it will have no effect if they will go to the government to take some actions against the media and 17% strongly agree that it would be useless to go against the media.

40. Isang Magandang paraan upang ipaalam ng mga Muslim ang kanilang saloobin ay ang pagdala ng kanilang laban sa kalye tulad na lamang ng rally o demonstrasyon.
Figure 42: Rallying and protesting as an acceptable means to solve Muslim problems

In this question, the researcher asked whether the respondents would resort to peaceful actions such as rallies and demonstration as a way to say their grievances against some issues of discrimination. 10% of the respondents strongly disagreed on this statement they just think it is useless if they will do this kinds of things. 17% had disagreed because they just see it as not a good way of saying what they want while 17% stated neutral for they don’t want to get involve. 23% agreed on this kind of action for even though some of what they had done before, they trust the government to take some actions and solve their grievances while majority of the respondents or 33% strongly agreed on this action this is the way they could express their selves and would like resort in this action rather than violence for they state that Muslims are peace lovers.

Analysis and Interpretation of Results

• Muslims feel that Majority of Media has portrayed them as being terrorist and prone to violence • Media has created a growth in the level of discrimination. • They believe that there is a need to make legislation to protect Muslims from oppressive journalism, economic rights and social protection. • They are however restless around authorities although it is noticeable that the police and military are somewhat relaxing in their implementation of the law especially on Muslims • They believe that there is discrimination especially in the economic sphere as they are neither rejected as applicants for a work or do not have any job mobility in the workplace. • They believe that is a great deal of misinformation and lack of knowledge in society which contributes to the discrimination as Non-Muslims fear what they do not understand.

The study on the respondents revealed the behavioral patterns of the community especially on different issues that the study wishes to address. The questions that where presented to the respondents where grouped according to the different issues that face the Muslims and the effects of these events on their daily lives. The researchers wanted to gather not only their opinion but also to study how they behave and gravitate towards an idea. This was done by carefully observing the patterns of which they answered the questions on the questionnaire. The researchers analyzed these following causes and effects to gather their behavioral patterns on each of these questions.

Analyzing their behavior when it comes to Media these where revealed upon studying their answers. In respect to Media the researchers observed in both simply talking to the respondents and also by the answers they gave in the questionnaire revealed that there is a high level of mistrust between media and the Muslims. These answers revealed that they feel Media has not only wrongly represented them but has made it hard for them to defend their position or change the majority of the beliefs of other people. They have observed Media as both unfit and inaccurate source of information about Muslim Affairs. According to the interview conducted with Engr. Siradj A. Abantas, the president of the Maranao in Brgy Culiat Tandang Sora Quezon City, Media Institutions would come to ask questions or their opinions on a said matter about an event concerning Muslims. However when Media releases the statements that were made they were altered to sound what media wants it to sound and no longer what the speaker intended to say There is also fear and indecisiveness that is felt by these communities when it comes to Media and the Police as many of the respondents answered that Media and the Police often blame them for terrorist attacks and bombings that have occurred in several cities over the past couple of years.

There is a growing belief that media according to Engr. Abantas that media personalities who often wish to get to the top take issues that appeal to the masses and most of them are issues that involve Muslims. These communities also feel that a majority of these Media Institutions lack the necessary sensitivity, tools and knowledge in dealing with issues that concern with Muslims. There is a growth of mistrust that creates a struggle between what is being broadcasted and what is the truth of an event. It is also apparent in most of those who answered the survey in that they believe Media has a huge impact in way most Non-Muslims react towards them and around them however a majority believe it is not only Media’s fault but a myriad of other reasons such as historical, political and social factors that may also contribute to the prevailing attitude of the majority of the members of society. There also many who believe media has not yet done anything to change or to clear the situation to the majority. There is a feeling of both disappointment and anger that is shared by Muslims especially when the term Muslim is connected to a negative ideal. They feel that Media is generalizing them and making it seem as if all of them are criminals capable of the same crime which is presented in the news. They are resentful to the fact that although they watch television news programs they are also well aware of the fact that Media is somewhat biased on basis that they do not serve all cultures in the Philippines but give more preference to those Non-Muslims. In answering the first question in the statement of the problem which asked: How does Media Landscape’s treatment of issues after 9/11 such as terrorism, crime, peace and order in Mindanao affect these small Muslim Diasporas living in Metro Manila? It revealed that a majority of them feel that Media has not been able to provide a truthful reporting of events which triggers feelings or resentment towards Media and their belief that media has only increased the level of discrimination that many of the Muslims feel. This growing resentment and feeling of inadequacy in the way they have presented the culture as well as the point of views of Muslims and has offered little for it to be fixed and changed.

In the issue of Discrimination they are well aware there is some sort discrimination that is happening in the world. They however believe that this is not as apparent in the majority of people in Metro Manila as 47% of the respondents that was asked if Non-Muslims have ever treated them unfairly or rudely said that they were not and that people are becoming more understanding. This was in line with the study done by the PHDR or Philippine Human Development Report which will reveal that is it found that NCR has the lowest cases of Discrimination than anywhere else in the country outside of Mindanao. Their behavior is changing from fear and indifference to acceptance of the majority of society. Many Muslims believe that people now are recognizing the fact that not all Muslims are what they are presented by the Media and that many are just like them working hard to earn a living. They are not as isolationist as before nor do they resent all those who are Non-Muslims. However Muslims have a negative behavior towards authorities such as police and the military as they believe that authorities point them as the most likely to cause havoc and peril and are watched more closely than Non-Muslims. It is also observable that a majority of them would go rather into their own business than work in companies or corporations. This is to the fact that a majority of them believe and have experienced that Muslims are not accepted in companies especially when they hear a Muslim sounding name or that their religion is Islam. This also applies to in job mobility and opportunity that religion becomes an issue which is one of the reasons some companies consider when giving an employee a bonus or promotion is available. Many Muslims believe that due to the wrong information many people avoid certain areas. This affects these Muslim communities because it would remain to cement the beliefs of the Majority of people because they do not allow themselves immerse into the world of the Muslims and learn from them.

Muslims are however a positive behavior towards establishments has in society nowadays as majority of them are now making changes to better serve Muslims in these establishments such as informing them of the contents of a dish and if there are foods that can be suitable for the Muslims. Although there is fear that many feel towards the authorities some people have become used to it and are becoming more and more tolerable of the security measures being employed by the authorities.

The growing concern when it comes to residency is an issue that faces both Muslims and Non-Muslims, this issue however when viewed in light of those people living together Muslims sees that many people do not have much of a problem with living side by side with a Muslim in a community as said by 47% of the respondents. There is also growth in the area of understanding as Many Muslims are optimistic about people and that they are beginning to become more acceptable and knowledgeable about Muslim and their customs and Traditions. The changes in the outlook and perception of people has affected the attitudes and behaviors of people as they begin to emerge and conduct more lively exchanges with Non-Muslims in both the economic and social fields. Although there are still Social Barriers that is established by the wrong impression that is put upon the Muslims there is a sign of maturity and willingness to accept one another on both sides.

• Violence and Terrorism is an issue both as an effect and a cause which is logically both harmful to all concerned.

Almost 73% of the respondents agreed that there is a solution to the ongoing violence and fighting that happens in Mindanao. This question was asked to study their behavior concerning their optimism in the events that occurs in the southern parts of the Philippines. Their answer reflects their own desire to end the violence and reach a more peaceful goal as according to Engr. Abantas Muslims are a peace loving people and that Islam was derived from the salaam which in Arabic translates to Peace. A majority of Filipinos answered in the recently conducted showed that a majority believed that Muslims are violent in nature as most of the respondents of that study said that they were prone to fits of violence or to run amok while others said that they were terrorists. In this light the respondents of this study asked if the Muslims believe that a majority of non-Muslims had a wrong impression about them which is based upon how little they know about Muslim culture and religion. The results showed 80% of those who were surveyed believe that there is a big lack of information and knowledge among the majority of people and this may be the root of the wrong impression placed upon Muslims and ultimately the reason why the are being discriminated. Another issue that surrounds terrorism is the lack of information on what truly constitutes an act of terrorism. Terrorism as defined by Shaykh Muhammad ibn Abdul-Wahhaab al-'Aqeel, professor of creed ('aqeedah) at the College of Proselytising (da'wah), Islamic University of Madinah, Saudi Arabia, “Terrorism is the terror that is caused by those groups or individuals who resort to killing and wreaking havoc and destruction... Terrorism is established upon destruction of properties such as factories, farms, places of worship, train stations, airports and the likes; Islam is clearly free from such actions that are based upon corruption and not upon rectification” (al-'Aqeel, 2005). Based on this definition a majority of the respondents believe that people have very little knowledge on what the definition of terrorism and terrorist is. When it came to the justification of calling Muslims terrorist many respondents have a different opinion. They disagree with the idea that it is justified to call them as terrorist as a majority of them have a different belief as to those who do those acts. In the violence that occurs in Mindanao they feel that violence is the only answer which shows their desire for Peace as well as a harmonious relationship with the government. When it comes to ideology the respondents believe that people are beginning to see that there is a difference in the desire of those who live in these communities as to those who are doing acts of violence as well as the terrorists. This affects their behavior in a way that deals with their own personal ideology and share vision for a more peaceful world without resulting into violence. Many Muslims believe that a majority of those outside the community believe that Muslims are the main cause why the violence in Mindanao has yet to cease. In line with the question mentioned above the respondents were then asked if the Government had much top do with the violence in Mindanao and not all the blame should fall only on the Muslims. Many respondents answered that they believe that it is also the government’s fault that the violence in Mindanao has yet to cease and that a more productive means of solving the problem could be done. The portrayal of Media of the culture of Muslims however is somewhat fractured as many believe that since Media is the only source of information to those who have yet to have any contact with any Muslims. The insufficient amount of information and the way Media has portrayed events of violence has deeply affected the way people perceive Muslim culture religion and their beliefs and therefore reflects in the behavior of certain companies and how they have treated Muslim people.

• Representation and reaction deals with how Muslims react to the majority of the problems that both Media and Historical errors have created and how they will react to it.

In the field of representation in the government, many of the respondents believe that only a few represent their cause which has led them to no longer become active in any discourse in the government and that they believe that the national government no longer cares for their cause. When it comes to job availability and representation in the economic world Muslims have become aware that many companies do not offer them jobs which has affected them greatly in that a majority of them has relied on themselves and have entered in to their own business themselves in order to help their family survive. They feel that major companies are discriminating against anyone coming from Islam that one of the respondents said that they have to change their names and say that they are Seventh - day Adventist just in order to get a decent job outside of the community. However when it came to social representation many Muslims still believe that there is still wrong representation of them and has made it impossible for them to get good jobs or that they are always in the eye of the police.

Perception of the Muslim culture there is still a lot of incongruity that is experienced and has been a reason for a majority of Non-Muslims to have a wrong perception of the Muslims and their culture. However Muslims are not open to the idea of using violence as a means to fix the problem as they believe that a more peaceful and fruitful means could be used. This reflects their attitude towards peace and that they are a peace loving people who do not condone acts of violence without due cause and provocation. In the realm of Law making there is a strong belief and agreement to allow Muslims to have more roles in the Law making process almost 77% of the respondents believes that it is only right that they be given proper representation when it came to law making in the Philippines. Also in line with law making Muslims believe that there should be laws to protect the character of those media reports upon. They believe since Media is a very powerful source of information it should be more careful in the uses of the terminologies as those said by SMMAC purok leader Mualana Dawadi there is a need to remove generalizing people who have committed crimes by citing a general term such Muslim robber or Muslim rapist and only say that he is a robber or rapist without including the term Muslim in the description.

There is also a strong belief that Muslims should be given economic protection from discrimination especially when they are not accepting applicant just because of their religious affiliation or their name sake. In the field of reaction to the istakes made by media many Muslim although do believe that there should be laws to protect their rights they are also worn out of all the bureaucratic red tape and corruption in the government that they are not at all enthused in lobbying such bills in the congress or senate. However it is also seen that they are also not inclined to go through the lengths of joining any extra-constitutional activities such as rallying or protesting in the streets. Being Peace loving individuals they feel that they should not cause burden to another by blocking streets or forcing their way just to get their point through. This part of the survey revealed how Muslim react to news that is created by media and they feel that there should be discretion on the part of media and more involvement of the government in the protection of their rights in the field of Media as a means of informing a majority of people. There is a strong movement towards the development of laws that protect people’s interest especially in the field of the legislative and economic involvement and justice.

Summary Conclusion and Recommendation

Summary of Findings

The first questions asked was if media represented them fairly and without bias the result was showed that there was 76% said that there was no clear representation of the Muslim people in the news. They were also asked if they were treated unkindly by people in public places due to the reports made by media. 27% showed that people did not treat them unkindly in that they were treated normally. In Media they were asked if they were given an equal voice in the issue 37% of the respondents answered that they were not given the same amount of representation in the news especially when it concerns them. There was also a question on whether or not Media and the authorities often blamed Muslims for the bombing and terrorist acts. 36% of the respondents strongly agree that most often then not Media and the police blame Muslims for these acts of violence. In line with knowledge of the term terrorist 34% of the respondents answered that media had little knowledge of the term they were using. The use of the term terrorist was then asked if the media were careless in using it 31% of the respondents said that media has bee somewhat reckless in the use of the term which damages the credibility and livelihood of these people. When asked if Media had an impact on the behavior of people towards the Muslims 30% of the respondent answered that there was little effect on their behavior. while 27% said there is an effect that can be noted on their behavior. The researchers then asked the respondents if they believe media had increased the level of discrimination towards them. 30% strongly agree that Media played a huge part in the growth of Discrimination against Muslims. When asked if whether or not Media is the only one to blame for the discrimination. 47% of the respondents agreed that other forces other than Media had affected the behavior of people towards Muslims. The researcher next asked if the Media was lowering the use of the term terrorist or the inclusion of the word Muslim when pertaining to a criminal. 33% of the respondents had answered that no change has happened. There was also a question that asked if people generally were unkind to Muslims the result showed that 27% revealed that they were treated all the same.

There was also asked if the people were changing behavior 27% believed that there was no change in the behavior in the way people are around Muslims. They where also asked if Non-Muslims had a hard time dealing with Muslims 27% said that people have a hard time dealing with Muslim while equally other respondents said that they didn’t. They were also asked if police and other authorities become stricter whenever Muslims are around. 33% believe that there is a growth in the tightness of security whenever there is Muslims around. They were also asked whether certain companies would not accept an applicant with a Muslim name. 33% said that strongly agree that majority of companies do not accept Muslim applicants. The respondents were also asked whether or not Non-Muslims would rather move around a community rather than go in because of the negative news that surrounds the area. 33% of the respondents answered that this was truly happening. They were asked if there was any job mobility in the companies where they worked 28% of the respondents agreed that there was no job mobility for Muslim employees in those companies favored other people. They were asked if establishments are making changes to accommodate Muslim customers. 40% agreed that there is indeed a move to make changes in these areas. They were asked if Police or other Authorities had begun to loosen around Muslims. 33% of the respondents agreed that there is a change in the tone of the police and that they become less scrutinizing. They were also asked if Non-Muslims had any difficulty dealing with Muslims, the results showed 47% of the respondents believe Non-Muslims are already beginning to make the exchange easier. There was also a question asked about the changes in the point of views of Non-Muslims in that there is a decrease in the level of discrimination. 27% agreed that there is a change and that people are becoming more and more open to the Muslims. They were asked if violence was not the only solution to solve the problem in Mindanao. 42% of the respondents strongly agreed that violence is not the solution to the problem in the south. The respondents were then asked if Non-Muslim a majority of them had a wrong impression of Muslims. 80% of the respondents agreed that there is a wrong impression that a majority of Non-Muslims have on Muslim people.

There was a question asking if whether or not the Muslim believes that a majority of people had little knowledge of the term terrorism and terrorist. 40% of the respondents answered that there was indeed a lack of knowledge in what terrorism and terrorists are really all about. They were also asked if it is only right to call Muslims terrorist because a majority of them are. 43% of the respondents answered that they strongly do not agree with this idea. They were also asked if whether or not there was no solution to the war in the south. 30% of the respondents answered that there is a solution in the war in the south. They were also asked if Non-Muslim believe that people believe that those living in communities have a different ideology than those who commit acts of terrorism. 34% of the respondents show that there is a difference between their ideals. The respondents were asked if all the violence in Mindanao is being blamed upon the Muslim. 47% agree that a majority of the blame for the violence that occurs in Mindanao is blamed upon the Muslims. There was a question asked if the government had a huge influence in the continuing violence in Mindanao. 63% believe that the government is accountable also for the violence that happens in Mindanao.

There was another question about whether or not Muslims deserve to be called terrorist. 70% believe that it is neither right nor appropriate to call Muslims terrorist as a general term. They were asked if whether or not there are people who stand up for the rights of the Muslims. 30% strongly agree that there is little or no one standing up to the rights of the Muslim people. They were also asked if there was a rise in the number of job opportunity for the Muslim people. 64% of the respondents agreed that there is no rise in the number of job opportunity. When asked if the representation of them has lowered the level of the discrimination. 30% believe that there is no change in the level of discrimination. They were also asked whether or not Non-Muslim had little knowledge about the respondents. 37% of the respondents agree that there is little knowledge about them for Non-Muslims. They were asked if violence was the rightful answer to the discrimination and reporting done by Media. 30% agreed that violence can be an acceptable means of getting their voice thru to the Muslims however 29% also believe that it is an inappropriate means to get their point through. There was question asking whether or not there has to be an equal right to the creation of laws. 47% strongly agree to this idea. The respondents were asked if there is a need to change the law to equalize Muslims and Non-Muslims. 56% of the respondents answered that there is a need to change these laws. There was also a question on the need of a law to protect the rights of people to work. 80% of the respondents answered that there is a need for this. There was also a question on whether people have become indifferent to the government 37% revealed that there was a growth of indifference between Muslims and the government. Finally there was a question asked whether or not they consider rallying a plausible solution to the problem of Media. 33% of the respondents answered that it is not a plausible solution to the problem.

Chapter VI


The study that was done wanted to measure the effects on these Small Muslim communities mainly the one studied which is the Muslim Community in Brgy. Culiat, Tandang Sora Quezon City. The study revealed that there are many changes that had occurred in the community that has both affected their behavior towards Media and the discrimination that was the by-product of their reporting. These changes occurred can be seen in the way they answered the survey which was given to them by the researchers. The statement of the problem cited “How does Media Landscape’s treatment of issues after 9/11 such as terrorism, crime, peace and order in Mindanao affect these small Muslim Diasporas living in Metro Manila? The results revealed that there is a significant resentment of these communities towards Media as an institution. These rise from different areas such as in the way they have reported certain issues and how they handle the use of the term terrorist and the way they have associated them with acts of violence and crime which the term Muslim is used in a general perspective. The results reflected that although Media is not the sole reason for the development of discrimination and injustice towards the Muslims there is still a level of accountability which media is to be blamed for especially since they are an Ideological state Apparatus that disseminates information.

In the question “What is the Muslim Diaspora’s perception of the Media’s portrayal of their culture, traditions, and the general personality of a Muslim?” Muslim communities feel that Media is insufficiently equipped to address the issue that surrounds them. The survey revealed Media as institution is inadequately prepared or that they often jump to conclusion when it comes to reports about terrorism and the violence that occurs in Mindanao. They have pin pointed Muslims as the main reason to why there is violence in Mindanao that Muslim are quite indignant about. As the survey study would reveal as well as interviewing some people in the community, they believe that the government is also responsible for the violence in Mindanao and should not only be blamed solely on the Muslims.

In their reaction towards these reports they adhere to their belief of a peaceful solution to the problem they believe that a more political means such as lobbying for laws to protect their rights is more acceptable a means for them to fight for their rights. However they are not putting violence out of the realm of possibility as they believe that it is only right to fight for something if the cause is great and it is for the betterment of their fellow Muslim and the greater glory of Allah.

The growth of discrimination from the jump off point of this study which is the events of September 11, 2001 has increased although not exponentially has affected both their socio-economic development but also their own behavior and attitudes towards different social institutions which in this study is the Media, the Philippine government and major business establishments. The growth of the social barrier which exist between the Muslims and these major social institutions have made it difficult to change the situation and is need of change on both sides which study revealed is the need for a more concise and honest assessment of issues concerning Muslims and the passing of different laws that will help protect their rights against economic social and political discrimination. The social barrier although exist is also thinning as Muslims believe more and more people have begun to have a change of attitudes as well towards the majority of Muslims as these studies reveal that many Muslims have also begun to open themselves to Non-Muslim. In Conclusion these changes in behavior and the growth of the social barrier that divides Non-Muslims and Muslims is resolvable as long as both sides work to create a middle ground and begin to understand one another.


The researchers recommend to the future researcher to further conduct the study the different impacts on the development of the social exchange of Muslims with non-Muslims and how it reflects with their own relationship with other Muslim. Due to the limited scope of this study there are pertinent area which have been left untouched or unexplored by the researchers thus we leave it to the future researchers. The researchers would like to recommend that the study should expand its scope of respondents. The future researchers should also conduct studies on different communities in the National Capital Region and add the respondents own personal experiences in media and how it affects their own interaction and perception with non-Muslim towards the Muslims. The researchers would like to recommend they look into other media forms such as radio newspapers or in the internet and study its content to figure out how each media handles news regarding the Muslims. The researchers would like to recommend, if possible, to conduct studies in the south particularly in Mindanao where major Muslim population can be found in order to further enhance the study on what would be their perception on how media handles news when the Muslims are the topic of crimes and terrorism. The researcher would also like to recommend to policymakers to use this study as a reference in making laws or to improve the implementation of stricter media ethic rules in the near future to protect the rights of Muslims especially in the fields of economic rights and social rights.


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...being an action-adventure fan resonates with articulations of national identity, attitudes toward other nations, and fear of global terrorism in the United States, Denmark, and Egypt. Action-adventure film relies on global Hollywood production, yet the reception of this genre works quite differently in the cultural contexts of communities and affinities of fans. Being an action-adventure fan appears to bear a close relationship with a tendency to exhibit fear of global terrorism and to conceptualize Americans as heroes, particularly among U.S. audiences. Danish and U.S. fans seem more likely to want to cast Egyptian characters as villains than their non-fan counterparts, whereas Egyptian fans prefer Danish characters to be villains. Limited characterizations in this genre inspire and reinforce the imagined scenarios of fans in which American heroes are justified in crucifying foreign villains. Keywords: action-adventure, political attitudes, United States, Denmark, Egypt This work explores how action-adventure fans based in Egypt, the United States, and Denmark map their own and others’ nations and fear of terrorism through their engagement with action-adventure film. Research on the potential consequences of consuming problematic narratives and stereotypes is beginning to offer empirical evidence of our need to be concerned with the Orientalist ideologies dominating Northern, Western media. Previous work on Arab American and other U.S.-based communities demonstrates clear differences...

Words: 8673 - Pages: 35

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Accepting Cultural Differences in Muslims

...there are nearly five million Muslims living in America. These Muslims face persecution by Americans as a result of the country’s present state of affairs. In their own communities Muslims are forced to defend themselves against their enemies. To be a Muslim is not just an individual activity it is a community identity and responsibility. Islam is considered a total way of life for the religious community. For many in America who are raised with the idea of the separation of church and state and the sense that religion is a private affair, Islam can seem confusing, especially since Islam does not have a “church” to preserve and promote its beliefs. There is a great diversity among Muslims as there is among other religious communities in America. Because America is predominantly Judeo-Christian it is sometimes easier for Christians and Jews to practice their faith. American schools do not recognize Muslim holidays. Even such a simple task as attending Friday congregational prayer and taking a break to perform the salat during working hours are often difficult. Muslim culture has become prominent in coutries other than Islam. Countries that have a large Muslim following include Australia, Canada, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, South Africa, Thailand, United Kingdom and United States. Accepting Cultural Differences in Muslims Since the tragedy of 9-11 a portion of American citizens are under the beliefs that all Muslims are terrorists. There are...

Words: 3458 - Pages: 14

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Religious Conflict in Nigeria

...TITLE PAGE RELIGIOUS UNREST IN NIGERIA: CAUSES, EFFECTS AND SOLUTION. DEDICATION I want to dedicate this work to those prospective authors that dedicated their time to evaluate files and write about the religious situation in the country and give their general opinions on the matter. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT. I want to acknowledge the lord Almighty, for the wonderful work he has done in my life and the aid he rendered me during the research of this work. PREFACE This discusses the solutions causes and effects of the ongoing religious conflict in the country. The religious conflict have taken so many loved ones and destroyed a lot of properties. The text elaborates al these and review the timeline of those events act the number of lives lost the number church and mosques destroyed all for the name of religious conflict. CHAPTER ONE 1. INTRODUCTION Nigeria is known be highly religions each of these groups has its own religious behalf and procures. Religion is the strongest element in traditional background and the greatest influence upon the thinking and living of the people concerned. According to John S. Mbiti “religion are not primarily for the individual but for his community of which he is part. Chapters of Nigerian religion are written everywhere in life of the community and in traditional society there are no irreligious people. To be human is to belong to the whole...

Words: 4603 - Pages: 19

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Religious Conflict in Nigeria

...TITLE PAGE RELIGIOUS UNREST IN NIGERIA: CAUSES, EFFECTS AND SOLUTION. DEDICATION I want to dedicate this work to those prospective authors that dedicated their time to evaluate files and write about the religious situation in the country and give their general opinions on the matter. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT. I want to acknowledge the lord Almighty, for the wonderful work he has done in my life and the aid he rendered me during the research of this work. PREFACE This discusses the solutions causes and effects of the ongoing religious conflict in the country. The religious conflict have taken so many loved ones and destroyed a lot of properties. The text elaborates al these and review the timeline of those events act the number of lives lost the number church and mosques destroyed all for the name of religious conflict. CHAPTER ONE 1. INTRODUCTION Nigeria is known be highly religions each of these groups has its own religious behalf and procures. Religion is the strongest element in traditional background and the greatest influence upon the thinking and living of the people concerned. According to John S. Mbiti “religion are not primarily for the individual but for his community of which he is part. Chapters of Nigerian religion are written everywhere in life of the community and in traditional society there are no irreligious people. To be human is to belong to the whole community...

Words: 4603 - Pages: 19

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Postmodern Frame Essay - Text in Art.

...The use of text within to the visual arts can be traced back as far as the inscribed carvings found on cave walls created by the Indigenous population of Australia approximately 46000 years ago. However, over the past few years, the use of text in art, also known as the art of typography, has become a frequent means of communication for artists in the creation of their works. Text within art can be projected, scrawled, painted, computerised and carved to the point that a work may be created of nothing but language. The art of typography is the technique of arranging type in such a way that makes language visible. It treats fonts as individual entities to be enjoyed by the audience. Some artists deal with language as a character on its own as opposed to a surface to draw upon. These artists place texts in ways that are intended to stimulate the way an audience perceives a work, to evoke emotion or to create a statement. However, others, particularly graphic designers, tend to focus on the decorative powers of text. Regardless of the artist’s intentions, the appearance of text within art can shift our appreciation of their sound and meaning. Artists that explore text in art include: Barbara Kruger, Yukinori Yanagi, Katarzyna Kozyra, Jenny Holzer, Wenda Gu, Shirin Neshat, Miriam Stannage, Colin McCahon and Jenny Watson. Artists such as Jenny Holzer, Wenda Gu and Shirin Neshat explore the cultural implications of language in art and the importance of language to identity through...

Words: 1913 - Pages: 8

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All About Cameroon

... Gabon, and the Republic of the Congo to the south ( Cameroon). The word “Cameroon” originated from the Portuguese explorers who reached the coast in the 15th century and named the area Rio dos Camaroes (or River of Prawns), which eventually evolved into the English name Cameroon (Pondi, 1997). The Cameroon flag has three equal vertical bands of green (for vegetation), red (for independence), and yellow (for sunshine), with a yellow 5-pointed star in the centered in the red band ( The Lonely Planet travel guide describes Cameroon as “Africa’s throbbing heart, a crazed, sultry mosaic of active volcanoes, white sand beaches, thick rainforest and magnificent parched landscapes broken up by the bizarre rock formations of the Sahel” ( Cameroon enjoys relatively high political and social stability. Cameroon doesn’t have the notoriety of the history of ethnic violence between the Hutu and the Tutsi such as in Rwanda, nor the fame of the beauty of the wildlife in South Africa, politically news wise it hasn’t been on the map the way Sudan (Darfur) has, or Somalia, or the use of children in armies, and in a sense that’s what makes it so interesting. It has all the beauty and diversity of Africa just like all the sub-Saharan African countries do, yet it has been relatively...

Words: 4566 - Pages: 19

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Community Health Assessment California

...inland states. Based on California Political Parties there are six political parties, the American Independent, Democratic, Green, Libertarian, Peace and Freedom, and Republican. California experiences frequent and devastating wildfires. During the last decade in 2003 and 2009, California experienced devastating wildfires that affected countless lives. Thousands of families were left homeless and hundreds of lives were lost. California officials have made strict laws against unsafe practices that may cause accidental fires. The department of forestry and fire protects California residents and their property. California residents are also taking measures to decrease the likelihood of wildfires around their community. The advent of social media sites like facebook and myspace it has become a common for Californians to socialize through the Internet. Websites like and have...

Words: 2271 - Pages: 10

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Case Study

...reputation across a wide range of sectors. Bangladeshis have a persistent grievance that Bangladesh is not justly portrayed in international forums. It has become commonplace for the country to be associated with natural calamities, wavering political situation, corruption and other negative attributes. So, it is necessary to remove the negative perception about Bangladesh & to spread out the positive news to enhance the image of Bangladesh in the world. 1.2 Broad Objective: The main objective of the study is to understand the perceptions of foreigners & native people about Bangladesh & to find the possible ways that will enhance the image of Bangladesh globally. 1.3 Specific Objectives: Under a broad objective the study focused on some several activities for comprehending an overall review. * To identify the problems that Bangladesh faces in tourism industry. * To find the tourist spots those are renowned globally & domestically. * To identify the solution that will lessen the problems in tourism industry. * To find the awareness of people about the culture of Bangladesh. * To understand the perception of native people and foreigners about the people of Bangladesh. * To find which country of origin is more precious to people. * To identify the factors that limits the investment decision. * To understand the image of the government of Bangladesh around the world. 1.4 Research Design: I. Type of research design: Both the...

Words: 17374 - Pages: 70

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Corporate Responsibility in Business

...Business Ethics MGM250 Andrea Matcham New England College of Business and Finance August 24th, 2012 Topics Covered: * Introduction about the course * United Nations Global Compact’s CSR Principles * Pluralism * Strategic Management * Crisis Management * Climate of Trust * Creativity, A Climate of Innovation * Bribery and Corruption * Unethical Practices * MNC: Ecological Sustainability * Renewable Energy Sources – The advantages * Sarbanes-Oxley * Whistleblowers’ Act * Discrimination Based on Gender * Religious Discrimination * Conclusion * References This course encouraged us to explored and developed a higher thinking and reasoning behind business morals and ethical issues. Our primary focus was to examine the issues facing the financial world pertaining to public issues in mergers, management versus stockholders’ interest, and the changing nature of the stockholders. In addition, we covered ethical dilemmas that investors, managers, analysts, brokers and employees confront in business. We went into depth analyzing case studies, researching and discussions on these current events that affected the core of business ethics at work, in society and on a global level. Our first week, we discussed Corporate Responsibility in society and business today. I wrote about the importance of having good ethical guidelines at a global level. The United Nations initiated a Global Compact containing ten principle...

Words: 4077 - Pages: 17

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...authority has established its roots in the Middle East. In June 2014, the Islamic State which sometimes calls itself the Islamic State of Iraq and Levant (ISIL) or the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Shram (ISIS) announced its establishment on the world politics (Lister, 2014). The organization is led by Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi who declared himself the Caliph. On his announcement, al-Baghdadi assumed the title of the Commander of the faithful Caliph Ibrahim II. Islamic State aspires to unite all Muslims in one state. According to the jihadists, this is only possible through a caliphate in which ISIS is closest to achieving. The difficulty of the formation of the caliphate is the harsh opposition the group obtains from the Shias who are a fifth of all the Muslims. Such oppositions had already been observed in the history of Islamic schism (Lister, 2014). ISIS ideological appeal has worked in its favor to recruit its fighters all over the world. The strategy has also resulted to some supports from Muslim countries such as Pakistan. Nonetheless, the group has unspeakable violence majorly directed to Christians and the Shias. This paper conducts an in-depth analysis of the Islamic State regarding its evolution, modus operandi in terms of its operations and recruitment. The paper then assesses the impacts and threats of the group not only in the Middle East, but also world-wide. Literature Review The Islamic State has made great advances in both Iraq and Syria. It has captured significant...

Words: 5930 - Pages: 24

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Khoabnamap Study About Religion

...publication is the personal views of the authors, and do not necessary reflect the opinion of the publisher. Layout and cover design: Font: Font size: Printer: Hafizuldin bin Satar Goudy Old Style 11 pt Gemilang Press Sdn Bhd iv ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS T his book grew out of a three-day workshop jointly held by the Regional Studies Program, Walailak University, and the Department of Cross-Cultural and Regional Studies, Copenhagen University, in Nakhon Si Thammarat, southern Thailand, in 2006. The theme of the workshop was, “Voices of Islam in Europe and Southeast Asia”. Its aim was to gather leading scholars in the fields of Islamic Studies from diverse disciplinary backgrounds to discuss contemporary developments in the study of Islam and Muslim societies in...

Words: 104903 - Pages: 420

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Antisemitism and Catholic Colonial Algeria in the Time of Dreyfus

...Introduction From 1894 to 1899, Captain Albert Dreyfus, an Alsatian Jewish artillery officer, languished in prison on Devil's Island after the French Army General Staff wrongfully convicted him of treason and espionage. The campaign for his release, organized by his family and supporters, along with revelations of an army cover-up, saw the so-called “Dreyfus Affair” become the major focal point of French public discourse at the turn of the century. Partisan camps of “Dreyfusards” and “anti-Dreyfusards” waged a war of words against each other as they debated Dreyfus' innocence and, implicitly, what it meant to be French in the Third Republic. Marked by an effusion of antisemitic vitriol, this debate has been characterized by Frederick Brown as a polarizing battle between two rival visions of France.[1] This battle at times extended to the streets, as it did in response to the publication of Émile Zola's 1898 “J'accuse.” Zola's open letter indicted the Army General Staff for antisemitism and cover-up, and prompted reactionary riots across France, the most violent of which occurred in French colonial Algiers. There, the burning of Zola in effigy sparked a riot in which 158 shops were destroyed, six Jews were assaulted (two fatally), and 9 rioters, 47 police, and a large but unknown number of Jews were seriously injured.[2] As the site of some of the only murderous violence during the Affair, colonial Algeria deserves particular attention. Examining the Dreyfus Affair from the...

Words: 11536 - Pages: 47