...regarding her performance appraisal. This situation definitely could have been prevented. First of all time was not given when going through her evaluation. Her supervisor Mrs. McCallister kept putting off her review because she was too busy. Finally she made time for Sonia. With that being said it didn’t allow the necessary conversation between the two to be taken. From what witnesses stated that Sonia came out crying. From what was put in her review she was not performing up to par. This leads me to conclude Mrs. McCallister just gave her critiques on Sonia ending the conversation. I don’t believe Sonia got the time she deserved to really see what she needed to truly improve on. In all honesty, on the accounts of Sonia’s actual performance she got praise. It’s when the supervisor went into a more opinionated appraisal that things turned south. The supervisor also stated that she was happy with the quality and accuracy of her work. So why would the supervisor find it necessary to put in her review that she is excessively on the phone, that it’s interfering with her work and endangering patients. This supervisor clearly didn’t put in the effort to find out what Sonia needs to improve on. Rather she just took cheap shots at Sonia, to have some time of improvement on there. Sonia’s review should have not reflected so heavily on the “attitude” that was given but more on her actual work performance. Sonia has a few options she could do after this performance appraisal. One, if she...
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...Organizational Behavior Dean Cantave 2/6/2014 Case Study 4 – The Politics of Performance Appraisal This case study discusses the opinions and views of four managers at an arc-welding manufacturer in Minneapolis, MN. Max Steadman, Jim Coburn, Lynne Sims, and Tom Hamilton are managers at Eckel Industries and they all have differing opinions when it comes to performance evaluations and appraisals. They work in the manufacturing division each supervising a different department within the division. Every Friday the managers meet after work for drinks to relax, gossip, and give and receive advice about problems on the job. On this particular week they discuss performance appraisals, which they recently conducted for all of their direct reports. Each of the managers completed evaluation forms using graphic rating scales on each employee then discussed the appraisal with that employee. Throughout the discussion they give their opinions on how performance appraisals should be conducted and the flaws that exist within the current ranking system. Tom talks about how emotions play into the process and create biases when conducting evaluations, however, he believes that providing true and accurate feedback is a top priority to ensuring that the evaluations are an accurate reflection of an employee’s performance. Jim believes what he learned from a professor in college that when you sit down to evaluate an employee’s performance from a previous 12 month period you will only be able...
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...Rabeya feels secured about her future Ms. Rabeya Boshri a beneficiary of the "Jonaki Samiti" of Coast Trust, Cox's Bazar is a successful borrower of microcredit loan operations. She lives with her husband, Mr. Abdus Salam, a daughter and two sons. At present all her children go to school and she is able to bear both the educational and family expenses. Along with that she is now able to make some personal savings additional to general savings of "Jonaki samiti". But things were not the same even few years earlier. Her husband was a day labourer and it was very hard to bear family expenses with his single income. Their life was becoming tougher day by day and Rabeya wanted to do a bit by herself to help her husband from this growing desolation. One day she came to know that a samiti named "Jonaki" operated by Coast Trust, provides loan wih nominal conditions for a number of Income Generating Activities (IGAs). Sooner she spoke to the Chairperson of the "Jonaki Samiti" and became a memeber of that samity. After accomplishing all the regulations together with general savings she got her first loan installment of Taka 7000. She invested the money in vegetable cultivation. Subsequently she was able to sell some amount of vegetable per week after meeting her own family demand which helped her husband with additional income. In the intervening time she was able to save Taka 3000 along with the ragular savings of samiti and gradually she repaid the loan. After the repayment of...
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...In the term of customer relationship, it will be divided into three main structure of get, keep, and grow Stan’s subscribers. Service promotion is one of the methods that Stan uses to get its customers which it will give free 30 days trial in order to create first impression relationship between newly subscribers and Stan. After it is nearly 30 days, then subscribers will decide whether they want to continue using Stan’s service or not. It can be said that this is a smart idea of Stan to introduce people about its service and bind them to use Stan as its provider of video. After people have subscribed with Stan’s service, they will be given emails every weeks about the newsletter of its service, so that they know about any updates and promotions...
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...Faculty of Business Administration Jatiya Kabi Kazi Nazrul Islam University BBA Program “Human Resource Management” Topic Performance Appraisal Process of GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) Bangladesh Limited. Course coordinator Amita Das Lecturer, Dept.of HRM Date of Submission - 08/07/2012 Submitted by Md.Shamirul Islam 2nd year 1st semester ID: 11133027 Letter of Transmittal July 08, 2012 Amita Das Lecturer, Dept of HRM Jatiya Kabi Kazi Nazrul Islam University Subject: Submission of Assignment on Performance Appraisal Process of GSK Limited Bangladesh. Dear Madam, I feel very glad to inform you that I am going to submit my assignment titled HRM based on Performance Appraisal Process of GSK Limited Bangladesh. I have tried my level best to prepare this assignment & included all those data that is essential for it. Thanking you for your valuable information. Sincerely yours, ............................... Md.Shamirul Islam Executive summary As a part of our curriculum we have to prepare reports in each semester for each subject. In this way, my course teacher has assigned me to prepare the report. And the topic of my report is “Performance Appraisal Process of GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) Bangladesh Limited”. She took a lecture on preparation of this report and serving us necessary documents. As I have selected a pharmaceutical organization...
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...Journal of Managerial Psychology 11,6 50 Self performance appraisal vs direct-manager appraisal: A case of congruence Yehuda Baruch University of East Anglia, Norwich, UK and Visiting Research Fellow at the London Business School, London, UK The process of performance appraisal (PA) is of most importance in human resource management (HRM). In a broad sense, PA systems are used for two main purposes: as a source for information for management; and as a feedback instrument for individuals employed by the organization. In the first case, the applications of the use of PA serve a variety of management functions. These could be decision-making about promotions, training needs, salaries, etc. Payrelated PA is a growing facility in many organizations where it provides information which can help in making relevant decisions[1,2]. However, PA can be used for enhancing developmental processes of employees or as an evaluation instrument per se[3,4]. In the second case, where feedback is the main goal, the fundamental purpose is to provide the employee with information that will improve personal performance and effectiveness. Recently the second approach has gained more attention. Providing the employee with feedback is widely recognized as a crucial activity. Such feedback may encourage and enable self-development, and thus will be instrumental for the organization as a whole. Organizational effectiveness is enhanced through improvement in all the constituencies...
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...AN STUDY OF THE EFFECT OF PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL ON EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE AT LAIKIPIA COUNTY. A CASE STUDY OF NYAHURURU SUB-COUNTY, KENYA BY LUCY WANGARI GACHAU A Research Proposal Submitted To The St. Annes Catholic Insitute in Partial Fulfillment of The Requirements For The Award of Higher Diploma in Secretarial Management of KNEC. JUNE 2014 DECLARATION/RECOMMENDATION Declaration This proposal is my original work and has not been presented in any other, college, university or any other Institution of Higher Learning for academic award. Signature ……………………………… Date ……………………………… Students Name: LUCY WANGARI GACHAU Reg No. Recommendation This proposal has been submitted for examination with our approval as College supervisor Signature ……………………………… Date …………………………… Lecturer name: Department of Higher Diploma in Secretarial Management St. Annes Catholic Institute ABSTRACT Performance appraisal is defined as the process of determining and communicating to an employee how he is performing on a particular Job. Therefor performance appraisal is the process of evaluating an employee’s performance of a job in terms of its requirements and advising on the necessary steps o be taken in order to perform even better next time. This has never been in Laikipia County with the opposite being true. It is for this reason that this study seeks to study the effects of these performance appraisal on employees...
Words: 5855 - Pages: 24
...Course Title Performance & Compensation Course Code HURM402 TITLE OF Case Study APPRAISING PERFORMANCE AT PRECISION In submitting this work, I am confirming that it is all my own work, or the work of my group. I have correctly acknowledged the work of others by using references. Once my work is submitted to Turnitin, it becomes part of the database that subsequent works are checked against. Full Name of Student: Submission Date: Nov 27th, 2015 Assessment: CASE-2 Semester: Fall Academic Year: 2015 ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- Date of Case-2 Handover Nov 20th, 2015 ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- Time Period Start time: 02:00 PM End time: 03:00 PM ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- Duration of Case-2 Handover 2 weeks (Due Date: 4th Dec, 2015) ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- Number of Case-2 Handover Pages 7 pages (Including this cover sheet-1) ------------------------------------------------- Marking Scheme: Question | Score | Marks | CLO | Achieved | 1 | 7.5 | | 5 | □ Yes □ No | 2 | 7.5 | | 5 | □ Yes □ No | TOTAL MARK | 15 | Originality Report All assignments, case study and final...
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...Introduction This paper entails the critical analysis on the Global Mining (GM) case study whereby the human resource (HR) related issues are identified through GM’s problems and a provision of 3 HR strategies targeting at 3 key HR issues. This paper also address the possible implementation challenges that GM may face so as to mitigate them. However, detailed implementation approaches of these strategies are beyond the scope of this paper. HR Strategies There are growing evidence of positive impact HR strategies have on organisational effectiveness and performance (Boselie, Dietz and Boon 2005; Combs et al. 2006; Guest et al. 2003; Huang 2000). Lee, Lee and Wu (2010) quoted Mondy et al. (2002) on the boundary of HR strategies to include five key functions: staffing, human resource development, compensation and benefits, safety and health, and employee and labour relations. Based on Lee, Lee and Wu (2010)’s own study, which extended Mondy et al. (2002)’s HR strategies to include teamwork, HR planning, performance appraisal and employment security, they concluded that HR strategies do attribute to a company’s performances. The espousals of HR strategies are critical in motivating employees’ commitment towards corporate’s strategic objectives (Buller and McEvoy 2012). GM’s HR Director, Susan Maffat, commented on unclear HR strategy offers an indication of GM’s poor or ineffective/inefficient HR strategies. The following problems currently faced by GM are the manifestation of...
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...Research Paper The role of performance appraisal system on the development of human resource of Komenda College of education Introduction In every administration, whether private or public, there exist laid down aims and objectives that are to be achieved within a specific period. Nevertheless, these cannot be possible if the organisation focuses only on its financial and physical resources. There is therefore the need to concentrate on the human resource as well. This is necessary because it is only the people who are employed in the institution that can put together both the financial and physical resources of the institution in order to achieve its aims and objectives. With this in mind, each institution has to take the planning of its human resource as one of the most important issue. Pinnington and Edwards (2000) have defined “human resource planning as “the systematic and continuing process of analysing an organisation’s human resource needs under changing conditions and developing personnel policies appropriate to the long-term effectiveness of the organisation”(pp. 22). Cascio (1996) indicated that this can be done quarterly, bi-annually or annually and through some interrelated activities stated by Cascio (1996) and which include the following: i. Personnel inventory which is done to assess the current human resource base and how they are currently being used. ii. Human...
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...Case Study: Evaluation and Morale An effective and productive performance evaluation is an opportunity for a health care manager and his/her staff to identify expectations, establish goals, give reinforcements for jobs well done, and identify areas that have opportunities for improvement. A successful performance evaluation will be one that fosters a healthy working relationship between manager and staff. The case study to be discussed involves a staff nurse who has completed his/her performance evaluation with his/her healthcare manager and has left the appraisal conference disappointed in its outcome and with concerns regarding one specific incident having weighed heavily on his/her evaluation (Mary & Joanne, 2011, p. 231). At the manger level the annual performance appraisal is a toll that should utilized to evaluate past and current performance, identify educational and professional development needs, give rewarding recognition for positive performance, and take disciplinary action if needed. Nursing professional standards of practice holds that each nurse has an obligation to adhere to the code of ethics. The standards of professional practice should be utilized as a criterion when evaluating a nurse’s practice ("Professional Standards," 2012). In reviewing the information provided by the case study this author has evaluated potential problems that could have contributed to the deterioration of the evaluation of this particular staff nurse. It appears that active participation...
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...the International Journal of Advance Research in Computer Science and Management Studies, an article entitled Performance Appraisal in the Contemporary World gives a great overview of how important performance appraisals are. The way that its employees perceive an organization in important. There are five components of interaction within an organization. These consist of structure, system, culture, leader behavior and employee’s psychological needs When employees are satisfied, their perception of the organization is positive. Employers demand commitment and dedication from their employees and the employee expect more from the employer . Performance appraisals are a great way to determine how effective an employee is. These are conducted on an individual level. Performance appraisals allow an employee to be rated on specific goals, tasks, and accomplishments that they conduct over a period. An individual is typically rated based on their contributions to the organizations goals as well. Providing feedback to an individual can be very beneficial to reward them for what they have accomplished as well as feedback regarding improvements they could make. There are four different methods of a contemporary performance appraisal. These are performance appraisal by assessment Centre’s, performance appraisal by behaviorally anchored rating scales, management by objective, and performance appraisal by human resource accounting method. There is also a customer feedback method...
Words: 1490 - Pages: 6
...Colombo. The company opened five new branches within the last three months. Hence, Rebecca’s team had numerous challenge and unusually heavy workload. The main objective of the case study is to find, describe and analyze problems effectively. Problems can be found easily in this case study. Problem 01, No proper understanding about Culture & No proper qualification -Marketing depends on customer & customer behavior. Definitely Rebecca should know the culture of Sri Lanka. It helps her to understand the customers & customer behavior in Sri Lanka. I suggest to do an Induction programme for her to understand the culture of Sri Lanka & culture of the company. She is not suitable for the position, Head of marketing. According to her qualifications she suits for the position Assistant marketing manager. Problem 02, Heavy work scheduled & Not enough time limits have given for the Performance Appraisal- According to this case study we can see Rebecca don’t know how to do a performance appraisals. She had completed the 30 performance appraisal forms of the entire Marketing Team within a single day. Marketing manager and HR manager can coordinate and delegate Rebecca’s task to her subordinates until she get use to the system. Problem 03, No proper knowledge in performance appraisal- HR Manager can provide training and development to uplift...
Words: 2688 - Pages: 11
...EMPLOYEES’ PERCEPTION OF THE PROBLEMS AND PRACTICES OF EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE EVALUATION: a Case study of Awash International Bank (AIB) BY: ZELALEM BAYISA GURMESSA A project paper submitted to the school of graduate studies of AAU in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Masters of Business Administration [MBA] Advisor: Dr. TILAHUN TEKLU Assistant Professor of Management Department of Management August, 2007 Addis Ababa University School of Graduate Studies MBA Program Employees’ Perception of the Problems and Practices of Employee Performance Evaluation: A Case Study of Awash International Bank (AIB) BY ZELALEM BAYISA Approval Board Committee ________________________ Chairman, Graduate Studies __________________ Research Advisor __________________ Examiner __________________ Examiner ________ Signature _________ Signature _________ Signature ________ Signature Dr. Tilahun Tek lu Assistant Professor of Management Department of Business Management Faculty of Business and Economics Addis Ababa University Addis Ababa, Ethiopia C E R T I F I C A T E This is to certify that this project work, “Employees’ Perception of the Problems and Practices of Employee Performance Evaluation: A Case Study of Awash International Bank (AIB)”, undertaken by Zelalem Bayisa for the partial fulfillment of Master’s of Business Administration [MBA] at Addis Ababa University, is an original work and not submitted earlier for any degree either at this University or any...
Words: 20034 - Pages: 81
...The problems with performance appraisal Introduction Formal performance appraisals form an integral part of overall performance management programs in many organisations. Indeed, for many decades performance appraisals have been a key method for monitoring employee performance and they often play a major role in promotion or salary increments. However, though appraisals continue to be widely used, there is significant and ongoing debate about the validity of results obtained, as well as their effectiveness in positively influencing employee productivity and performance. This paper examines performance appraisals in the modern organisation. It discusses the development of performance appraisal theory, the perceived problems with performance appraisal systems as well as the potential performance and productivity improvements that may be achieved with their use. OK! Performance Appraisals It is widely contended that many (if not most) organisations conduct regular employee performance appraisals (Gliddon 2004; Varma & Pichler 2007). Thus, it is understandable that there is a very large body of literature around the subject (Schraeder & Simpson 2006). Indeed DeNisi and Pritchard (2006, p. 253) state that ‘performance appraisal has been the focus of considerable research for almost a century’. Yet there is surprisingly little consensus on any aspect of performance appraisals, not merely in terms of how they should be constructed or conducted, but even whether...
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