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Personal Biography


Submitted By stevn99
Words 522
Pages 3
Social Structure Theory
Steven Horton
University of Phoenix
January 20, 2012
Maxine Craig

Abstract The following paper will be based on the theory of social structure from the writers’ perspective. The paper can be considered as bias as it is based on personal opinions and situations of the writer. But it will touch on some of the questions that are asked to people who commit crimes repetitively. There are reasons that people become repeat offenders and career criminals and this paper should touch on some of the reasons why. Hopefully after reading this paper the reader will have a better understanding of how a person can commit crimes in repetition.

Social Structure Theory There were several scenarios given in this weeks’ lesson but one in particular caught my attention. This man named Lucas, had entered someone’s house and pulled out a gun. He began creeping up the stairs where he had heard a noise coming from the bedroom. When he entered the room, a man and a woman were in the act of sexual relations so he aimed his gun and shot them both point blank. Next he grabbed his phone and called the man’s wife and told her that he had killed her husband and that she better have his money or she would be next. There was a bio about Lucas which basically said that he had been involved in crime since a juvenile and had joined a gang at a younger age. They ended it with the saying that he was on a path of criminal involvement. The theory of Social Structure states that a person can become a criminal based on the structure of their environment and their surroundings. So since Lucas was involved in gangs at a young age, he probably had no other role models but criminals around him. This caused him to accept crime because he grew up around it and became normal to him. I have never committed murder or robbery because I have a conscious for peoples’

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