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Personal Exploration


Submitted By reneehobgood
Words 1660
Pages 7
Personal Exploration
Renee Hobgood
University of Phoenix

Personal Exploration
To begin this exploration I felt compelled to find a scholarly definition of the word personal. I found Neidhardt (2002) from the Physics Department New Jersey Institute of Technology as enlightening. Neidhardt explains personal as: The concept of the personal is based upon commitment, defined as the responsible submission of the mind to the requirements of a reality independent of it. Commitment expresses a belief that enables a person to entrust himself to the claims of reality upon him. Commitment always refers the self away to what is independent of it; hence commitment is objectively, not subjectively, oriented Thus begins my personal exploration of knowledge.
Invitation to a Concert
Rhythm and Blues (R&B) is a gutsy music genre, so when Marie extended an invitation to attend an Anthony Hamilton concert, I accepted. At first, I was hesitant because I was not familiar with the artist. The empirical knowledge thought process pervaded my mind before I accepted the invitation. Unfamiliar with his music, it was difficult to justify attending. Moser and vander Nat (Moser & Vander Nat, 2002) defines empiricism as “Empirical (a posteriori) knowledge which depends on its evidence or justification on sensory experience.” Since I did not have any experience with Hamilton’s the music, the motivating factor was a nice cultural outing with a friend.
Marie, whom I consider a master of understanding R&B, informed me that Hamilton is an outstanding performer of Neo-Soul, which is a derivative of R&B. Since I am a Neo-Soul novice but generally fond of R&B, accepting the invitation seemed like a fun and sociable outing. Becerra-Fernandez et al (Becerra-Fernandez, 2004)explains, “Socialization enables the discovery of tacit knowledge through joint activities between masters

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