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Personal Narrative: Alzheimer's Home

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It was the fastest cases the doctors claimed they had ever seen. My sisters cried in disbelief and bewilderment at the news. How would we take care of our parents we all had wondered? It would be a heavy responsibility to take over our parents’ house and look after them with such a devastating case of Alzheimer’s. Alone lived my parents in their large estate that was filled with empty memories. What is left of this massive house that my parents now live in? Eight large styled living quarters and countless hallways encompass this antique styled estate. My Father and Mother were stuck on their daily routines, waking at 7:30 to roam the house for dust to sweep and dirt to mop. Ever since I was a young child my parents stuck to their routine. The …show more content…
Both my Mother and Father were confused about how the weather could be so warm in December, the only problem with this was that it was June. My parents were experts in their medical fields, always conversing about past cases in the height of their careers. I never once heard my parents talk about the mundane weather once in my life. The fact that they had the month completely wrong too also had me concerned but I decided not to say much, after all, they were both in their early eighties. The rest of my visit went uneventful and I enjoyed my time with them. My sisters both choose to visit more often than I did, so I decided to phone them and express my concern. To my astonishment, I wasn’t the first one to notice these small confusions my parents both shared. We agreed to visit more often to track their health and monitor …show more content…
Our biggest fears and the inevitable end of our parent’s life on this earth. The disease had destroyed so much of our parent’s brains that their body began to crumble. Their minds were ravaged with old memories and uncomprehend-able sentences. The night nurses had taken over for the night and had my parents in bed for the night. Around ten my father ran over to my mother’s room waking her from her sleep asking her to go with him. The nurses quickly rushed in and put my father back to bed. Not even an hour later my fathers and mothers hearts stopped beating together. The nurses quickly called for emergency medical help and notified my sisters and myself. I got to the house a little after eleven and saw the most unexplainable thing I have ever seen to this day. I saw ghosts. My parents ghosts sitting on the bench in front of my house watching as the craziness inside was ensuing. They watched as I entered and took over the house. I realized at that very moment, that they were handing off the house to my sisters and myself. All this time they were being pushed out of this life and at this very moment they handed over the last of their possessions to their family. This whole time they were sick, they were living ghosts. Living

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