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Personal Narrative: Angle Ridge

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“Not all those who wander are lost.” was once aforementioned by J.R.R. Tolkien. I do not remember a summer not spent wandering through the mountains with an ultimate goal of reaching a breathtaking destination. Ever since I was in 2nd grade I have spent the best part(s) of my summer in the mountains. The Colorado mountains have always been a special place where all is quiet you hear nothing except the breeze of the wind hitting the leaves of the trees and the birds chirping in the background. The mountains are a place I feel safe, peaceful and calm.
The place I first started hiking was at a summer camp. A camp, I have attended each and every summer for the best 2 weeks of each year. The camp I attend is at the base of Mt. Evans, 10,200 feet high. Each year you go on an overnight with your cabin group during this overnight you get to hike up to a campsite with your giant hiking bags filled with tents, clothes, rain gear, water bottles, food and more. The hike consists of lots of walking while playing games with your friends, deep long conversations that trickle down as you reach closer and closer each step, grasping for more oxygen being that your lungs burn due to the thin air, your legs and back hurting from your backpack weighing a minimum of 20 pounds. As you near the top the mountain about to give …show more content…
The reason we call it Angle Ridge is because you are so high up you are believed to be with the Angles. The reason why this is my favorite hike is because during the hike you keep on believing you are almost to the campsite as you see some light peeking out from trees surrounding you. When in reality you still have miles left at that point you then wander on for what seems like an eternity with the belief this whole time that you are practically there. Suddenly the second you start to give up, realizing you are not anywhere nearby the campsite you break free from the trees into what seems to be an endless

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