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Personal Narrative Archetypes

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Creating the ultimate custom pedal
I am a guitar player of multiple sounds, I utilized many pedals to create my unique tones, my pedals are a key component when playing electric guitar, however, any guitarist that uses multiple pedals knows the inconvenience of not having a pedal board. With all the space pedals take, and cables needed to power pedals its a must to have a pedal board. I started playing acoustic guitar when I was 16, at the age of 17 I was inspired by Saul Hudson (Slash) from the band Guns N Roses. That influenced me to learn how to play the electric guitar and gave me a new perspective on playing. Electric guitar forced me to create my own sounds and tones through guitar pedals. Like many electric guitarists, …show more content…
My third and most important pedal is a sustain/ compressor pedal. A sustain pedal is a pedal that helps ring out a note longer and clearly for a long time without the note dying or fading away. The compressor helps me increase sustain by controlling how soft or loud my signal is getting without distorting my tone so much. I have other fun pedals such a wah-wah pedal, delay, reverb, octave fuzz, and chorus. These are all critical elements of my guitar playing and tone. For my interview I interviewed Justin from Guitar Center, he works in the accessory department handling guitar pedals and all types of guitar equipment. In the interview he explains why a guitars should have a pedal board “its essential for a guitarist to have a pedal board because one, it keeps all your pedal boards safe and two, it allows you to keep your most important pedals in one place and ready for a gig” Justin also explains the importance of having pedals. “ for a guitarist who loves using many effects, pedals are a crucial element in there guitar playing, it allows them to create effects that don’t sound like a guitar, this is when a guitarist starts discovering their unique …show more content…
I was running out of space in my room to have them all, as well as running the risk of breaking or dropping liquids on my expensive pedals. Buying a pedal board was an option, however, the cheapest one I could find was around $250-$350. My only other options were to buy one used or create one of my own, so I decided to build my own. According to article by Christopher ScapellIti and Paul Riario, you have to look at how many pedals you have and to always keep in mind if you are planning to get more in the future. These are all key components when creating your pedalboard dimensions. article also suggests to buy a power supply that meets my voltage requirements, this might require 12,16,18 or 24 volts. Christopher ScapellIti and Paul Riario suggest looking at the correct power requirements for every pedal I own. I have about 10 pedals so I decided to go with a ⅜ *11 dimensions, velcro tape, 4 pedalboard handles, spray paint, sandpaper, rubber feet for the bottom of the pedal board and lastly a power supply to power all my pedals. I will begin by using wood that I have at home, I will be cutting the wood a ⅜ *1. I will assemble the pedal board together to my preference, once everything is assembled I will begin to sand down the pedal board, this is very important because I'll need to smooth out the wood for when start painting, I will use a 400 grit sandpaper. Once its all sanded down I will apply

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