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Test Retakes Should Be Allowed

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I remember while in my sophomore year I was failing a class I really needed or wanted to get over it and the only reason why I was failing the test is because I would not be up-to-par when it came to exams. The feeling of hopelessness I would feel every time I get handed back a failed test never got old. If I could even retake one of those exams I would be able to get through the rest of the class with little to no problem. However, advocates against test retakes present arguments against these proposals and I can agree with some of them. Both sides believe they are in the right and the other is wrong, but I strongly believe more test retakes should be allowed. Not only does it help in retention and mastery of the material presented, it could …show more content…
Bethany Dixon (2012) who is a biology teacher at Western Sierra Collegiate Academy claims that the real world is full of retakes, examples include MCATs, Driver License tests, and Praxis. You can retake all of them but as mentioned before all it takes is more time and work. Bethany Dixon (2012) also goes on to claim that it only really applies to students who test low at her school and if they did, there are certain requirements before students can retake a test. They must have had a good first effort, have to fill out forms which goes over the work and why the questions they miss are wrong, and have to take reteaching lessons that is equivalent to their mistakes on the test. I can attest to this from personal experience, during middle school I was failing my algebra class at the beginning of the year and was frustrated because of this. During parent teacher conferences my parents, myself, and the teacher agreed that I will stay afterschool for help whether it was with a homework assignment or anything else. By the end of the year I managed to bring my grade up from a low D to a B, while this teacher in particular did not allow test retakes which isn’t the true reason im bringing this story up, but it goes to show that the extra work and time needed to do better is worth it and this includes test

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