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Personal Narrative: Bottled Water

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Kay, 26 from Stratford

When I first started my journey to a clean and healthy life, water was at the very top of my list for the simple fact, it was pretty much all I drank. Ok, 95%, there was still the odd alcoholic tipple in there too. You probably won’t believe that but I really have never drank soft drinks of any kind but that was never a health choice. It was just down to the fact that I didn’t like them. When it comes to the amount I drink, I drink a lot too. I drink around 12 large glasses or more a day, which might sound a lot but when I don’t drink enough I can really feel it.

When it came to my choice of water however, I never drank tap water. It always tasted a little off so for years I’ve just stuck to bottled water, which as you can imagine isn’t cheap. I was quite happy (apart from the expense) when it came to drinking my bottled water and would have continued regardless if it weren’t for a friend of mine telling me about a few studies from health …show more content…
To make it even more convenient I switch it on just before I go to bed so I wake up to fresh, pure and super clean water every morning. This did take some getting used to but compared to the time it took me to drive to the supermarket and load, then unload all the bottles of water, it’s far easier. It’s really easy to clean in that, in a way, it’s sort of self-cleaning. You just fill it with enough water to cover the staining, place the residue cleaning crystals in and then switch it on and away it goes. This next one is going to sound a little silly but it also happens to look pretty good on my worktop. I was worried that it was going to look a little ‘sore-thumb’ like but the stainless steel appearance looks great in my kitchen. Lastly, you can really taste a huge difference. It tastes fresh and clean, it tastes contaminant free, which makes me very happy

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