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Hydropower In North Carolina

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Our group chose to research Hydropower in the tidewater region of North Carolina. Throughout our research we have learned how it works and how much can be produced to support the whole country. We also learned about some advantages, disadvantages, the environmental and physical costs of using this energy source. Throughout our paper you’ll see that this source of energy is the most efficient and reliable source for North Carolina. Hydro power works based off of water flows in rivers, dams, facilities, and even the ocean. There are reservoirs set up for this purpose; for example The Hoover Dam. On average is produces 4 billion kilowatt-hours of electricity, that’s enough for 1.3 million people. Hydropower uses technologies that are specifically …show more content…
Some of the pro’s for using this resource is that it is easy to obtain, it’s a clean fuel source, and it’s safe. Using water for energy means that it’s renewable and it is a reliable source of power. It’s provides essential backup energy in case of a major electricity outage. Hydropower also costs less than most sources. Including electricity hydropower also contributes to flood control, irrigation, and water supply. This is all great but there are also some disadvantages to using hydropower. It is very expensive to build dams and power plants, although the amount of employees needed and maintenance costs are very low. Finally the use of hydropower is directly related to how much water is available. If there is a drought or limited reservoirs then there could potentially be no hydropower. There are very major environmental impacts to using hydropower. There are environmental consequences. The building of dams could alter a fish's habitat and lifestyle. Their life depends on the opportunity to access food and shelter. The draining of a river for a dam would be devastating. Hydropower is about an average of 0.85 cents per kilowatt-hour. It is about 50% of the cost of nuclear and about 40% of the cost of fossil fuels. It it also about 25% of the costs of natural gases. Although it is an inexpensive source of power there are economic costs. Hydropower plants can be expensive to build, about $1 billion. But on the other hand maintenance and employee costs are low. Hydroelectric Power plants burn no fuel and don’t take many employees to

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