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Personal Narrative: Breaking The Law

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This story is all about how i got pulled over for not wearing my seat belt. I was breaking the law which made me feel free for not doing what is expected of me. Not having the restraint of the belt around my chest all the way down to my hip where is clicked in to stay secure. Being able to lean freely, turn around without it rubbing on my neck or getting in my way when i reach behind my seat for when i drop something. Having the freedom to punch someone in my back seat for saying something dumb or saying something out loud since it's not intended for the ones around. All without the worry of the safety belt around my body because at that point in time i did not wear it. Even though i knew exactly what would happen if caught by the law without the safety strap around me. A thirty dollar fine for i …show more content…
That damn car wasn't suppose to be there it was never intended to placed at that spot for whoever had it called to the neighborhood was the reason everything turned bad. I shouted the cop as i gradually start applying the brake. Unaware that my friend flipped out, turned around grabbing his seat belt. When i noticed i tried to stop him, but it was too late she saw him. She saw the pure stupidity that is surrounding this kid. So much that you can see with the naked eye. Passing the cop going 20 in a 30 this time. She wasn't able to catch me on speeding, but she got me on a seat belt violation. As i passed her i got into a blind stop of hers speeding around the corner before she was able to turn around. As she attempted she was unsuccessful on doing one complete motion of a u turn. It was my opportunity to do what was necessary to get my ass out of trouble. Now pulling into my driveway i turned off the trucked got out put my bag on and shut my truck door and started heading for my house as i did so she pulled up. She got at the car to start small talk she was confirming that i lived at the residence on which i was standing

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