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Personal Narrative: Cellas Hayes

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I, Cellas Hayes, am currently in my third year at the University of Mississippi. I am currently pursuing a B.A. degree in Biology and Classics with a Latin emphasis. Since I was young, I was always by myself being that my sister was thirteen years older than me and I did not have any boy cousins; however, my life was very family oriented. Male friends were also a thing I lacked even when I began college, but this all changed with one phone call. The phone call was from an older guy, Evan that was from the same hometown as me, graduated from the same high school, and coincidentally attended the University of Mississippi. Evan calling me was the first information that I received in regards of becoming a member of NPHC. Although he said he was …show more content…
As I was looking through websites, I noticed all the general information, yet one thing caught my attention. It was a list of most notable men that were members of Phi Beta Sigma. Kwame Nkrumah and George Washington Carver were the two men who I had idolized the most. Simultaneously as I was researching about become a Sigma a finding Kwame Nkrumah, I was studying and writing about him in my African American Studies class. Also, George Washington Carver had always been an important figure in my life because he symbolized the need for black scientist and that we were no different from white scientist except the lacking of opportunity. Another factor was the book “Divine Nine,” that was given to me by my Classics advisor after I told her I was interested in becoming a member. Even though, she is not a member of NPHC, her giving me the book and urging me to become a part of the organization showed me that these Greek organizations are seen as being powerful, compelling and dynamic filled with members who all exemplify these qualities. After reading the book and identifying so many role models within the list of most notable men of Sigma, I made my decision to pursue becoming a man of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity …show more content…
I received my first position in an organization in college, secretary. Our president at the time informed me that secretary is the hardest position of the chapter because without the secretary we would not be able to have events, promotions and sometimes even service. Becoming the secretary taught me how to network as I was contacting faculty on campus to promote our organization and find new opportunities for us and how to function with deadlines. Nevertheless, I failed on several occasions whether it was forgetting to register a room or contacting someone important or completing a PIA form. I am thankful for these failures and successes that came with being the secretary of my chapter. This opportunity gave me the foundation to charter my own organization, MAPS (Minority of Association of Pre-Medical Students) at the

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