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Jamestown Chapter 2 Analysis

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Document from 1619, “Journals” of the House of Burgesses from Virginia tells about the first 12 years of the Jamestown colony. The very first settlers who came were about 100 persons, who had one small serving of barley per meal. Then more people begin to arrive, which grows more lack of food. The scarcity of food was so high that the people started to eat human flesh, Zinn mention in A People’s History of the United States, one among them slew his wife as she slept in his bosom, cut her in pieces, spiced her and fed upon her till he had clean consumed all parts leaving her head. A demand by 30 settlers to the House of Burgesses, complaining against the 12 years of directorship by Sir Thomas Smith. Economically the Virginians need labor …show more content…
But still they didn’t found someone to grow food for them; so Black slaves were the answer. By 1619 million blacks were imported from Africa to South America, the Caribbean, to Portuguese and Spanish colonies. African blacks were legalized as slave labor for more than 100 years. But the slavery was very brutal, as said by one of the slave trader John Newton who later turns into one of the antislavery leader as mentioned in Zinn’s Chapter 2. They were used for plantation, for mining in the states of America doing it for their entire life, ethically destroyed, generations of family were separated apart and no hope for their future. The major two factors which made the African slavery cruel in American slavery history were the anger for boundless profit which come from wealthy agriculture and the decrease of the slave to a smaller amount than human standing by the use of racial hate, along with that persistent clarity based on color, where white color was master and black color was …show more content…
He is going to talk about the relation of the state’s action towards the reduction and illegalization of black people, by going through what legacy history created and mentioned. But, he is very clear that by going through the history, he doesn’t want to point out on racism. But the matter of fact that the state’s picked on black bodies to abuse them is a pragmatic use of racism. “For the state to legalize an individual, and of a certain social sanctity obtained through that identity. It is the formation of a sanctity for whiteness, and for white radicalized awareness which goes beyond racism and empowers it.” The power, which gives the state’s injustice understanding, is a structure of racialization, where as the state identifies itself as white by doing injustice towards black men, black women, and people in general. The following structure of racialization makes its approach through United States history against the people of opposite color than white and as a cultural norm. The approaches of freedom and the form of illegalization of the sufferers may change, but the fundamental structure remains the

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