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Personal Narrative Cheer Team

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When I moved to Germany my cheer coach told me about a German competitive cheer team, so I decided to try it. I knew the coach already so I was all set. After only doing cheer for a semester freshmen year I was quite nervous. I made friends with some of the girls on the team, and a few girls from school also joined. Our coach was tough, and she showed us new and challenging stunts for us to try almost every practice. Using some of the stunts we learned we put together a routine. It was a difficult routine that took a while to perfect.
As competition grew closer tempers got short, because of the high amounts of work required. One member of my stunt group ended up getting frustrated since I couldn’t perfect two stunts. This made practice more stressful and less fun, everyone was worn out and ready for the competition to come.
Before the actual competition, we had a Spirit challenge, where we showed the routine to our parents and friends. It was super exciting. We were able to hit all of our stunts and our routine was perfect. After spirit challenge, everyone was sure that we would win the competition, so as competition came around we were ready. We practiced, and practiced, only occasionally falling. The day of competition we went through our stunts, then got out on the mat. It was …show more content…
So naturally as they called out the third place winner we clapped, as we talked about what went wrong. Then the second place winner was called. We knew we didn’t make it so we got ready to clap for whoever won second place. When they called it out all of our faces changed from being depressed to becoming overjoyed. We won second place even with four dropped stunts. I expected our coach to be happy for us, and she was to an extent. She wanted us to win first place instead. Once we all went back to gather our belongings and head home, she didn’t want anyone to talk to

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