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Sarmiento Vs Alberdi

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Sarmiento and Alberdi are undeniable part of the new generation of Liberals. Both, Sarmiento and Alberdi, share very similar ideologies on how Argentina should be molded in to an advanced revolutionized society. Both men share similar interests for Argentina, but they each introduce their own concepts for a new progressive way of life. Regardless of how they want their society to advance, they are both are for progress. Sarmiento compares civilization and barbarism in relation to progress. If a nation is civilized, he believed it will flourish with progress. He argued that civilization is determined by European values, Republican values and city life. On the other hand, he identified barbarism as Colonial and Indigenous customs, Caudillo rule and the lifestyle of Gauchos. He wanted to move forward; by doing so, society needed to move away from the old conservative ways and work together as a whole. By doing away with local political traditions, he planned to westernize Argentina by bringing in …show more content…
Even though the others are important, he put a heavy emphasis on Immigration. He argued that immigration would enrich society. Because of this, he wanted to bring Europeanism to Argentina. By bringing, or attracting, Europeans to Argentina, he strongly believed their influence would motivate and teach others how to become a progressive society. This is why he wanted to bring hard working Europeans to Argentina. He thought their values and industrial techniques would substantially help the economy. He also believed western influence would motivate Argentina natives to promote progress. Alberdi made it clear that learning from others is a great trait and as a result, he also believed in societal order through education. He argued, “By educating of masses, we will have order; by having order, population from overseas will come to our

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