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Personal Narrative: From Illegal Immigration To The United States

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I lived in Mexico for almost all my life. I enjoyed living there. One day my mother decided that my brother and I would have a better life in the United States, so we moved. My life change dramatically when I moved to the United States. At first, I was glad because I knew that I was going to be able to visit Disneyland, Sea Word, and the Zoo, but never did I thought about the cruel and dangerous environment that I would face when crossing the border illegally.
When crossing the US border illegally we are risking our lives for a better future. In the border, we had to face many struggles. For example, we put our lives in the hands of a coyote . Sometimes the coyotes are not trust worthy they just care about the money they abandoned people. Not only is the coyote is a problem, but also the delinquents. In the border, there are many organization such as Los Zetas that abuse illegal immigrants. They steal immigrants’ money and sometimes kill them. In our journey to the United States my brothers and I did not encounter gangsters or any drug cartel, …show more content…
We as “Illegal immigrants” live each day in fear of being deported. We all come here with a dream. We left everything behind hoping to find a better future in the United States. The only thing we [illegal immigrants] want is to have an income in order to provide for our family’s needs. We also want to have peace and work legally without fear of being deported or going outside and being confronted with discrimination. Living Illegally in the United States is like living in shadows. The idea of living in the United States seemed easy, but it wasn’t all. Moving to the United Stated was very complicated and expensive for me and my family, but it was the best decision that my mother could make. Now that I understand English, my life became easier, but I won’t let this stop me from learning. I am determinated to learn more and more every

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