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Gcse Game Narrative Essay

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The bell rings, the 2:46 alarm every kid in our high school is longing to hear. With everyone stampeding to the safe-haven of the exit, I had one thing occupying my mind, game day. Today was a good game, Central vs. Northeastern, always a physical and close game. My mindset instantly geared into warm up mode. When the other team arrived, we locked in a dead stare and the intensity shot up. Warm-ups came to a halt, and it was time for the showdown. Unfortunately, I was on the bench for the first fifteen minutes as I am obliged to share time with the other fullback. Not much happened when I wasn’t in, we were just trailing the play and just kicking the ball. Four minutes before I was supposed to substitute in, the unimaginable happened, they initiated an attack, they moved the ball in a mesmerizing pattern. When they’re perilous striker received the ball we knew we we were in a fatal situation, then he let it fly. Our coach was livid, and he sent the substitutes to get put in. I was overgrown with jubilance when I clapped hands with my successor, finalising the substitution. As soon as we took the field there was an imperative change, we actually started moving the ball around and creating attacks. …show more content…
I acquired the ball on the wing, I picked my head up and looked up for the target making a run, the pass was there. He accepted the pass with ease and his first touch was exquisite. He drove down the field with a particular ferocious fire in his eyes. Thereupon dribbling to the endline, he sailed the ball into the other forward and the score was 1-1. The tweeting of the whistle was a sour note for us as our play was just starting to flourish. Half-time motivational speeches usually bore me, however, this one was inspiring. We all wanted this and you could see it in our eyes, this was one of our last game and we knew what we had to

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