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'The Narrative Of Illegality'

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The Narrative of Illegality

The discourse of “illegality” is one that has become deeply ingrained and unquestioned in our society. Although it is rooted in contradiction, the narrative surrounding “illegality” establishes these “illegal” immigrants as a threat to the creed, identity, and national security of the United States. Like other elements of the “common sense” instilled in us by neoliberal ideologies, “illegality” was constructed so capitalism and the global apartheid could continue to thrive. It is an effective measure that produces a vulnerable labor force and a never-ending supply of detainees. It does not stem from any natural principles and at its core “illegality” is arbitrary and paradoxical. “Illegality,” therefore, is nothing …show more content…
This is why it had to be constructed and it had to be ingrained into the consciousness of citizens through threat narratives. It is not a natural occurring process where people’s existences become “illegal” just because they did not adhere to a civil law. Being “illegal” says nothing about your character but it does say something about the politics of where these people are living. However, even though “illegality” is illogical, its label does not exist in a vacuum, it has ramifications that affect every aspect of some people’s lives. “Illegality” may be arbitrary in its conception but it has tangible consequences, none of which are in any way positive. “Illegal” immigration has not always existed but now it has become an integral part of our economic, social, and political system. This is why the concept of “illegality” is continuously rife with contradiction as its conception demands manipulation. The contradictions are implicit because citizenship in itself is also a socio-political …show more content…
The fact that US is so politically, historically, and militarily tied to these countries are also a reason as to why immigrants come to the US in the first place. They are most likely used to US customs since US presence has been a part of their lives. It makes no sense to be criminalizing immigration, when the US is one of the causes for it. The CIA, for example, caused the coup in Guatemala, yet they condemn Guatemalan immigrants from fleeing the violence that US officials have created. They also actively make it harder for immigrants to come to the US even though they have already faced extreme amounts of violence already. In the same vein, Mexican immigrants have been equated with “illegality,” but this word does not encompass their circumstances. Some do not have a choice in immigrating because US policies have forcibly driven them out. Yet, they are still seen as criminals that threaten the nation, instead of human beings escaping from poverty and

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