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Definition Essay: The Positive Effects Of Global Warming

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It has been a bad day. At work, there’s a constant pushing around by coworkers. At school, the big assignment due in a few days still isn’t done. Feelings of stress and annoyance simmer before it’s time to trudge home. To relax, one might run a warm bath, or throw themselves under a blanket with their pet next to them to get warm. They might call their significant other or best friend, who always seems to know how to make things easier. They’re the people who know how to make them warm inside. In the end, people are always looking for warmth in times of trouble. defines warmth as, “the quality or state of being warm; moderate or gentle heat”. Yet, as seen in the scenario, warmth in today’s society can also mean stress relief or happiness. Warmth evokes feelings of comfort and can even be like a safety blanket for many people through feelings of fond …show more content…
When someone is a kind person, we say they speak with “warm” words and “embrace you warmly”. A kind person is loving and gives out of the goodness of their heart. Warmth and pleasantness go hand in hand, so when we meet someone like this we treat them as ‘warm’. We give ‘warm smiles’ to be nice and give ‘warm hospitality’. Sally Augustin Ph.D., an environmental psychologist writing for Psychology Today shows an example of the connection of warmth and good-heartedness. She cites research done in 2008 by Williams and Bargh, “...those who’d held warm things were likely to have generally more favorable opinions of others...seeing them as warmer, more generous and caring...also more generous to others and trusting”. Our brains tie amiability to warmth. Those who are kind act warmly and are generous to others. I was raised to be kind to everyone, no matter what qualities separate the two of us. I can hear my mother telling my time and time again to open my heart to all people, and scolding me and my siblings if one of us did

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