Premium Essay

Short Story: How Angela And Brad Wazowski Won The Powerball

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Words 1093
Pages 5
What would you do with a billion dollars? Well, this is a story of how Angela and Brad Wazowski won the Powerball.

It started off an average day for the Wazowski family. They woke up at six, walked their dog Earl, brushed their teeth, and got in there little electric car, and drove to work. Life for Brad and Angela was not that exciting just the same old thing but different day. Angela a manager at Petco got dropped off first. Brad worked at Staples in downtown Las Angles. The newlyweds just got these jobs and are beginning to hate working. One night Angela and Brad both were talking to each other about there dream life. The list did not include working at Petco or Staples. The list included Red Carpets, parties, big houses, and cars lots …show more content…
With the fourth and final number called the couple almost peed there pants even the dog. They had just won the POWERBALL! From now on there lives would dramatically change. No more Petco or Staples or tiny electric car that couldn’t go up a hill. It would now be mansions, cars, clothes, red carpets, and the couple couldn’t wait!

They soon reveled to the world that they had won the Powerball. Immediately collected their billions of winnings. The day after they announced they won, their mailbox began to overflow with invitations, cards, and an assortment of other things. They noticed an invitation to the Grammies something that Angela had wanted to attend since she was twelve. Angela and Brad knew that they had to go to this event, but they had nothing to wear. They knew they would need to wear something very fashionable and fancy to a ceremony like this. Angela wore a long blue dress and a Chanel handbag with Christian Louboutin heels. She looked very beautiful. Brad on the other hand wore a black and white suit and looked very handsome. The couple arrived in a not so shabby ride, a limo! When they arrived they felt like they were being attacked with flashing lights and people

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