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Who Is Harriet Tubman An Intelligent Slave

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Harriet Tubman was an intelligent slave. She was born in Dorchester County, Maryland in 1820.Her parents were from the Ashanti Tribe of west Africa. They worked on Brodas plantation as slaves. In addition to producing lumber, Edward Brodas raised slaves to rent and sell.

Life was hard on the plantation. She started labor at the age of 5. She was not an inside slave so for that she would would be brutally beat by her masters. By age 15 she was not order to work indoors, she was now an outfield slave. Since she was an outfield slave , she sought the opportunity to help slaves run away.

In 1844 Harriet married a free black man named John Tubman but remained a slave. She stayed a slave to helped slaves flee. Then she realized she was

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