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Psychographics: Quantitative Measures Of Lifestyle

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According to the textbook, psychographic are attempts to develop quantitative measures of lifestyle (Hawkins, D. I., Mothersbaugh, 2010). Psychographics is a term used to make reference to information gathered about gatherings of individuals which includes how those individuals think, feel, act, and accept. It incorporates things like beliefs, qualities, convictions, intrigues, identity, and way of life, looking not exactly at who individuals are and what they do, however on the way of life which advises their state of mind and decisions.
The typical variables you should include in your studies are attitudes, values, activities and interests, demographics, media patterns and usage rates.
The first variable attitudes can be considered as a …show more content…
Just think about it if someone who values equal rights for all goes to work for an organization that treats its managers much better than it does its workers, he or she may form the attitude that the company is an unfair place to work; as a result, this person may not produce well or may perhaps leave the company.
In the activities variable the way a person carries out their work or the type of hobbies they have tells a lot about an individual. For example, if I had tough work while at the same time was involved in numerous sports then I would be considered an active person. Since I am a computer operator who mainly likes indoor activities then I am unlikely to head out of the house for weekends. Whereas, interests inform you of what the consumers are interested in. For example, I am interested in the latest technology products, therefore it is a waste of time trying to setup recreation plans for me.
The third variable, demographics can be thought of as information that you would find at the Census Bureau. In other words, in the demographics you will find information about who your customers are and what they do. Even though the information is valuable, it can somewhat lacks information in some

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