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Personal Narrative: Going Into Sophomore Year Of High School

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Going into Sophomore year of high school, I moved from Jacksonville, Florida to Highland Park, Illinois. While the move was difficult, what was more difficult was adjusting to the coursework and life at Highland Park High School. At my old school I was in a program called “Pre-AICE” which was basically taking all “Pre-AICE,” or honors, classes to eventually move into the “AICE” course which was honors and AP courses. I was in all honors or Pre-AICE courses my freshman year and was taking an AP course. I breezed through all of the courses barely doing 10 minutes of homework a night and ended with A’s in all my classes but english. I came to HP thinking I would be able to do the exact same thing. Boy was I wrong.
When I moved I figured I would take a few less Honors courses just so I could ease into life here at Highland Park. I took Algebra II with Trig Honors, English II Honors, and AP Psychology. I figured this was a …show more content…
The coursework was heavy but I was able to do it and usually get about 7 hours of sleep a night. I was happy with the friends I made and everything was going smoothly. At around the end of first semester and the beginning of second semester I was so tired that I wasn't doing as much homework each night which started causing my grades to drop. I was tired all the time and even when I got 8 or 9 hours of sleep, I felt exhausted. I wasn't doing any homework and I wasn't paying attention in class anymore. My grades in almost every class were dropping. I went from A’s to C’s in many classes over a course of 2 weeks. I just didn't care anymore. I thought that my grades didn't matter and that I was just stupid compared to everyone else at this school. I was going through a really bad time and just wasn't mentally okay which affected my entire life. This lasted throughout the entirety of Sophomore year. My GPA dropped significantly from a 3.86 unweighted at the end of freshman year to a 3.05 unweighted at the end of sophomore

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