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Personal Narrative: If You Really Knew Me

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If You Really Knew Me I was born on March 25, 1999 and was originally given the name Ana Lucia, but my father decided to add the name Amanda right in the front. Therefore, my whole name is Amanda Ana Lucia Benavente(ben-ah-ven-tay). I was a chubby baby and I grew to be not too thin and not too thick. I wear large blue Ray-Ban glasses and my hair usually down. My hair as well as my eyes are a dark brown. I do have a bit of blonde in the hidden parts of my hair that used to be a rebellious dark purple. My skin is caramel tone, the type of color that makes people come up to me to compare their skin tone with mine. I am half-Peruvian and half-white. I enjoy travelling and I would consider it the most important detail about me. If you really knew me, you would understand that I have too many interests to define myself as a certain “type” of person. …show more content…
Religiously, I am a baptist, however, I have been to Catholic church various times, especially when I was younger. Both sides of my family are very religious and that has passed through me for the most part. I don’t attend church like I should and I regret that. Morally, I think I’m a fairly decent person. I love helping those in need when I can. Sometimes I’ll give food to homeless people or donate clothes to a shelter. I am in the Big Brother Big Sister program so I mentor a little girl at Murphy Elementary. Not everyone is perfect and I am as far from it as the general population. I try not to lie, steal, cheat, etc. I was raised to look down upon that

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