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Everyone Go To College Case Study

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In the reading selection Should Everyone Go to College? It is a primary strategy that is being used to give two opposing sides to the question. Both parties provide details for their choosing as well as using the strategy of skills providing reasons. The side that agrees with the question explains that having a degree will benefit the future. Whereas, the side that disagrees elaborates on stating that not every occupation requires one, so it is not always necessary to have. The primary goal for both sides is to provide those with information to think about the future primarily aiming towards the youth.
Furthermore, the agreeing side's message is clear as estimating stated in the selection Should Everyone Go To College? by Stephanie Owen and …show more content…
The return of going to college is positive, but there is a gap in the value of it. A degree is not for everybody because of the differences in circumstances. The pro of going to college will better prepare those who are seeking a job that requires some sort of college degree. Knowing this one can make connections that may help land a good job after graduation. The college will offer self-improvement as one learns effective skills and seek constructive advice. The cons explained are for other people having the risk of being in debt for going to college when it is not needed plays a role. Not everybody needs a degree which is why most people shown in the research studies choose to not go to college or do not return. The strategies used gives a significant amount of reasons saying that one should have the ability to decide to go to school or not and not worry about what other people say. Both paths one chooses to take will have plenty of benefits along the way where everything happens for a reason. In general, both sides of this discussion can agree on the fact that college plays a part in trying new things and finding oneself. The studies on the decision making for college proves that there are different ways to pursue

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