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Vaping Vs Cigarettes

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The worst e-cigarette critics would argue how vaping is at least 85% better than cigarettes, therefore better critics would show how e-cigarettes are without a doubt superior than cigarettes in every way. Doctors believe vaping could drastically decrease or at least help large numbers of smokers quit from cigarettes, which is the habit that is the major cause of preventable death in the United States, with 480,000 deaths per year including over 41,000 from secondhand smoke exposure. It was also found that compared to current smokers, when switched to vaping for only six months, vapers had lower levels of the worst carcinogens that are found in tobacco cigarettes. Cigarettes cause way more of a risk than vaping simply because of the amount …show more content…
In a study performed by scientists at Portland State, a device was run at both a low voltage and a high voltage. At the low voltage, they did not detect formaldehyde. But at the high voltage, they found some. Formaldehyde is indeed, a known carcinogen, which also exists among hundreds of other toxic chemicals and dozens of cancer-causing agents in combustible cigarettes(Nocera). Therefore, the use of formaldehyde, can be prevented as long as users put the device at a low voltage and not use it so often at a high voltage.(Nocera). The dangers of vaping can be adjusted and fixed...unlike smoking. Simply lower the wattage and voltage and the problem is solved. Cigarettes do not have options like that. Many argue that e-cigarettes may be a gateway to drug to cigarettes or other tobacco products for non-smokers, but the use of e-cigarettes by people who do not smoke is very rare(McRobbie). Broadly, the world can be full of gateway drugs. For example, a child with a bmx bike could lead to future motorcycle activity as an adult. Therefore, if you do not argue how tobacco cigarettes are dangerous, that could possibly lead someone to smoking in the future. E-cigarettes are free of tar, tobacco, a lingering odor, and many more chemicals to list. "E-cigarettes aren't thought of as 100% safe, but most experts think they're less dangerous than …show more content…
Secondhand exposure to vapour is far less harmful than exposure to secondhand smoke" Secondhand exposure to these chemicals is altogether different. There was no evidence of exposure to contaminants in secondhand vapor that associate with health risks. It was predicted that less than 1 percent of the secondhand exposure threshold in air quality. Studies do not show any harm in this vapor, but researchers suggest more research should be done on first-hand exposure before second. “Current state of knowledge about the chemistry of liquids and aerosols associated with electronic cigarettes indicates that there is no evidence that vaping produces inhalable exposures to contaminants of the aerosol that would warrant health concerns.”(BMC Central). Compared to cigarettes, vapor contains "exponentially lower levels of cancer-causing agents". Since vaping is so new, there is no long-term data, yet it is still proven to be superior than cigarettes and evidence does not demonstrate the vapor to be particularly harmful for the time being. Any risks to health from secondhand e-cigarette vapor are likely to be far lower than from exposure to tobacco smoke, given the constituents, their toxicity and exposure times

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