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The Red Headed League Analysis

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In The Red-Headed League, Sherlock Holmes takes the case of a red-headed businessman who feels that he's been duped. The "league" he joined paid him four pounds a week, but was just a ruse to get him out of the shop so a man named Spaulding could tunnel into the nearby bank. A red-headed small business owner named Wilson vists Sherlock Holmes. He tells the dective how a man named Spaulding convinced him to join The Red-Headed Leaug, which was supposedly founded by an eccentric millionaire. The Leauge pays Wilson four pounds a week to go to their office for four hours a day and copy out the Encyclopedia Britannica in longhead. Wilson does this for seven weeks, up unitl the Leauge is disbanded. Sherlock rethat Spaulding just wanted Wilson out

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...This is a good article. Click here for more information. Page protected with pending changes level 1 Bahrain From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Changes must be reviewed before being displayed on this page. Jump to: navigation, search For other uses, see Bahrain (disambiguation). Kingdom of Bahrain مملكة البحرين Mamlakat al-Baḥrayn Flag Coat of arms Anthem: نشيد البحرين الوطني Bahrainona Our Bahrain Sorry, your browser either has JavaScript disabled or does not have any supported player. You can download the clip or download a player to play the clip in your browser. Location of Bahrain (circled in red)in the Arabian Peninsula (light yellow) Location of Bahrain (circled in red) in the Arabian Peninsula (light yellow) Capital and largest city Manama 26°13′N 50°35′E Official languages Arabic Ethnic groups (2010[1]) 46% Bahraini 45.5% Asian 4.7% other Arabs 1.6% African 1% European 1.2% Other Religion Islam Demonym Bahraini Government Unitary parliamentary constitutional monarchy - King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa - Crown Prince Salman bin Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa - Prime Minister Khalifa bin Salman Al Khalifa Legislature National Assembly - Upper house Consultative Council - Lower house Council of Representatives Independence - Declared Independence [2] 14 August 1971 - from UK [3] 15 August 1971 Area - Total...

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