...an outsider (Toor, 2012). Take a look at the Narrative essay you submitted in week four. Read through it and find a few things you could have done better. In at least 150 words, discuss those changes. While you can mention it, try to look deeper than any formatting or grammar issues you may have had. Look at the way you organized your essay, how you tied everything together, even at your word choice. Could you have benefitted from writing your essay in multiple drafts? About my narrative essay, it could have been a lot smoother and easier if I had my original story. For a month I have been dealing with a failed hard drive and 2 more failed ones that I have been sent to find out it’s my power supply hahaha. Anyway I liked revisiting my past because it made me really happy to write about it and be descripted with the event as a whole. I could have it a bit more organize it just happened a more than 10 years ago. I could have done better if I wrote two drafts instead of one; I’m taking my time with my persuasive essay so it will be better than this one. Also rushing the essay instead of being able to take my time was an issue also. Writing about an older event is kind of hard because things get fuzzy after years of not thinking about the event that happen. Once you start thinking about it comes in a flood and it’s sometimes hard to organize it in your head. Revision Plan Now that you’ve had the chance to reexamine your Narrative essay, take a deeper look at your Persuasive rough...
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...short narrative “Girl” the duties and responsibilities that are associated with being a woman are discussed, and Junot Diaz’s “How to Date a Browngirl, Blackgirl, Whitegirl, or Halfie” dictates how to date women that are ethnically and racially different. These two stories, share some similarities such as point of view but are...
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...careers, ambitions and relationships, and on any given match day, weather, morale, skills and individual personal issues can contribute to moments of brilliance or abject failure. Talking to Sports Interactive’s director Miles Jacobson, I found that the simulation model is even more elaborate in some areas than I’d expected. Read on to find out about the game’s expanding narrative engine, how climate change is forcing the team to update the code that generates weather patterns, why the ugliest aspects of football have no place in FM and how a non-contract player’s family situation might prevent him from playing for your club. RPS: You’ve mentioned in previous interviews that you have a database of thousands of features to implement eventually. But do you have an overall vision of where the game is going to be in two or three years? Is there a shape that it’s taking? Jacobson: I tend to work two versions ahead. It used to be three but it’s two now because we’re managing to fit in a lot more each year, so there’s always an overall vision for the game. Whether that’s a year of revolution or of evolution – I think, certainly, the revolution years are going to be less and less because there’s so much in the game already that we’d rather look at evolving certain large chunks of the game each year. When you’re working on an annually iterative sports title that’s based on real life, it’s kind of difficult to turn around and say ‘the whole match engine is going to be 5d!’. We can’t change...
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...Performance Appraisals A performance appraisal is very useful to a company and their employees. Performance appraisals are “the formal process through which employee performance is assessed, feedback is provided to the employee, and then corrective action plans are designed” (Youssef & Noon, 2012). For this assignment I am going to use my mother as an example. In this short paper I will be: describing the occasion in which she was being evaluated, describing the strengths and weaknesses of the evaluation process, and providing at least two strategies to improve the performance appraisal process. My mother works for my Aunt Jane. Jane owns affordable apartment buildings and only has a small staff of five (including herself). My mother is a secretary/inspection worker. She mainly does the secretary work, but once every six months she inspects the apartments (unless it is a problem apartment then it’s done monthly). Jane is pretty laid back when it comes to employer responsibilities. She does not give out yearly raises, evaluations, etc. Rather, Jane goes by a time based example. The ways she looks at it is for every five years she will give out raises if the employee deserves it. Since Jane works side-by-side with her employees, she is always evaluating them on how they do their work. Some strengths of doing the daily evaluations are that the work is always done when it is supposed to be done and it is done the way the boss (Jane) likes it. What Jane does would be considered...
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...ARTICLE IN PRESS Social Science & Medicine 58 (2004) 1647–1657 Understanding breast cancer stories via Frank’s narrative types Roanne Thomas-MacLean* Dalhousie University Family, Medicine Teaching Unit, Dr. Everett Chalmers Hospital, P.O. Box 9000, Priestman St. Fredericton, NB Canada E3B 5N5 Abstract While breast cancer narratives have become prevalent in Western culture, few researchers have explored the structure of such narratives, relying instead on some form of thematic analysis based upon content. Although such analyses are valuable, Arthur Frank (The Wounded Storyteller, The University of Chicago Press, Chicago, 1995) provides researchers with an additional means of studying stories of illness, through the examination of their structures. In this article, the author applies Frank’s work to a phenomenological study of embodiment after breast cancer. Frank’s three narrative types are used to enhance understanding of the ways in which stories are culturally constructed, using data collected through one focus group discussion and two in-depth interviews with each of 12 women who had experienced breast cancer. The author then conveys the significance of this form of analysis for future research. r 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. Keywords: Breast cancer; Qualitative and narrative Introduction Frank (1995) writes that those who are ill ‘‘need to become storytellers in order to recover the voices that illness and its treatment often take away’’...
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...literally from nowhere, sailing at you right out of the empty sky: two previously unrelated ideas come together and make something new under the sun.” — Stephen King, On Writing Taking two ideas and joining them into something new, like King described, is called idea-mashing. Yes, I just made that up. King writes that ideas come from nowhere, but the opposite is true — ideas come from everywhere. The trick is to expose yourself to great ideas and let them naturally...
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...Joshua Marston's superior and shattering Maria Full of Grace manages two of the hardest tasks a narrative film can achieve. For one, it tells a story of personal misery, shot through with strong ideological overtones, without reducing its protagonist to a mere symbol or its screenplay to a simple polemic. Moreover, it is the rare film that starts out very strong and gets increasingly better. Add into the mix that this is the Brooklyn-based Marston's debut feature, directing a new actress in nearly every scene of an all-Spanish-language movie—none of the cultural backgrounds or political dilemmas represented in the movie reflect Marston's own biography or experience—and Maria Full of Grace seems all the more impressive. To top it all off, at the time of this writing, Maria trails only the mass-marketed martial arts opera Hero as the highest grossing foreign-language release of the year. When aesthetic dexterity, cultural sensitivity, and positive audience response unite this pointedly, staying at home just shouldn't be an option. This exquisite and profoundly humbling film is as good as they come. Marston has reported that Maria Full of Grace was inspired by his acquaintance with a neighbor who came to Brooklyn as a drug "mule," the horribly but unavoidably cruel colloquialism for women, usually young girls, who are recruited to smuggle drugs into the U.S. (and, no doubt, elsewhere) by transporting them inside their bodies. These women swallow pellets hard-packed with cocaine...
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...communication can be interpreted by each individual differently. At time we can be at the same lecture but somehow get a different meaning of the speaker. Communication is a social process in which individuals employ symbols to establish and interpret meaning in their environment there are five key terms in defining communication, social, environment, process, symbols and meaning. Social communication usually involves two or more people interacting face to face like having a conversation there is a sender and receiver. The process of communication is a never ending It keeps going communication changes every day including the different ways we communicate. The process of a conversation can change from beginning to the end. We may begin speaking about one thing and that conversation can lead to something totally different as well as interpreted by other in a different way. I personally think that communication is a key component to life. Without communication your stuck in your own though and beliefs without interacting with anyone else. In a relationship whether its personal or professional communication is the key to success. Understating each other begins with communication....
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...(the wife) worries about how her sacrifice will affect her husband because of how it affects her looks. If ever there were a story with the message that all you need to be happy is love, this is it. Sacrifice The two main characters in "Gift of the Magi" are a husband and wife who give up their most precious possessions to be able to afford gifts for each other on Christmas Eve. The story seems to be all about sacrifice. We watch Della go through the process of deciding to make the sacrifice and going through with it, only to discover that her husband has made the same sacrifice. The story's narrator assures us that in their willingness to give up all they have, they have proven themselves the wisest of all gift-givers. It might remain unclear, though, exactly what their sacrifice has accomplished, or how it has affected them. Wealth In many ways, "Gift of the Magi" is a story about what it means for something to be valuable. Does something's value lie in how much money it is worth? Or are other things more valuable than money? The main characters are very poor – this is repeatedly emphasized – and yet the story suggests that their love for each other makes them very rich. It is that love, which motivates them to give up the only things of monetary (or personal) value they have to buy presents for each other. Perhaps their poverty is what enables them to appreciate what really matters. Women and Femininity The main character of...
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...This article was downloaded by: [Lahore University of Management Sciences] On: 02 May 2015, At: 09:58 Publisher: Routledge Informa Ltd Registered in England and Wales Registered Number: 1072954 Registered office: Mortimer House, 37-41 Mortimer Street, London W1T 3JH, UK Anatolia: An International Journal of Tourism and Hospitality Research Publication details, including instructions for authors and subscription information: http://www.tandfonline.com/loi/rana20 Understanding the influence of interpersonal relationships on identity and tourism travel Julia F. Hibbert a b a , Janet E. Dickinson & Susanna Curtin a a School of Tourism, Bournemouth University , Fern Barrow, Poole , BH12 5BB , United Kingdom b School of Business and Economics, Linnaeus University , Kalmar , Sweden Published online: 25 Jan 2013. To cite this article: Julia F. Hibbert , Janet E. Dickinson & Susanna Curtin (2013) Understanding the influence of interpersonal relationships on identity and tourism travel, Anatolia: An International Journal of Tourism and Hospitality Research, 24:1, 30-39, DOI: 10.1080/13032917.2012.762313 To link to this article: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/13032917.2012.762313 PLEASE SCROLL DOWN FOR ARTICLE Taylor & Francis makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information (the “Content”) contained in the publications on our platform. However, Taylor & Francis, our agents, and our licensors make no representations or warranties whatsoever as to the accuracy, completeness...
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...call his name. In this poem, identity is not seen as something that is solid and concrete but as something that is situated and constructed by others, a glimpse of poststructuralist view on identity. Recently, language learning has been seen as participation and negotiation of self (see Higgins, forthcoming; Kinginger, 2004; Lam, 2000; Morita, 2004; Ohara, 2001; Pavlenko & Lantolf, 2000; and Solé, 2007 among others). The trend is resonated in the growing interest in language learner identity and the studies in narratives. In this paper, a case of heritage language learner will be investigated upon the theoretical frame of poststructuralism. Narrative inquiry will be used to analyze how she negotiates her learner identity. The purpose of this paper is two-fold: First, by looking at the struggle a language learner makes to acquire her heritage language, I reclaim the centrality of identity in defining heritage language learners. Second, to widen the horizons of narrative studies to the cyber space as it provides an ample source of easily accessible data and it has become one of the commonplace media of daily communication. Heritage Language Learners and Identity To refer to the Heritage Language Learners (HLLs), various terms have been implemented such as ‘native speakers,’ ‘quasi native speakers,’ ‘bilingual speakers,’ or, from the dissatisfaction with the prior terms, ‘home background speakers,’ and ‘heritage language speakers’ (Valés, 2005: p. 412). There has not yet been...
Words: 4079 - Pages: 17
..."Religious ideology" This trust "strong secularization" -rippl simple and only "industrial revolution" British event to have to pretend to be a muscle-chapter story, it would be today. Robespierre's "iron control" hi "voluntaristic direct democracy" culottes "The only effective way to protect the country, [so]," and as unflattering a sound like the Jacobin Republic Hobsbawm's account terrorism and could direct a telegram bit mask (90-95 ) appreciated. Maybe it's a dark Prussian economy, designed around the size of the class "gender", but there is nothing little seed, and. And possibly an index aging revolution in turn, three depressed in four hundred pages to produce a work "San Domingo, Haiti, View" age measure that is more eloquent, not...
Words: 1326 - Pages: 6
...invention Commercial Break!!: Creative Play With Media Influence Purpose: Works well to introduce a personal visual media paper, or other media analysis paper, because it encourages students to think critically about their childhood experiences with TV, etc in a personal, creative way. The exercise may become an early paper draft, or simply stimulate their thinking about the programs and commercials they have watched, and how these media affected them. Description: Students will write creative narratives about a childhood TV experience, then trade papers with another classmate, who will assess the program, the narrator, and then complete the narrative with a commercial break description suited to the program and audience. You may want to have your own example written up to read to them before each step, just to get them thinking about what’s possible. Suggested Time: 20 minutes to a full class period Procedure: Ask the class what their favorite shows were as kids: cartoons, sitcoms, even documentaries. You may want to bring in a few stills or uTube clips to project (in a tech class), as a memory jogger (ex. The Cosby Show, Ren & Stimpy, etc). Once you’ve discussed a nice variety of TV programs, ask the class to freewrite for 5-10 minutes (however long you wish to tell them) in first-person P.O.V. about their experience watching a show like these as a kid. They should be specific and detailed, writing whatever comes to memory about what’s going on in the program and their thoughts/reactions/and...
Words: 4641 - Pages: 19
...Graded Assignments 4 Unit 1 Journal 1: Personal Narrative 4 Unit 1 Journal 1: Personal Narrative Handout 6 Unit 1 Journal 2: Civic Narrative 9 Unit 1 Journal 2: Civic Narrative Handout 11 Unit 1 Assignment 1: What Would You Do? 12 Unit 2 Journal 1: Personal Narrative 13 Unit 2 Journal 1: Personal Narrative Handout 15 Unit 2 Journal 2: Civic Narrative 19 Unit 2 Journal 2: Civic Narrative Handout 20 Unit 2 Journal 3: Article Response 22 Unit 2 Assignment 1: What Would You Do? 23 Unit 2 Assignment 2: Declaration of Independence and Public Safety 25 Unit 3 Journal 1: Car Commercials 26 Unit 3 Journal 2: Personal Narrative 27 Unit 3 Journal 2: Personal Narrative Handout 28 Unit 3 Journal 3: Civic Narrative 31 Unit 3 Journal 3: Civic Narrative Handout 32 Unit 3 Journal 4: Taste vs. Judgment 34 Unit 3 Presentation 1: What Would You Do? 35 Unit 3 Assignment 1: Habits That Hinder Thinking 36 Unit 4 Journal 1: Invention Exercise 37 Unit 4 Journal 1: SWOT Analysis Template 38 Unit 4 Journal 2: Personal Narrative 39 Unit 4 Journal 2: Personal Narrative Handout 41 Unit 4 Journal 3: Civic Narrative 43 Unit 4 Journal 3: Civic Narrative Handout 44 Unit 4 Assignment 1: What Would You Do? 46 Unit 4 Assignment 2: Invention White Paper 47 Unit 5 Journal 1: Personal Narrative 48 Unit 5 Journal 1: Personal Narrative Handout 49 Unit 5 Journal 2: Civic Narrative 51 Unit 5 Journal 2: Civic Narrative Handout 53 Unit 5 Assignment 1: What Would...
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...Africa through Theatre This paper sets out to explore how processes of theatre making employed by The Mothertongue project, provide spaces for women to remap their personal narratives. Mothertongue works from the premise that the development and subsequent performance of stories in theatrical processes affords women the opportunity to re-write and remap their personal narratives and in so doing insert their voices into the landscape of South African Theatre. In an attempt to redress the gender imbalances and androcentricism prevalent in post-apartheid theatre, this paper speaks to the relationship between theatre, liminality and communitas. I am interested in unpacking how collaborative processes of theatre-making provide spaces for women to remap their personal narratives. Remapping in this instance refers to processes of transforming lived experience through story. I address how, through engaging in ritual activities that are central to the stories performed, actors, audiences and the owners of the source stories are invited to physically participate in remapping and transforming lived experience. Linked to this is the choice of form(s) and how this affects or impacts on the performed stories as well as on the construction of performed rituals and ultimately on the processes of remapping personal narratives. I focus specifically on Mothertongue’s 2004 production, Uhambo: pieces of a dream. The production was an integration of theatre and visual art in the form of performances...
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