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Public Speaking Anxiety Paper

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Reports have indicated that public speaking anxiety is a prevalent social fear among most Americans (Jackson, Compton, Thornton, & Dimmock). Public speaking anxiety can also affect your work and social interactions with others. Numerous people experience nervousness when giving a public presentation. However, to certain people the fear of public speaking affects their ability to deliver an excellent presentation. I am generally a very outspoken person so most of my colleagues do not realize my fear of public speaking. Fortunately, there are various strategies that I can implement into my routine that can help alleviate some of my anxiety such as: focusing on friendly faces, familiarizing myself with the audience members before the presentation, and engaging in relaxation techniques (Cardon, 2013). …show more content…
If nervous habits are exhibited during the speech, it might distract from the presentation. Consequently, it can prevent my colleagues and supervisors from comprehending all of the information that is relayed. Therefore, when my anxiety starts to peak, looking at the friendly faces in the audience will permit me to regain my composure.
If the presentation will be given to strangers, another useful technique to prevent anxiety is to speak with the audience members before the presentation (Cardon, 2013). Therefore, simple acts such as greeting them at the door and engaging in conversation can help me to understand the audience more effectively. This can prevent the anxiety by allowing a sense of familiarity with the acquaintances I just met. It can not only help me comprehend the type of audience I am presenting to, but also how they might react to my

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