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Personal Narrative: My First American Civil War

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Butterflies were flying in everyone stomach at that first shot. We had all knew that the Southerners had arrived. Our army was split into 2 groups, one was in town and was in charge of leading them across the stream to the other side, where my group was waiting. The Southerners however weren’t slowing down and starting firing at both groups. We didn’t know whether to fight there or retreat, but our general Winfield Scott Hancock chose to stay there and fight. The next few hours were a flash, the southerners were still on the offensive and we had to play defense. They were slowly advancing so we had to move back to a better position. During the Confederate’s push, more and more Southern reinforcements had arrived. During the night, we had received …show more content…
General Meade told us to go to the field, and defend it in a fishhook formation. Once we were in formation, General Meade and General Sickles had decided that he didn’t want to defend this area, so we moved up to Emmetsburg Pike. Sickles then split our army of 10,000 men across the field in very small portions. When we got into formation, we found out that the opposing side had found out that we were across the field. Once we got into our formation, the Confederacy had charged through the wheat fields towards us. When General Meade found out about Sickles accident, he sent 2 other portions of the army to come reinforce us. One of the portions had me in it, so I had to defend the field with my life. When I got there, things were very bad. The Southerners were a solid force pushing against our lines, which had to slowly retreat out. When Meades saw how bad things were, he ended up calling up another portion of the army, but this time stationing them around the rocks and trees. The Confederates were still pushing, so the commander of the new portion yelled “Defend this land at all costs!” We were able to hold our ground and start pushing back the South by the

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North American Fiction

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