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Personal Narrative: My First Team Sport

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I felt like throwing up. I knew I couldn’t mess this up for the team. We were down 14-24 and I was up to serve. If I missed, I’d lose us the set, and force us to play another game. As I strolled back to the end line I felt very nauseous. I heard my coach encouraging me to push my hardest. It would be hard to come back when we were down that far. I would have to serve a total of eleven serves without missing if I wanted us to win that game. Doubt waved through my mind. The challenge seemed close to impossible, but I accepted it anyway. My hands were clammy and my whole body was shaking. I felt as if the ground was moving beneath my feet. Having to serve under that kind of pressure isn’t the easiest, and I was about to take on the challenge. …show more content…
I tossed the ball and served it. It was over the net and it was in. I had a feeling of relief. Just as the girl on the other team was about to pass the ball, the up ref blew his whistle. It was the same shrieking noise as before. I didn’t know what had happened. I felt anxious. I was hoping the other team was out of rotation. He then announced that I had stepped over the line when I served. The other team had just won. I felt upset, and very angry. I knew that I had made a very stupid mistake. I was disappointed in myself. I pushed that far, and ruined it for the whole team. Mistakes like that are very easy to prevent, and I didn’t take the time to prevent it. After that set, my coach reminded me that there was still a chance to win the match. If we won the next set to fifteen, we could take the win. I could smell sweat lingering in the air. I knew we pushed our hardest during the last two sets, but if we wanted to achieve, we’d have to take every little bit of energy that we had left and use it for this next set. I had no doubt in me that we could do it. I knew we were very capable of winning. As soon as I stepped out on that court, I was determined to give it everything I had. The whole team was determined. My confidence in them had never been

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