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Reality Of Domestic Violence

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Reality of Domestic Violence
According to the United States Department of Justice, domestic violence is defined as physical violence that occurs between individuals in a family unit or those in a dating or other romantic relationship. In America the four most common types of abuses are physical, sexual, emotional, and psychological abuse. While all these differ and have different effects on the victims, the one thing they all have in common are the damages that are instilled in the victims. The types of violence includes all behaviors that manipulate, intimidate, humiliate, frighten, isolate, coerce, hurt, injure, threaten, wound, blame, or terrorize the other person.
In the United States, according to the United States Department of …show more content…
Sexual Abuse: Sexual abuse involves coercing or attempting to coerce sexual behavior or contact without a partner’s consent. Most of the reported cases of sexual abuse include marital rape, forced sex after physical violence, attacking someone’s sexual parts, or treating someone in a sexually demeaning way.
3. Emotional Abuse: The most obvious forms of emotional abuse in America relate to all actions that demean someone’s sense of self-esteem and/or self-worth. Most of the abused individuals faced constant criticism, name-calling, or their abilities were being diminished or parental relationship with the children is undermined.
4. Psychological Abuse: Psychological abuse in families happen when abused individuals are constantly intimidated through numerous threats of causing physical harm to self, children, partner, partner's family or friends or destruction of property or pets; or forcing isolation from the family, friends, or mates.
Domestic violence is a major issue of concern on the international human rights agenda. The problem can happen to anyone, but people often overlook, give excuses, or deny (Gaikwad, 2014, p. 13). By looking at other countries across the world, it is important to look at how the violence is being manifested in different countries and how abusers do to their …show more content…
The contribution of women in important matters is minimal and less worthy as long as men make most of the decisions.
1. Psychological violence: In a study conducted by Gaikwad (2014), psychological abuse covered the highest proportion of domestic violence with 86.1% of the victims experiencing Verbal violence. Abusive partners used name calling, denial of services, threats and neglected their roles in a relationship.
2. Physical violence: Physical violence followed with 63.4% of the reported cases. Drug abuse and alcoholism was ranked to be the major cause for physical violence.
3. Financial violence: Financial violence was on the third rank with 26% cases. Men with inadequate earning as compared to their wives were abused since they were seen to contribute too little toward the family and the household needs. Abusive men with financial capability were abusing their families through alcoholism, abusing spouse’s family, stalking women, and spying all the activities of their partner.
4. Sexual Violence: In the fourth rank was the sexual violence with 23.8% victims. Infidelity towards the partner was a major cause of the violence. Infertility of one partner also contributed to sexual violence.

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