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Domestic Violence In Relationships

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Imagine meeting the partner of your dreams, he is sweet, charming, and gives you everything you have ever wanted. Then relationship furthers and how you are treated begins to change. He begins to change. Cruelty, control, and abuse is the new reality of a relationship you once saw as a magical happiness. Domestic violence is the reality for countless women across not only the United States but also throughout the entire world. Domestic violence is defined by the United States Department of Justice as “...a pattern of abusive behavior in any relationship that is used by one partner to gain or maintain power and control over another intimate partner. Domestic violence can be physical, sexual, emotional, economic, or psychological actions or …show more content…
Men who harm their partners do so in extremely damaging ways. The violence includes, but is not limited to physical, emotional, verbal, sexual, economic, and immigration status. For the victims, the warning signs are extremely hard to realize because of the fact that many of the abusers start off as appearing to be a perfect gentleman. In addition, many outsiders looking into the situation will not realize the true disasters going on between the partners because they try to hide the abuse from others. For example, Rihanna and Chris Brown were dating in 2009 and he was physically abusive to her; however, if the leaked pictures of her bruised and beaten face never surfaced, nobody would have ever known as she walked across the red carpet at the Grammy Awards with a perfectly painted face and beautiful smile. Domestic violence is much more prevalent in society than many of us realize, due to the cover-ups and the abuser controlling the situation (Fighting …show more content…
Long-term violence has serious effects on women, such as the well known Battered Women’s Syndrome. Battered Women’s Syndrome is a psychological disorder due to prolonged abuse. The symptoms are severe, which includes but is not limited to: learned helplessness, psychological paralysis, feeling depressed and defeated, extremely passive behaviors, and they also feel as if they cannot leave their abusive partner or something terrible will happen to them. The victim has many irrational fears that feel completely real to them due to the trauma experiences throughout the relationship. Because of the complete deterioration of who they once were and isolation due to abuse, the victim has a hard time regaining control and finding help to escape the situation (A Nude Portrait of Domestic Violence). Domestic violence has deep-rooted effects on the victims’ health and well-being; in fact, Isabelle Ouellet-Morin, a criminology professor, approximates through her study including 1,052 mothers over a ten year period that women who are victims of domestic violence are twice as likely to be depressed and three times more likely to experience psychotic symptoms than women who have never experienced abuse (Monique Polak). To clarify the severity of the abuse on women, their psychological issues can resurface even after twenty years, as one victim, Karina, who has Post Traumatic Stress

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