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Domestic Violence In Relationships Essay

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Conclusion & Discussion This study duplicates and lengthens prior findings regarding the sex of the victim in domestic violence and their relationships whether it is marital or dating. As seen in previous studies (Seelau & Seelau 2005), people, male or female, have had stronger reactions towards female victims in domestic violent relationships more so than they have towards male victims. Among domestic violence cases between the male perpetrator and the female victim, and the male perpetrator and the male victim, the heterosexual couple was always judged more seriously than the homosexual couple was. This can be understood from a cultural perspective, considering the popular stereotype that all women in relationships need watching out for …show more content…
This is expressed in the study. People have often viewed dating couples as less committed to one another and less intricate than marital couples, so if a person observes domestic abuse between a dating couple, that person might portray the situation less like a couple with some issues, but more so like a tormented victim who is being abused by some stranger (Stets & Straus 1989). Since the data illustrates that domestic violence in dating couples is considered more serious than marital violence, it is entirely in the realm of possibility that these notions of lack in commitment of dating couples could have influenced the scores of the participants to rate them higher than marital couples. It is also safe to consider that the participant’s views on marital violence could have also influenced the outcome of the scores. The idea that marital couples dealing with domestic violence have to be committed to one another despite abuse between them just because they are married could have lowered the perception of the participants’ seriousness towards the violence committed. It is also probable that a reason for receiving a lower score than dating couples could be from public perception that since the victim chose to be in the marriage, he or she is partially at

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