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Personal Narrative: My First Year In Arizona

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The crackling of the fire fades out and the smell of burnt wood reels me back into reality, and I realized that I am in my godmothers front yard. My aunts and uncles, with a few of my much older cousins, and myself, surround the bonfire all the while they drank liquor and beer and I sipped on my sweet hot chocolate and chatted away. I could hear the playful laughs and screams from the kids who chased each other. It feels like only yesterday I ran across their yard which consisted of a couple medium sized trees, rocks, and a batch of green grass, with flowers of all colors scattered around the yard; my mind wanders to the time when I was younger and many people asked me, “What do you love about Arizona?” (mainly it was the teachers that were teaching and living for their first year in Arizona). …show more content…
A big chunk of Arizona gives the perfect nights to go and run off with your friends and see what adventures lie within its desert cities and suburbs, or the days in the northernmost part of the Canyon state let you stroll around and enjoy the sun while the cold wind bites at your face. The winters in this desert state have still kept its serenity, . Arizona is the equivalent of California, only its under appreciated. The capital lying in the states heart appears to spread its sparkling veins throughout the land to its borders, deserts, mountains, rivers and lakes. Arizona is many things; the state diverse in weather, people, culture, traditions and

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