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Personal Narrative: The Picture Of Perfection

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We all stumble, we all fall, and we all fail. This is a part of being human, but it was not something that I would accept for a very long time. I grew up completely neglecting any inkling that I could possibly fail. I forced myself, from a very young age, to ensure that everything I did met an impossible standard. According to my twisted mental outlook, perfection was obtained only through entirely exhausting myself, even back when I was five or six. All of the other girls were satisfied with just taking ballet classes, but for me that was not adequate. Thus I was participating in ballet, tap, jazz, gymnastics, swimming, you name it, and it was on my schedule. That thought processes was not detrimental to me when I was six, simply because I …show more content…
Without warning the homework level in eighth grade was raised immensely, I had more responsibility in my athletics, and I had to prepare for dreaded high school. I was no longer able endure a schedule chock-full with anything and everything that was offered. Subsequently I began to fail. For the first time in my life I could not hold everything together. Nevertheless, I refused to change my ways. The picture of perfection I had so masterfully painted began to deteriorate. I no longer slept, and I mean there were days that I would walk into school with a fake smile on my face trying to hide the fact that I did even lay down in my bed the night before. Anything that I ate was junk food because it's a lot easier and faster than anything with actual nutritional value. Somehow I managed to finish the year like this. When it was over and I no longer had a crazy schedule, I fell into a pattern of depression. My view of success was so deeply rooted in perfection, that consequently anything less would be failing. That summer and into my freshman year of high school was spent trying to change a way of thinking that I had implanted in my brain for thirteen years. I failed at being

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Art of Fiction

...THE ART OF FICTION by Henry James [Published in Longman's Magazine 4 (September 1884), and reprinted in Partial Portraits (Macmillan, 1888); paragraphing and capitalization follow the Library of America edition.] I SHOULD not have affixed so comprehensive a title to these few remarks, necessarily wanting in any completeness, upon a subject the full consideration of which would carry us far, did I not seem to discover a pretext for my temerity in the interesting pamphlet lately published under this name by Mr. Walter Besant. Mr. Besant's lecture at the Royal Institution--the original form of his pamphlet--appears to indicate that many persons are interested in the art of fiction and are not indifferent to such remarks as those who practise it may attempt to make about it. I am therefore anxious not to lose the benefit of this favourable association, and to edge in a few words under cover of the attention which Mr. Besant is sure to have excited. There is something very encouraging in his having put into form certain of his ideas on the mystery of story-telling. It is a proof of life and curiosity--curiosity on the part of the brotherhood of novelists, as well as on the part of their readers. Only a short time ago it might have been supposed that the English novel was not what the French call discutable. It had no air of having a theory, a conviction, a consciousness of itself behind it-of being the expression of an artistic faith, the result of choice and comparison. I do...

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