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Patient Y Case Summary

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As mentioned previously in the paper, Patient Y was scheduled for an induction, but ended up having an emergency cesarean section. The first diagnosis of acute pain was chosen as the number one priority for this patient because if her pain is not controlled she will not be able to care for herself or her newborn. Considering her newborn’s condition, she needs to be able to go to the NICU and assist with as much care as possible in order to bond and provide support for her baby. Also, Patient Y decided she was going to breastfeed her newborn. “One way to increase involvement and decrease stress for mothers interested in breastfeeding is early initiation of breast pumping to stimulate milk production and provide essential nutrition for the infant when stable”(Hadsell, 2011). However, Patient Y will not be able to pump her breast milk if she is in excruciating pain. Therefore, the priority is for her to care for her newborn and support him as best as she can in this critical period.
The second diagnosis anxiety was chosen because Patient Y had an emergency cesarean section and her newborn was in critical condition. Prior to the cesarean section, Patient Y was not able to fully comprehend what was happening in the moment because it occurred so fast. Once she arrived in …show more content…
In order to evaluate this outcome the nurse must continue to reassess the patient’s pain via a pain scale at appropriate times. For example, if the patient reports a pain score of a 10 out of 10, the nurse must provide the patient with pain medication indicated for severe pain. Once the patient takes the medication, the nurse should reassess the pain score in thirty minutes. If the pain score decreases, then you can conclude that the medication was effective. Until the patient reports no pain, the nurse must continue to reevaluate and attempt to reach the desired

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