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Personal Narrative: My Life Course

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If someone asked me how I described my life course till now, I would say it has been one of hardship and dedication. I have never been naïve; I realize that growing up in society today is challenging for anyone. But, I never escaped away from the difficulties that I have faced. Rather, I appreciate it. I perused to be better than I was and to understand those around me and myself. In many ways I have succeeded.
Your life course recognizes the importance of your life and allows us to highlights our highs, and our lows. Moreover, life-course factors are helpful in interpreting the different attitudes held by students of different ages. Bengtson, Elder, and Putney have conceptualised life-course “as a sequence of age-linked transitions that are embedded in social institutions and history”(2005, p. 493). The life course perspective is defined by Novak, Campbell, and Northcott (2012) as a functionalist approach that looks at the “impact of social institutions, historical periods and events, personal biography, life cycle stage, life events, and …show more content…
As I continued through middle school they supported my riding and also my passion for volleyball. My mom made countless trips to volleyball tournaments across Canada. Moreover, she did the majority of my fundraising and was able to better my skills by putting me into volleyball camps. Volleyball took over my life, and my passion for horses came to an end. Volleyball kept me busy and out of trouble. I enjoyed every bit of the sport; winning, losing, the hours of practice, and the countless volleyball trips. I can’t even explain the love I have for such a sport. If I did not have the amazing support system I had, I don’t think I could have enjoyed it as much. My parents and friends who supported me throughout my volleyball career is something I will always be thankful

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