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Argument Analysis: Apply Your Knowledge

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Apply Your Knowledge

1. Why is it essential to understand your readers’ likely motivations before writing a persuasive message?
It is important to understand the readers’ motivation because the whole point of persuading the reader is convincing them to take action while appealing to their needs. The text mentions, “the more closely a persuasive message aligns with a recipient’s existing motivation, the more effective message is likely to be.” (p. 315) For example, if Lyft wants to persuade Uber customers to use their services instead, they may want to appeal to the safety and security, and power and control human needs influences. (p. 316)

2. Why is it important to present all sides of an argument when writing a persuasive message to a potentially hostile audience?
Understanding both sides of the argument is essential to persuasion because you will be able to anticipate the hostile audience’s objections. Our text mentions, “The best way to deal with audience resistance is to anticipate as many objections as you can and address them in your message before your audience can even bring them …show more content…
The text mentions, not using some emotion may not grab your audience’s attention, however using too much emotion may come off as illogical. (p. 320) My opinion is basing an entire persuasion would not be considered ethical. For example, Wounded Warrior Project relied on emotional persuasion until Americans found out this year that only 60% of the donations and resources actually went to military service men and women in need. My family donated thousands of dollars to Wounded Warrior Project. If I had known the actual percentages, I would have donated to a different veteran nonprofit where I knew 100% of my donation was directly going to wounded veterans. I know it was partly my fault for not researching, however I was emotional attached since many of my friends I deployed with use their

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