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Personal Narrative: My Post-High School Life

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I am His;
A Senior Thesis by Lisa

On a rainy Wednesday Morning in Early December 1998, God gave a pastor and his wife a beautiful baby girl and her name was to be Lisa. This girl was surrounded people who loved her and wanted to make sure that she grew up loving the Lord and fulfilling his will in her life. This girl continued to grow to be a dedicated, honest, trustworthy, and very entrepreneurial person today. She enjoys to swim, teach Sunday school, bike-ride, and grow closer to God. I am the girl who was born on the rainy Wednesday morning. From the moment I was born, I have been growing and continue to grow. As I will soon graduate and begin my post- high school life, I intend to grow more as an individual intellectually by increasing …show more content…
In school, I strive to be the best I can by outputting the best quality work that I can. Even for a small project I will try my best by going above and beyond on my work because what I turn in and present is a representation of me. In Sunday school, I try to teach my students to the best of my ability by creating engaging and lessons and activities. According to Created to learn, it is important for a teachers to “use a variety of materials” (Yount 204). When I teach, I use a mixture of tools such as the white board, videos, skits, and art with mixed media. Yount also says that students should “satisfy their own curiosity” (204). In my lessons, I stimulate their minds and make them excited about the bible. Recently, I taught my student about the story of Noah and the ark. To illustrate the events, I draw the Noah and his family building the ark, the animals entering in, everyone else who was not in the ark drowning, and when the ark rested on the mountain Ararat. Afterwards, my students and I made arks out of construction paper and colored paper animals to put inside. In the Media Department, I help to make CDs for our special services like Youth Week in February and Convocation in late March. On top of making the CDs, I sell them to people who come to hear the message. Before I came to CD section of the media ministry, the CDs did not look very presentable because the information was hand written in permanent marker and …show more content…
I believe that honesty is the best policy because when people lie they have to continue lying to cover up their previous lies. People end up realizing that lying is harder than telling the truth because they have to prevent their lies from contradicting themselves to create consistency in what they tell to others. I believe that sometimes telling the truth is difficult and may break a few relationships, but lying is not worth doing because it requires more work than telling the truth. In Pleasing God, Sproul comments that Christians “must have clear idea of what [their] goal is” (Sproul 29). My goal is to be like Christ. Am I perfect? No and I will never be but I can try my best and be close. Ultimately, lying would hinder me from my

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