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Personal Narrative: My Run

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Run The wind blows through the grass in the ditch, making waves similar to the ocean’s. Water droplets glitter in the sunlight, hanging on to the edges of each blade of grass. Birds chirp in the trees, some on the ground looking for food, others build a nest out of soft hay, resembling a puppy’s fur. With each stride, the ends of my shoelaces whip my ankles.
My dog, Sam, runs along with me. In his mind, every square inch has to be explored. Up ahead, we see a flock of geese. Sam lunges toward the fowl, in an attempt to catch one. When jumping and weaving through each chopped, dry corn stock, he resembles a rabbit. His job is done, so he returns back to my side, ready to attack anything that moves.
Every time that my foot lands, the gravel grinds under my shoe. My thighs and calves burn, feet numb, I push through. I tell myself that I can do …show more content…
I am in a trance, I could run for hours. It takes a lot of motivation to get going, but after I start I feel great. My heartbeat thunders in my ear, creating a good pace for my feet to follow. I get to the end of the rock driveway and turn on to the small patch of road that leads to the main driveway.
I reach the driveway and turn in, making my way around the rosebush, passing the barn and parked cars against the gray fence. I run past the cowyard and past the manure pit. After the curve I look over the rock pit and see the large black dirt pile in the middle. I admire the screener next to the black dirt. The orange endloader is on one side of the pit and the white endloader is on the other side next to the screener.
I look forward and make my way toward the rock driveway again. I turn so the gravel pile is in front of me. I keep going around both rock piles so I can make my way back to the road. After reaching the stop sign, Sam and I turn back home. We turn into the driveway and make our way toward the shop so we can get some

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