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Bathroom Proposal Essay

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‘Bathroom Bills’ Get Second Life in Special Session Michael Barajas This article informs readers about three different proposals that aim to discriminate against transgender Texans. While Texans are still awaiting the lawmakers’ decisions, this situation has been, fittingly, called the “Session of Oppression” (Texas Observer). The main photo featured in this article pictures Frank Gonzales while he testifies against HB 2899. He is in the front of the room, at 1:45am with his transgender 7-year-old child asleep in his arms. This particular “bathroom bill” aims to “block” transgender Texans from using the bathroom that corresponds to their gender identity. Purely discrimination at its finest. Stephanie Martinez, an activist with the Transgender …show more content…
The inner, personal battles that many transgender citizens have had to go through is plenty difficult enough, already. Why make their lives even more difficult by exiling them, and refusing to let them use the bathroom that identifies with their gender? No one should be made to feel this way. A common belief is that transgender people will make other people uncomfortable in the bathroom. I simply ask, how? Bathrooms are private, and transgender citizens are not trying to harm you. They just want to live their lives as they identify. Parents against the idea of transgender citizens using the bathrooms they identify with will use the argument that they don’t want their children to be scarred or hurt. If a transgender person needs to use the restroom, they are not going to interrupt your life and your business if you are also in that restroom. It simply will not affect anyone. I have absolutely no problem with a transgender citizen using the bathroom that they identify with, because I am well educated on the issue and I understand that people who are transgender just want to function normally in society. They are not trying to stick out, cause problems, or harm anyone. They simply want to live their lives like the rest of

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