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Personal Narrative: Moving To Mexico

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JOURNEY TO MEXICO When I was three years old my family decided to move from Modesto, California to Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. We moved there so my sister and I could experience another culture and my parents owned rental properties there they wanted to manage. Luckily for my sister and me we were young enough that it was not too difficult of a move. The culture shock was the most challenging part of the move for us. English was rarely spoken where we lived and things were done much differently. Moving to Mexico was an interesting and a life altering experience.
We settled in fairly quickly to our new living arrangement and started school shortly thereafter. My mother chose to place my sister and I in different school so we could learn how to …show more content…
My mother was diligent about making me go to school but one day she started to second guess herself and decided to wait in the parking lot after she dropped me off to observe since she felt so horribly. I was crying hysterically by the gate when she dropped me off and did not want her to leave me there. As my mother and our nanny, Marcella, were secretly watching me my mother became infuriated when she saw me all of a sudden start laughing and communicating in Spanish with all of my new classmates. She knew at that moment I was being dishonest and no longer felt guilty for sending me to school. I continued to adjust well in my new learning environment and became bilingual quickly. I feel I was able to adjust so well at an early age since I was so young I barely knew how to speak English; therefore, learning a new language came …show more content…
We packed up all of our belongings and started to head back to cross the border, when we all started crying about our ugly cat Lucky. Apparently you were not supposed to bring animals across the border. We decided to smuggle her under a blanket, in the back seat. Even though this was an illegal action, this was well worth the additional 20 years we spent with her. Lucky passed when she was 25 years old. I spend the majority of my life with this cat. Aside from our cat being a new addition to our California life, our nanny, Marcela, also came back to California to live with us. She came to California legally, unlike Lucky. Marcela lived with us in our Californian home for about four years. This was mutually beneficial since she assisted us in keeping up with Spanish and she soon learned English. Marcela eventually went back to Mexico to be with her

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