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Personal Narrative: My Trip To Port-Au-Prince Haiti

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Although I’m only 17, I am aware that for me, every day will be a new learning experience and I will continually grow day by day. However I can say that I’m tremendously grateful for the many experiences that have already filled my life with new perspectives. Some being more significant than others, they have helped me see the world differently, see people differently and see myself differently. One experience in particular that has helped shape me to grow as a person would be a service trip to Port-Au-Prince Haiti. In December I was told that I had been chosen, I couldn’t have been happier, I knew I was going into a very poor country but I knew that it would be an enlightening trip so for that reason I started to count down the days on my …show more content…
In the afternoons we would be sent to our sister school known as A.V.J. Going to the school was my favorite because I was able to meet so many amazing children with a passion to learn. These children had such outgoing personalities, they were always excited to spend time with us. With the children we spent our time learning new games, teaching new games, learning their language, and teaching them our language being with them was a very humbling experience we could see how they lived some without food and many without homes and seeing that they all embraced their day with joy was so inspiring it’s what made me truly thankful but also opened my eyes to what is most important in my life and that material wealth shouldn’t matter. Also being with these children of all ages I realized teaching was my passion and it just confirmed my desire to want to teach even more. This experience changed me more than I believed to be possible, it showed me a beautiful culture filled with amazing people, who showed me how to make the best out of a negative situation. Although this was a service trip to help the Haitians I believe that they helped me more, for that I am forever grateful. Without this trip I don’t think I would be the same person I became through this

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