...After the confusing start to my day on the bus, I went inside my house and saw the newspaper on the ground. I dropped everything and reached the point of fainting. I front of me was the headline that read, "Man caught on tape killing wife and kids," with the picture of the man from the bus on it. I rushed into my room, locking all doors, knowing that I have lost my sleep. I took two days off from work to relieve myself from the shock. The two days flew by and I just finished my day shift on my first day back to work after the short gap. As I turned the corner towards my street, my jaw dropped in astonishment. There he stood, the man from the bus, on my front porch. Despite the fact that he was a murderer, his face looked purely innocent. So, being the nice person I am, I let him into my house. "It's so nice of you to act in such a homely manner," he said starting the conversation. "Maybe I was wrong, maybe this man was truly innocent. What if the truth is yet to be revealed?" I thought to myself. "Well, you certainly seem like a gentleman. Anyways, what brings you here?" I asked as politely as I could. He started hesitantly, "You probably read the newspaper with me on the front page. I'm came to tell you what actually happened. "What do you mean?" I asked in commotion. "It wasn't me! Do you think that I would kill my beloved family? It was the night before I saw you on the bus, I got home where I saw man with a knife entering my room....
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...setting your responses apart (but please do NOT change the color of the typeface). 6. When you have completed entering your responses, print out your final copy and sign the last page. Also, be sure to attach any necessary documents before you submit the final copy. DO NOT INCLUDE THIS SHEET WHEN SUBMITTING STAGE TWO FOR GRADING! KANE COUNTY ADULT COURT SERVICES PRE-SENTENCE INVESTIGATION REPORT Please type all responses Defendant’s Name: Edward Ignatious Case #: 16 CF 0071 Investigator’s Name: Rodrick Parker Date of Report: 3/15/16 Charge(s) Plead: Unlawful Use of Weapon (720 ILCS 5/24-1(a)(8)) & Aggravated Assault (720 ILCS 5/12-2(c)(1)) Date of Guilty Plea: 3/2/16 Sentencing Date: 3/28/16 Part I: Case Information and Summary Please provide a narrative that...
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...Post-9/11, around 2003 and 2004, the Iranian transgender community suddenly experienced a spike in Western press media coverage. The nature of such press often focused on the juxtaposition between Iran’s policies on Iranian trans individuals and their rampantly homophobic sodomy laws. Oftentimes the narrative presented on mainstream television is laced with shock in recognizing the Iranian government’s financial support of sex-reassignment surgery for trans individuals, a right given “after years of petitioning and repeated inquiries [from] Iranian trans woman and advocate, Ms. Maryam Khatoon Molkara.” What typically follows this recognition is some form of anti-Islamic rhetoric stemming from the possibility that gay and lesbian Iranians...
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...The Rebirth of the South: Wolfe, Faulkner, Warren The South is more distinctively a region than any other section of the United States is, because of the experiences and traditions that have taught it attitudes sharply at variance with some of the standard American beliefs: ● The sense of failure, which comes from being the only group of Americans who have known military defeat, military occupation, and seemingly unconquerable poverty; ● The sense of guilt, which comes from having been a part of America’s classic symbol of injustice, the enslavement and then the segregation of the Negro; and ● The sense of frustration, which comes from the consistent inadequacy of the means at hand to wrestle with the problems to be faced, whether they be poverty, racial intolerance, or the preservation of an historical past rich in tradition. In the years after the Civil War, the Southerner attempted to deny these things by the simple, but ultimately ineffectual, process of ignoring them. The Southern local colour writers concentrated on the quaint, the eccentric, and the remote; and the creators of the “plantation tradition” idealised the past. Against this sentimental view the first two voices that were strongly raised were those of Ellen Glasgow and James Branch Cabell, Virginians who in their differing ways defined the patterns which 20th-century Southern fiction was to take when it became serious and fell into the hands of that group of writers of talent who have practised...
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...On the Rainy River” is an exploration of the role of shame in war. The story develops the theme of embarrassment as a motivating factor, first introduced by Jimmy Cross in “The Things They Carried” and “Love.” Just as Jimmy Cross feels guilty about Ted Lavender’s death, O’Brien feels guilty about going to Vietnam against his principles. He questions his own motives, and in this story he returns to the genesis of his decision in order to examine with us the specifics of cause and effect. Ironically, despite its specific details and its preoccupation with reality, “On the Rainy River” is the story most easily identifiable as fiction. The real Tim O’Brien did indeed struggle with his decision to heed his draft notice, but he never actually ran to the Canadian border, and he never stayed at the Tip Top Lodge. Still, as he states explicitly later in the work, the point of a story like this one is not to deliver true facts exactly as they happened but rather to use facts and details in order to give an accurate account of the feelings behind a given situation. Though the events in the story are not true, the story itself conveys an emotional truth. By describing his personal history, O’Brien makes a broader comment on the confusion that soldiers experienced when the demands of their country and community conflicted with the demands of their princples and conscience. O’Brien’s description of his moral dilemma about going to Vietnam illustrates how the war was fought by soldiers...
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...race. Those kinds of environmental influences can strongly affect a person’s decision when present upon a jury panel. It is even to be thought that an individual’s religious environment may have an influence upon their jury making decisions. One of the concerns in the jury selection process is that even though jurors are supposed to be rational persons whom wait until all evidence is present to make an informed decision; this process does not include the facts of human decision making. Through this research a story model was created to display the decision making process (Malavanti, Johnson, Rowatt & Weaver, 2012). According to the story model constructed jurors will use the evidence presented to them and create their own narrative story in order to explain their initial impressions of the situation. (Malavanti, Johnson, Rowatt &...
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...Compare and Contrast American Psycho by Bret Easton Ellis and The Remains of the Day by Kazuo Ishiguro focussing on the topic of the unreliable narrator The unreliable narrator is a technique used by authors where a scenario is created in which the reader cannot trust the narration of the book usually done in the first person. In American psycho, Ellis explores the sinister nature of Wall Street yuppie culture by examining the sanity of the narrating protagonist Patrick Bateman using the unreliable narrator. Ishiguro also uses this, exploring ideas of regret and also self-justification in the character of Mr Stevens in The Remains of the Day. Unlike Ellis who examines Bateman during his early working years, in his mid-twenties and presenting a snapshot of his life, Ishiguro uses his take on the unreliable narrator to look at Stevens towards the end of his life using a series of flashbacks narrated unreliably, by Stevens. Both novels are comparable in the sense they examine the topic of failure using unreliable narrators that will do anything to escape the idea that they are failures. A popular debate regarding American Psycho is whether Patrick Bateman is a murderer or not, certainly Bateman describes in detail of murders he commits and why he commits them, however, certain factors bring Bateman’s reliability of narration into question. Bruno Zerweck argues that due to the lack of ‘detective framework’ and ‘unintentional self-incrimination’ the narration of the novel is...
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...good for the U.S. legal system and could have changed the outcome for Aileen Wuornos. In this paper I will discuss what third wave feminism is, then I will discuss what feminist criminology is and how it applies to the Aileen Wuornos case, and lastly I will show that with advanced studies into the field of feminist criminology, odds of severe crimes committed by women could decrease. The third wave of feminism is not easily describable. However, it can be framed by saying that it is a movement that continues to advance the women’s rights agenda of the second wave (Zimmerman et al. 77). Unlike the second wave which was intended to give a voice to all women, the third wave tends to reflect more on the individual. By focusing on personal narratives, responsible choices, and by individual level political activism, the third wave gives us the idea that anyone, not just straight, privileged white woman can identify themselves as feminist and be accepted. (Zimmerman et al. 78) It is the idea that feminists do not need to rely on well-known leaders to promote change because all individuals are capable of encouraging it. Because of this individualistic...
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...some common themes that reoccur in many of the stories and poems. Of course slavery was a very common topic but there were others such as inequality between the races and sexes, injustice and resentment, the black identity, and a strong faith and religion. Even though the words can be separated in the end they all come back together. There were many narratives written by fugitive slaves before the Civil War and by former slaves in the postbellum era. These narratives document slave life from the perspective of first-hand experience. The stories they tell are dark and ugly. The authors like Douglas and Jacobs reveal the struggles, sorrows, aspirations, and triumphs of slaves in absorbingly personal story-telling. Harriet Jacobs’s Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl was the first autobiography by a formerly enslaved African American woman. In it she describes her experience of the sexual exploitation that made slavery especially oppressive for black women. She also recounts her life in slavery in the context of family relationships with her escape and her struggle to free her children. Fredrick Douglas who wrote Narrative of the Life of Fredrick Douglas, an American Slave, Written by Himself depicts the grim life of slavery as well. He vividly describes the brutality that slaves endured, the meager rations they are allowed for nourishment, and even the murder of a slave. He also hits on the common practice of slave owners raping the enslaved women. Douglas also writes...
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...This we read the article Popular and Official Responses to 9/11 in Germany and The United States written by scholar Peter Knight. The article critically analyzes the conspiracy theories that emerged in American society years after the tragic events of 9/11. Knight’s main assertion through out the article, is that 9/11 conspiracy theories have more in common with the official reports of the events of 9/11 than many people would assume. He does this my showing comparing and contrasting the two accounts, highlighting the similarities in their narratives. Firstly, the author supports his claim by showing how they both reinforce an essentialist framework of thinking. Firstly, there was a rejection of any blame or accountability, as president Bush...
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...Few good man Time from time you may hear stories of abuse by the military justice "system". There are multiple destroyed and financially devastated families out there suffering heartbreak and loss at the hands of an uncaring, unfeeling and unjust process which makes a mockery of our Bill of Rights. Military justice for the majority is prefabricated according to the wishes of the local Commander, and the "trial" or "court-martial" is tantamount to a pre-ordained verdict of GUILTY. How could any court proceeding be considered fair when the "convening authority," by right of title, is given the power to select the judge, the jury and defense and prosecution attorneys? It may go "unsaid," but the implication is very clear - if the convening authority "sees fit" to bring about a court-martial, then the accused can be assumed to be guilty. What's special, or even topical, about A Few Good Men movie is it speaks to how military honor can be so readily suborned by the authoritarian impulse. And second, how the same honest pride - not to mention competence - is necessary to bring such posturing would-be tyrants to justice. The main issue the movie touches upon is military justice. A good marine abides by the following code: 1. Unit 2. Corps 3. God and 4. Country For this code to be at its effective best, it must be governed by truth and justice. What happens when truth and justice fail to be active participants of this code? Justice has been defined in many ways...
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...alternative filmsMainstream films can best be defined as commercial films that are made by major entertainment studios or companies that are owned by international media conglomerates. Because of better financing, these films can afford more expensive actors, wide releases, and are sold at popular retail stores. This has become known as the studio system. Films made by major studios or companies that are not owned by a media conglomerate but are distributed by a company owned by a media conglomerate (see Lucasfilm) are also considered to be mainstream and are often referred to as mainstream independent films. Companies that are completely independent, such as Lionsgate, also produce mainstream films, from a cultural standpoint, but independent of the studio system. The alternative to mainstream films are sub genre films that appeal to a certain audience, such as African American films. Low budget films, art films, and experimental films are often the starting point for entertainers who wish to enter into the mainstream circuit or a sub genre circuit. Mainstream films are targeted for all cultures and audiences, with the dominating culture and audience being the primary marketing focus, while sub genre films are marketed towards only one specific culture and audience. Mainstream films often recruit talent from all film genres and backgrounds. Alternative media are media (newspapers, radio, television, magazines, movies, Internet, etc.) which provide alternative information to the...
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...1. The success of an interview or interrogation depends on a number of personal characteristics and commitments of the investigator. Planning for and controlling the events surrounding both interviews and interrogations are important but are generally viewed as more critical to the success of an interrogation. The success of the interviewer or interrogator and of the interview or interrogation is often determined by the time and dedication committed to preparing for the conversation. The interviewer must become familiar with the facts of the case under investigation and with the victim. The interrogator must learn as much as possible about the offense, the victim(s) and the suspect through the process of collecting, assessing, and analyzing data and theorizing about the motivations and thought processes of the suspect. These are some reasons that planning for an interview or interrogation are important and in many ways similar. In planning for an interview or interrogation, one must determine what questions will be asked to ensure they are good questions that will lead the interviewer or interrogator to the conclusions they are trying to reach. There are some instances where only moderate planning or preparation is necessary for an interview while extensive planning and preparation is needed to conduct an interrogation. The most common type of interview is an on-the-scene interview where extensive planning is not always a possibility. An examples of this is on-the-scene...
Words: 1863 - Pages: 8
...The Gender Politics of Narrative Modes I want to challenge two linked assumptions that most historians and critics of the English novel share. The first is that the burgeoning of capitalism and the ascension of the middle classes were mainly responsible for the development of the novel. The second is that realism represents the novel's dominant tradition. [note 1] I want to propose instead that, as surely as it marked a response to developing class relations, the novel came into being as a response to the sex-gender system that emerged in England in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. [note 2] My thesis is that from its inception, the novel has been structured not by one but by two mutually defining traditions: the fantastic and the realistic. [note 3] The constitutive coexistence of these two impulses within a single, evolving form is in no sense accidental: their dynamic interaction was precisely the means by which the novel, from the eighteenth century on, sought to manage the strains and contradictions that the sex-gender system imposed on individual subjectivities. For this reason, to recover the centrality of sex and gender as the novel's defining concern is also to recover the dynamism of its bimodal complexity. Conversely, to explore the interplay of realist and fantastic narratives within the novelistic tradition is to explore the indeterminacy of subjectivities engaged in the task of imposing and rebelling against the constraining order of gender difference. ...
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...in the history of the medium as well as being internationally recognizable throughout his life. This paper delves into his earlier works, concentrating on his narrative elements such as the MacGuffin technique, the likeable antagonist, the innocent man or woman whom is falsely accused or misunderstood, and the act of balancing suspense and tragedy with humor and comedy. From a stylistic standpoint the paper conveys Hitchcock’s profound use of atmosphere and landscape, song as a suspense device, landscape of crowd caricatures, and point-of-view technique. Looking at The 39 Steps (1935), The Lady Vanishes (1938), Saboteur (1940), and Shadow of a Doubt (1943) we can see the styles and techniques these precursors pioneered and why they were implemented into Hitchcock’s greatest works in the coming decades. We take our first look at Hitchcock’s famed narrative technique, the MacGuffin. The MacGuffin was a plot device used by Hitchcock to hold the tension of the story without actually having any relevance to the plot itself. It was a gimmick that had the sole purpose of adding suspense to whatever situation the hero or heroine might have been in by motivating the characters to start the story. They do not know what it is but they will do anything to uncover its mystery, thus pushing the action and drama of the narrative forward. The initial use of this technique was in one of his earlier British films of the 1930’s, The 39 Steps. The character Mr. Memory had a set of secret...
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