...Last summer my family and I took a trip to Disney World. I went with my sister Sameerah , my brithers Rafi and Nafis , mom Jenise and my grandmother Jenise. It was our first time on a plane. My brothers and I had never been on a plane before. We had to leave really early in the morning to get to the airport on time for checkin. McDonalds was near us so brought breakfast from there and the me and my grandmother where looking around in the airport. My siblings and I played on our tablets while we waited for our plane to leave. The plane ride took two hours ,on the plane the flight attendant gave us veggie chips, peanuts and something to drink. The plane ride was over and we had landed in Orlando Florida. We rented a car and drove to the...
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...I didn’t want to go on it. I knew I didn’t want to go when I saw it. It was at night in Disney World,an ungodly time to go out and go on rides. I didn’t want to go this ride when I was walking inside,looking for a seat,sitting next to my mom but I was still going to do it. I knew I didn’t want to go,but I was still going. I still walked inside,I still smiles like nothing was wrong. I kept going because I didn’t want to look like a scared little boy. I knew my mom wanted me to ride the ride with her. She needed one more day of fun at Disney world. My Family and I were at Disney World when was young.It was our first time at Disney world so I was excited. I can’t really remember my first time at Disney but there are some parts that I can...
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...The first time I rode a roller coaster was when I was seven years old. It was also the first time I was going to ride Mt. Everest in Disney World. I was very excited and wasn’t nervous at all, but that would soon change. As my dad and I waited in line I looked at all of the displays. There were pictures, newspaper articles, and statues of the Yeti. They all seemed pretty cool to me and made the line appear to move faster. After about fifty minutes of waiting for the new ride, we came to the end of the line. My dad and I were put in the very back. I was ok with this because I thought that it meant the ride would go slower for me, but I was wrong. As I was sitting in my seat waiting for the ride to start, I started to become very nervous....
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...Sell a story…tell a product. Storytelling has been one of the oldest arts in the human history, ¿Why we would use something that old for an innovating idea? Stories are carried with feelings, and sensations, they transport you to an exact place where you can feel the cold air in your cheeks, you can smell the roses, and hear the rush of the water. The key Word: Emotions. Times in Marketing has changed, in the last years the strategy was cold and undirected to the costumer, now marketing is trying to reconnected with them. By telling a story, you start with “Once upon a time” creating a background so the person that will be hearing your story feels that he is part of that beginning, he satisfies his necessity of belonging, so as the story keep growing he will feel identify and emotionally correspond with the story of the brand and not just to the product. The Brand Storytelling is giving the costumer more than a product to or a bunch of numbers and statistics. The idea is humanizing brands through the power of Storytelling. Storytelling and marketing share a common goal - to create communication that is interesting and encourages a specific reaction. Organizational consultants and managers have also discovered the power of storytelling in organizations. A good story of organizational transformation in one organization might motivate similar organizations to change as well; also, the informal stories people tell to each other about organizational norms, policies and...
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...Disney and the American Princess: The Americanization of European Fairy Tales [pic] Marina Alexandrova Student number 3021874 MA Thesis, American Studies Program Utrecht University Course code 200401064 23943 words 12 August 2009 Contents Title page………………………………………………………………1 Contents……………………………………………………………….2 Introduction……………………………………………………………3 Chapter 1: European Fairy Tales and Values about Gender and Class………………………………………10 Chapter 2: Disney Animation and American Culture…………………24 Chapter 3: Disney Animation and (Gender) Commodification…………………………………………..55 Conclusion…………………………………………………………...73 Bibliography…………………………………………………………78 Introduction Among the various aspects which define contemporary life, popular culture – and in particular, American popular culture – is undoubtedly one of the most ubiquitous and long-lasting. Throughout the twentieth century, people around the world have enjoyed film, music, animation, and written works by various authors and artists. One of the most famous and significant American entertainers of the lot has been Walt Disney, introducing millions of children and adults to his world of limitless (or so is widely believed) imagination and magic, from the earliest short cartoons produced in the 1920s, to full-length feature animations such as Snow White and the Seven...
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...Accountability and Rhetoric during a Crisis: Walt Disney’s 1940 Letter to Stockholders Joel H. Amcrnic UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO and Russell J. Craig AUSTRALIAN NATIONAL UNIVERSITY ACCOUNTABILITY AND RHETORIC DURING A CRISIS: WALT DISNEY’S 1940 LETTER TO STOCKHOLDERS Abstract: In 1940, Walt Disney was faced with crafting a message of corporate accountability under duress. His company, the product of his creative genius, had been forced to submit to public accountability. It had a pressing need to raise preferred equity finance for a major expansion during a period of market uncertainty, war, and reported losses. This paper conducts a “close reading” of the “Letter to Stockholders” in Walt Disney Productions’ 1940 annual report, the first such letter signed by Walt Disney. The letter’s rhetorical features, including metaphor and ideology, are examined in the context of the times. What is revealed is an accountability document skillfully crafted with the exigencies faced by Disney’s company firmly in mind. The letter offers suggestive insight to the world as Disney made sense of it. The paper contributes to understanding the use of rhetoric by top management in activities related to aspects of financial accountability and reporting. It also helps to understand better a significant public persona of the 20th century, Walt Disnev. Acknowledgment The authors wish to acknowledge the helpful comments of the reviewers. SCOPE AND OBJECTIVES Analysis of annual reports, including letters...
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...camera angles, striking film noir–style lighting, nonlinear storytelling, montages, and long deep-focus shots were considered technically innovative for the era. Over time, Citizen Kane became revered as a masterpiece, and in 1997 the American Film Institute named it the Greatest American Movie of All Time. “Citizen Kane is more than a great movie; it is a gathering of all the lessons of the emerging era of sound,” film critic Roger Ebert wrote.1 CHAPTER 6 ○ MOVIES 185 (c) Bedford/St. Martin's bedfordstmartins.com 1-457-62096-0 / 978-1-457-62096-6 MOVIES A generation later, the space epic Star Wars (1977) changed the culture of the movie industry. Star Wars, produced, written, and directed by George Lucas, departed from the personal filmmaking of the early 1970s and spawned a blockbuster mentality that formed a new primary audience for Hollywood— teenagers. It had all of the now–typical blockbuster characteristics like massive promotion and lucrative merchandising...
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...Module 10 . LearningAcross Bord.ers: Disneyland. theMore on Ml0-25 DisneyGoesto Tokyo Crossingthe Pacific In the mid-I970s, the Oriental Land Company, a ]apanese development company that owned a large tract oflandfill east ofTokyo zoned for pubIic leisure activities, approached Disney with the idea of building a Disneyland in lapan. Six hundred acreswere set asidefor the project. But, in an era of conservative (caretaking) management at Walt Disney Productions, senior executivesat Disney were hesitant. After all, lapan was far away, quite distant in terms of culture, and Tokyo not only had much colder winters than California or Florida but endured a lengthy rainy seasonin lune and July. Yet, after exploring alternativeoptions at some length (including other sitesin Asia), Disney decided to go ahead. Nevertheless,it insisted on a deal that left Oriental Land with virtually all of the risk. Instead of taking an ownership position in Tokyo Disneyland, Disney demanded royalties of I0 percent of the revenues from admissions and rides, and 5 percent of the receiptsfiom food, beverages,and souvenirs. Disney also asked for and more or less received artistic control of the park. Its partner, with its experience in developmer-rt projects in Tokyo, looked after the complex relationships with local planning and regulatory authorities, financing, and adjacent development. At first glance,Tokyo Disneyland seemsto be a close physical and social copy of Disneyland...
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...to be sexualized for the male gaze. This control element of their own representation is crucial in understanding the theory". Baudrillard Hyper Reality: "Some texts are difficult to distinguish in terms of the representation of reality from a simulation of reality e.g. Big Brother. The boundaries are blurred as codes and conventions create a set of signifiers which we understand but in fact the representation is a copy of a copy". Uses and Gratifications Theory: "Different audiences gain different pleasures from a media text e.g. Gravity can be enjoyed via diversion or escapism, it can use surveillance to give information to audiences and can also be discussed on forums and blogs as a form of developing personal relationships(common also in video games). Personal identity can be developed with audiences who relate to certain characters more than others". Blumler and Katz (Audience Theory) Carol Clover...
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...ULMS 157 Recruitment, Selection and Performance Management at Epcot Theme Park Introduction This case study examines the concept and management of performance in organizations. In organization and management studies the word performance has two meanings (Fineman, Sims and Gabriel, 2005). On the one hand it simply refers to how well individuals are doing the tasks, duties and job responsibilities assigned to them, whether or not they are achieving output targets and productivity goals, product and service quality standards and meeting customer expectations. It is also refers to personal performance, how well a person is doing in achieving the goals they set for themselves. On the other hand the word performance also relates to how people at work conduct or, more specifically, present themselves to others; how they interact with fellow employees, management, clients, customers, the general public, and so on. In this context the concept of performance takes on a rather different meaning. It refers to how everyday behaviour in organizations is about ‘putting on a performance’. In recent years this latter use of the term ‘performance’ has become increasingly popular in organizational and management studies, and is widely used to illustrate how the nature of everyday behaviour and social interaction at work - verbal and non-verbal communication, such as greetings gestures, posture, etc. - are essentially performances. ’The presentation of self in everyday life’ (Goffman, 1959:...
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...This article was downloaded by: [Lahore University of Management Sciences] On: 02 May 2015, At: 09:58 Publisher: Routledge Informa Ltd Registered in England and Wales Registered Number: 1072954 Registered office: Mortimer House, 37-41 Mortimer Street, London W1T 3JH, UK Anatolia: An International Journal of Tourism and Hospitality Research Publication details, including instructions for authors and subscription information: http://www.tandfonline.com/loi/rana20 Understanding the influence of interpersonal relationships on identity and tourism travel Julia F. Hibbert a b a , Janet E. Dickinson & Susanna Curtin a a School of Tourism, Bournemouth University , Fern Barrow, Poole , BH12 5BB , United Kingdom b School of Business and Economics, Linnaeus University , Kalmar , Sweden Published online: 25 Jan 2013. To cite this article: Julia F. Hibbert , Janet E. Dickinson & Susanna Curtin (2013) Understanding the influence of interpersonal relationships on identity and tourism travel, Anatolia: An International Journal of Tourism and Hospitality Research, 24:1, 30-39, DOI: 10.1080/13032917.2012.762313 To link to this article: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/13032917.2012.762313 PLEASE SCROLL DOWN FOR ARTICLE Taylor & Francis makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information (the “Content”) contained in the publications on our platform. However, Taylor & Francis, our agents, and our licensors make no representations or warranties whatsoever as to the accuracy, completeness...
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...Red Feather Journal 73 “Be Sure You're Right, Then Go Ahead”: The Davy Crockett Gun Craze by Sarah Nilsen In April 2005, sixty thousand members of the National Rifle Association gathered in Houston, Texas for their 134th Annual Meeting. The keynote speaker for the event was embattled U.S. House Majority Leader, Representative Tom De Lay. After his speech, De Lay was joined on stage by Lee Hamel dressed as Davy Crockett in full buckskin attire and a coonskin hat. Hamel presented De Lay with a handcrafted flintlock rifle that he had made for the event with his mentor, Cecil Brooks. The presentation of the reproduction rifle to De Lay is part of a long NRA tradition that began in 1955 when Walt Disney‟s Davy Crockett series first appeared on television. When Charlton Heston received his handcrafted flintlock rifle in 1989, he uttered his famous words, “From my cold dead hands.” President Ronald Reagan and Vice President Dick Cheney also joined the list of those who received facsimile Davy Crockett flintlock rifles from a man dressed in Crockett buckskin attire. This tradition is part of the NRA‟s efforts to represent the gun as a key instrument in the founding of the United States. It secured this ideological representation in part by appropriating the mythology of early American heroes like Davy Crockett. Davy Crockett became emblematic of the gun mythology of early American life. This mythology was synergized by the NRA and popularized through children‟s television...
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...citizens and promote democratic ideals through the spread of information. Additionally, the media system itself should be democratic in its own construction shying away from private ownership or intense regulation. Media democracy entails that media should be used to promote democracy as well as the conviction that media should be democratic itself; media ownership concentration is not democratic and cannot serve to promote democracy and therefore must be examined critically. The concept, and a social movement promoting it, have grown as a response to the increased corporate domination of mass media and the perceived shrinking of the marketplace of ideas. The term also refers to a modern social movement evident in countries all over the world which attempts to make mainstream media more accountable to the publics they serve and to create more democratic alternatives The concept of a media democracy follows in response to the deregulation of broadcast markets and the concentration of mass media ownership. In their book Manufacturing Consent: The Political Economy of the Mass Media, authors Edward S. Herman and Noam Chomsky outline the propaganda model of media, which...
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...S HONG KONG DISNEYLAND w 907M13 Michael N. Young and Donald Liu wrote this case solely to provide material for class discussion. The authors do not intend to illustrate either effective or ineffective handling of a managerial situation. The authors may have disguised certain names and other identifying information to protect confidentiality. Ivey Management Services prohibits any form of reproduction, storage or transmittal without its written permission. Reproduction of this material is not covered under authorization by any reproduction rights organization. To order copies or request permission to reproduce materials, contact Ivey Publishing, Ivey Management Services, c/o Richard Ivey School of Business, The University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, Canada, N6A 3K7; phone (519) 661-3208; fax (519) 661-3882; e-mail cases@ivey.uwo.ca. Copyright © 2007, Ivey Management Services Version: (A) 2007-08-27 September 12, 2006, marked the one-year anniversary of the opening of Hong Kong Disneyland (HKD). Amid the hoopla and celebrations, media experts were reflecting on the high points and low points of HKD’s first year of operations, including several controversies that had generated some negative publicity. At a press conference and interview to discuss the first year of operations, Bill Ernest, HKD’s executive vice-president, acknowledged that the park had learnt a lot from its experiences and that the problems had made it stronger. Ernest also announced that HKD attendance...
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...was a Time An Introduction to the History and Ideology of Folk'and Fairy Tales To begin with a true story told in fairy-tale manner: Once upon a time the famous physicist Albert Einstein was confronted by an overly concemed woman who sought advice on how to raise her small son to become a successful scientist. In particular she wanted to know what kinds ofbooks she sll ould read to her son. "Fairy tales," Einstein responded without. hesitation. "Fine, but what else should I read to him after that?" the mother asked. "More fairy tales, "Einstein stated. "And after that?" "Even more fairy tales. " replied the great scientist, and he waved his pipe like a wizard pronouncing a happy end to a long adventure. It now seems that the entire world has been following Einstein's advice. By 1979 a German literary critic could declare that fairy tales are "fantastically in."\ In fact, everywhere one turns today fairy tales and fairy-tale motifs pop up like magic. Bookshops are flooded with . fairy tales by J.R.R. Tolkien, Hermann Hesse, the Grimm Brothers, Charles Perrault, Hans Christian Andersen, a myriad of folk-tale adaptations, feminist and fractured fairy tales, and scores of sumptuously illustrated fantasy...
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